Dynamic Routes not found - laravel

I am having trouble getting dynamic routes to work in Laravel 4
Route::any('/browse/{$id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
class BrowseController extends BaseController {
public function showProfile($id)
return $car_id;
When I go to http://localhost:8000/browse/10018
I receive a not found error
Any Idea what is wrong? Sorry I am new to Laravel

You don't need a $ in the variable name in your route. Try using
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
Also, you should add validation to only allow numbers:
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile')->where('id', '\d+');

The problem is in {$id}, try only {id}


"app\Http\Controllers\" does not exist") laravel 8

I just want to echo Hello world through Route
Route::get('/user',[addnewcontroller::class, 'getData']);
this is my web.php Route
and this is controller
class addnewcontroller extends Controller
function getData()
echo "My name is hassan";
whenever i try to execute it say controller doesnt exist, kindly let me know why im facing this error, ive tried many things like clearing caches, code etc
you need to define path of controller in web.php
like this:
use App\Http\Controllers\addnewcontroller;
You must use App\Http\Controllers\addnewcontroller at the top of routes

Unidentified Controller when using a route that calling a controller

Good day, and thank you for reading this problem
I have a problem where I'm using a different parameter but it doesn't work, here's the problem code
But when I'm using this code it worked perfectly fine
Route::get('/profiles',[ProfilesController::class, 'index']);
Here's the controller
class ProfilesController extends Controller
public function index()
return profiles::all();
You need to use full namespace App\Http\Controllers\ProfilesController#index
use App\Http\Controllers\ProfilesController;
// Using PHP callable syntax...
Route::get('/profiles', [ProfilesController::class, 'index']);
// Using string syntax...
Route::get('/profiles', 'App\Http\Controllers\ProfilesController#index');
If you would like to continue using the original auto-prefixed controller routing, you can simply set the value of the $namespace property within your RouteServiceProvider and update the route registrations within the boot method to use the $namespace property.
More info:

bind a route to a method (controller) in laravel7

I cannot bind the "contact" route to the "contact" method which is existing in the "TestController.php" controller
You don't need to include the file extension when you define routes, so your route should be:
Then make sure you have a controller with that name in your controller directory:
namespace App\Http\Controllers
class TestController extends Controller
public function contact()
// your code
You can see a working demo here.
I usually find running php artisan route:clear will solve these issues sometimes.
Run Command php artisan optimize will solve issue

Codeigniter Changing routes makes $this->uri->segment() not working

I've altered routes.php
for making url look like www.website.com/category insteead of www.website.com/Home/category. Since Home is my default controller.
but if i am using $this->uri->segment(); inside category function, its not working. this is my controller
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
And my url is www.website.com/category/books
I am getting result if I dont alter routes. But by altering routes, I need this to work. Please help me. Thanks
You can debug what you have there by:
this will give you array of all segments in URI.
Also you can try to debug with this method:
this will give you array of all routed segments in URI
Respectivelly, you can use $this->uri->segment() or $this->uri->rsegment() what ever you find more appropriate for your application.
hello please check segment spelling in your code
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
$value=$this->uri->segmet(3); //wrong
First of all you need to load URL library and than if your URL is:
And you want to get books from URL than segment should be:
$value=$this->uri->segment(2); //books
My URL libraries are in autoload. Anyway I solved it. I just configured my routes like this

How do you change the page name for Paginator?

Current Paginator is using ?page=N, but I want to use something else. How can I change so it's ?sida=N instead?
I've looked at Illuminate\Pagination\Environment and there is a method (setPageName()) there to change it (I assume), but how do you use it?
In the Paginator class there is a method the change the base url (setBaseUrl()) in the Environment class, but there is no method for setting a page name. Do I really need to extend the Paginator class just to be able to change the page name?
Just came across this same issue for 5.1 and you can pass the page name like this:
Post::paginate(1, ['*'], 'new-page-name');
Just like you said you can use the setPageName method:
You can place that in app/start/global.php.
Well that didnt work for me in laravel 5 , in laravel 5 you will need to do more extra work by overriding the PaginationServiceProvider because the queryName "page" was hardcoded in there , so first create your new PaginationServiceProvider in /app/providers ,This was mine
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
class PaginationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot()
return $this->app['request']->input('p');
}//end boot
public function register()
Then in your controllers you can do this
$users = User::where("status","=",1)
