"app\Http\Controllers\" does not exist") laravel 8 - laravel

I just want to echo Hello world through Route
Route::get('/user',[addnewcontroller::class, 'getData']);
this is my web.php Route
and this is controller
class addnewcontroller extends Controller
function getData()
echo "My name is hassan";
whenever i try to execute it say controller doesnt exist, kindly let me know why im facing this error, ive tried many things like clearing caches, code etc

you need to define path of controller in web.php
like this:
use App\Http\Controllers\addnewcontroller;

You must use App\Http\Controllers\addnewcontroller at the top of routes


Laravel two similar routes, second route not found

Laravel 5.8, I have two routes:
Route::get('/exam-info/{id}', 'ExamController#mainExamInfo')->name('main_exam_info');
Route::get('/exam/{id}', 'ExamController#startMainExam')->name('start_main_exam');
When I go to the second route it gives me "page not found" error! Why?
In ExamController my startMainExam function is:
public function startMainExam($exam_id){
// other stuff
But when I change the second route to:
Route::get('/exaxxxx/{id}', 'ExamController#startMainExam')->name('start_main_exam');
It works!!
Do you defined resource route on ExamContorller. Something similar like below on your route.php
Route::resource('exam', 'ExamController');
If it present, please change the second route name to something else like /exam-id/{id}

Creating a route to custom function in controller in Laravel

I still can't understand why I can't point my blade to the custom function I made in my controller. I create a route like this,
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
and in my controller I have this,
public function storeInitialItems()
return view('orders.storeInitialItems');
but when I run the page, storeInitialItems.blade.php, the error seems calling the show() function of my controller.
Why is that happening?
Complete routes for ORDERS
Route::get('/orders/create', 'OrdersController#create')->name('orders.create');
Route::post('/orders', 'OrdersController#store')->name('orders.store');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/edit', 'OrdersController#edit')->name('orders.edit');
Route::post('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#update')->name('orders.update');
Route::delete('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#destroy')->name('orders.delete');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
Route::put('orders/{order}/pub', 'OrdersController#publish')->name('orders.publish');
Route::put('orders/{order}/cancel', 'OrdersController#cancel')->name('orders.cancel');
Route::put('orders/{order}/delivered', 'OrdersController#delivered')->name('orders.delivered');
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/delivery', 'OrdersController#viewdeliveryItems')->name('orders.delivery');
Route::get('/orders/acceptDelivery', 'OrdersController#acceptDelivery')->name('orders.acceptDelivery');
Add your orders.storeInitialItems route
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
or add some extra path with your storeInitialItems
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems/add-some-extra-path', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');

Codeigniter Changing routes makes $this->uri->segment() not working

I've altered routes.php
for making url look like www.website.com/category insteead of www.website.com/Home/category. Since Home is my default controller.
but if i am using $this->uri->segment(); inside category function, its not working. this is my controller
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
And my url is www.website.com/category/books
I am getting result if I dont alter routes. But by altering routes, I need this to work. Please help me. Thanks
You can debug what you have there by:
this will give you array of all segments in URI.
Also you can try to debug with this method:
this will give you array of all routed segments in URI
Respectivelly, you can use $this->uri->segment() or $this->uri->rsegment() what ever you find more appropriate for your application.
hello please check segment spelling in your code
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
$value=$this->uri->segmet(3); //wrong
First of all you need to load URL library and than if your URL is:
And you want to get books from URL than segment should be:
$value=$this->uri->segment(2); //books
My URL libraries are in autoload. Anyway I solved it. I just configured my routes like this

Dynamic Routes not found

I am having trouble getting dynamic routes to work in Laravel 4
Route::any('/browse/{$id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
class BrowseController extends BaseController {
public function showProfile($id)
return $car_id;
When I go to http://localhost:8000/browse/10018
I receive a not found error
Any Idea what is wrong? Sorry I am new to Laravel
You don't need a $ in the variable name in your route. Try using
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
Also, you should add validation to only allow numbers:
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile')->where('id', '\d+');
The problem is in {$id}, try only {id}

Laravel 4 route-model binding exceptions doesn't work despite docs and examples

I read a lot about Laravel4 Route-model binding (L4 docs, tutorials, etc.) but still exceptions (i.e. the model is not found) don't work for me
These are my basic files
Route::model('game', 'Game', function(){
// override default 404 behavior if model not found, see Laravel docs
return Redirect::to('/games');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
class GamesController extends BaseController {
public function edit(Game $game){
return View::make('/games/edit', compact('game'));
Pretty straight, but I get this error: Argument 1 passed to GamesController::edit() must be an instance of Game, instance of Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse given
If I type http://mysite.dev/games/edit/1 all is fine (model with ID = 1 exists)
If I type http://mysite.dev/games/edit/12345 (no model with that ID) the ugly error above is triggered instead of the redirect I specified
I also looked at this (the bottom part where a Redirect closure is suggested: that is just what I am doing!) but no way to make it work: laravel 4 handle not found in Route::model
What's wrong with it? Please any help?
Thanks in advance
In Route::model you declare which variable will be a model instance, you shouldn't use it to do a redirection that way. Instead of that, specify that $game is of type Game and then work with your routes:
Route::model('game', 'Game');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
Then if you access to /games/edit/3 GamesController::edit will receive an instance of Game class whose id=3
I ended up by setting a general "Not Found" error catcher, like this:
// routes.php
App::error(function(Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException $e) {
return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
Route::model('game', 'Game');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
What I understand is that if I want a custom redirect and not a general 404 page (i.e. take the user to games' list if model not found), I CAN'T use the route-model-binding
In other words, I have to use Route::get('/games/edit/{id}', 'GamesController#edit'); and then do my application logic inside the 'edit' method:
public function edit($id){
$game = Game::findOrFail($id);
// if fails then redirect to custom page, else go on saving
I'm very new to Laravel, but as far as I can see this has nothing to do with the closure, but with the use of "Redirect::to" inside that closure. Using "App::abort( 404 );" works.
