Codeigniter Changing routes makes $this->uri->segment() not working - codeigniter

I've altered routes.php
for making url look like insteead of Since Home is my default controller.
but if i am using $this->uri->segment(); inside category function, its not working. this is my controller
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
And my url is
I am getting result if I dont alter routes. But by altering routes, I need this to work. Please help me. Thanks

You can debug what you have there by:
this will give you array of all segments in URI.
Also you can try to debug with this method:
this will give you array of all routed segments in URI
Respectivelly, you can use $this->uri->segment() or $this->uri->rsegment() what ever you find more appropriate for your application.

hello please check segment spelling in your code
class Home extends CI_Controller {
public function category()
$value=$this->uri->segmet(3); //wrong

First of all you need to load URL library and than if your URL is:
And you want to get books from URL than segment should be:
$value=$this->uri->segment(2); //books

My URL libraries are in autoload. Anyway I solved it. I just configured my routes like this


How to work with subdirectory controllers in CodeIgniter 4?

I need help with using sub directory controllers in CodeIgniter 4.
I just can't make it work for some reason.
This is the URL for example:
In the controllers folder, I created a folder named Admin, and a file named Dashboard.php.
I used this code in Dashboard.php:
namespace App\Controllers;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
I tried changing the class name to AdminDashboard, Admin_Dashboard, pretty much every logical name but every time I get a 404 error, saying:
Controller or its method is not found:
I know the file itself gets loaded successfully, but I think I don't declare the classname correctly and it keeps throwing me those 404 errors.
The documentation of CI4 isn't providing any information about what the classname should be called unfortunately...
I managed to make it work by changing few things:
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Dashboard extends Controller
public function index()
But now it won't extend the BaseController which has some core functions that I built for my app.
Any ideas to how to make it extend BaseController?
I must admit that I don't have much knowledge about namespacing yet, so that might be the reason for my mistakes.
As I imagined, the problem was that I didn't learn about namespacing.
I needed to point the use line at the BaseController location.
namespace App\Controllers\Admin;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
public function index()
Now goes directly to that index function, as intended.
php spark make:controller /Subfolder/ControllerName
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)/(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::$3');
$routes->add('/(.+?)_(.+?)$', 'subdir\\\\$1_$2::index');
I was able to map with this setting.
The route mapping could be as simple as:
$routes->group('admin', static function ($routes) {
$routes->get('dashboard', 'Admin\Dashboard::index');

CodeIgniter URI Routing: remove method name index from URL

I am working with CodeIgniter (V:2.2.6) and I have a simple class User with some basic methods like create, update, edit, delete and index. For the index function, I am using an argument $user (which is the second URI segment) in order to display some information regarding that user. So the default URL looks like:
to display some information about the user 'john'.
Now, I want to remove the term 'index' from the URL, so that it looks like:
For that purpose I have added the following rule in routes.php.
$route['user/(:any)'] = "user/index/$1";
It serves the purpose, but it prevents accessing other functions like /user/create and goes inside /user/index automatically. To solve this problem, I can not see any other way except manually adding routing rules like
$route['user/create'] = "user/create";
for each method of the User class, which is not cool at all. So, please can anyone suggest me a better way of routing under the current circumstances?
Here are my codes:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class User extends CI_Controller {
public function index($user = '') {
echo "index!";
public function create() {
echo 'create!';
Note: I have gone through the CodeIgniter documentation for URI Routing and another similar question here, but could not figure out a promising solution. And please don't suggest for CodeIgniter version update.
I'm not sure, if this is the answer you like, but i think it should work.
Just put this function in your user controller.
public function _remap($method)
if (method_exists($this, $method))

Dynamic Routes not found

I am having trouble getting dynamic routes to work in Laravel 4
Route::any('/browse/{$id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
class BrowseController extends BaseController {
public function showProfile($id)
return $car_id;
When I go to http://localhost:8000/browse/10018
I receive a not found error
Any Idea what is wrong? Sorry I am new to Laravel
You don't need a $ in the variable name in your route. Try using
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile');
Also, you should add validation to only allow numbers:
Route::any('/browse/{id}', 'BrowseController#showProfile')->where('id', '\d+');
The problem is in {$id}, try only {id}

How to make urls like category/5/sub_category in CodeIgniter

I want my urls to look like:
How should my controllers look like to accomplish this?
It's ok for the Controller to have Catalog and Function category_name in it.
But what will be my product controller and function. How can I make a structure like this.
Do I need to have a specific file structure?
I use CodeIgniter framework. Thanks for your help.
In general the controller must not be changed (if it accepts the product id as parameter).
All other information can then be put in the url from the database (querying via the product id and getting related information) through URI Routing changes.
your controller method should be like this
public function category_name($category_id,$product_name,$product_id){
// some cool code
As you question is very vague - so is my answer - but this function achieves what you asked
Class Catalog extends CI_Controller
public function category_name ($category_id, $product_name, $product_id)
// your function

Codeigniter 2.0.x - Controller subdirectories default controller needs to be in URL

I recently upgraded a site from CodeIgniter 1.7.x to 2.0.3. About the same time someone in my organization requested we add some pages to the site. Underneath a section. In the old version of the site I used some workarounds in the controller to break up a longer URL. But in version 2 I see that I should be able to use subdirectories in the controllers folder to do it in a more proper way. After looking all over the place I've tried all sorts of routing declarations and fiddled with all sorts of things. Hopefully I'm doing something simple, wrong, or perhaps someone has seen a similar issue stemming from the upgrade.
I'm trying to get the URL from something like:
Which used to work with a controller named about.php. To something more like:
Where about is now a aub-directory.
Funny thing is, currently it does sorta work. That second URL displays correctly. However my old pages, that first URL, now do not function... My new structure uses a base.php (default_controller) in the about directory. Thus if I write:
It does work. But I thought the whole routing thing (default controller) and using subdirectories is supposed to clean the URL up.
My info is as follows...
Current Routing (it's changed a bunch over the last few hours)
$route['default_controller'] = "base";
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['about'] = "about/base";
Directories and Files
Chunk of base.php
class Base extends MY_Controller
public function __construct()
$this->data['parent'] = "About";
public function index()
public function locations()
I also have a MY_Controller that extends CI_Controller, but all it does is enable FirePHP for me in the development environment.
Anyone have any clues? Or need some more info to help? Thanks!
I just tested on my system, with CI 2.0.2 and it seems that the default controller setting works for subdirectories as well, without any other routes.
// so in your config file, whatever your default_controller is set to...
// you would just use that as the name of the `base` controller in about
// for example, if your default_controller is 'welcome'
// in /application/config.php
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";
$route['404_override'] = '';
// then, it should work for the subdirectory where there is a controller
// named 'welcome'
// application/controllers/about/base.php
class Welcome extends MY_Controller
public function __construct()
public function index()
echo "I can be reached with /about";
So, all you should have to do is remove all of the routes for about
// remove this
$route['about'] = "about/base";
This will only work when accessing /about -- anything in additional segments will be looking for additional controllers. So you'd have to think about how you'd like to access the base controller (whether or not you name it something else).
I'd assume that /about/locations is looking for an actual "locations" controller in your about folder, rather than being the method for your base controller. As far as CI knows, you're trying to execute one of two functions:
About controller's "locations" method
about/Locations controller's index method (obviously doesn't exist)
It follows that any 3-segment or greater URI will work with this scheme, but 2-segment URI's will confuse it. I don't think letting CI fallback to the default controller is going to work here. Try this:
$route['default_controller'] = "base";
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['([^\/]*)'] = '$1/base';
$route['([^\/]*)/([^\/]*)'] = '$1/base/$2';
