Unable to bind Application item - Oracle Apex - oracle

I have created 2 application items in shared component option.
Protection level: Restricted
Scope: Application
Then I have created a process in the login page where sql query is
select user_id, name into :G_USER_ID , :G_USER_NAME
from t_users
where upper(email) = upper(:P9999_USERNAME);
When I try to login it gives me error. Debugging says that there is an error in the above statement. I am not able to bind these items.
I'm using apex 19.1

It would help if you said which error you got.
However, if this piece of code runs before you managed to log in, you didn't establish connection to the database (yet) and can't select from any table, including t_users.


oracle apex Error handling function not working properly

I am trying to use the oracle's apex_error package to implement error handling in my app.
test app: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=145329:2:11482099171656::NO:::
table created: constraint_lookup
function provided by oracle "apex_error_handling_example". https://docs.oracle.com/database/apex-18.1/AEAPI/Example-of-an-Error-Handling-Function.htm#AEAPI2216
The solution works fine except when you click on the error it gives error in console instead of taking you to the tab of the IR report.
Now click on the message so it should take you to the duplicate DeptID, but it just gives you error in the console.
I have tried to handle this at page level, application level also I tried to set the column_alias manually so I don't have to use the APEX_ERROR.AUTO_SET_ASSOCIATED_ITEM but all in vain.
Any help and your time will be much appreciated.

Ucanaccess 4.0.3 cannot find a specific table in my DB

I'm using jdbc with ucanaccess... When I connect to the database, there is one table that Ucanaccess is not finding... I saw that in debug mode in NetBeans...
Therefore when I try a transaction on that table, I get :
UCAExc:::4.0.3 user lacks privilege or object not found [Name of my table]
I guess everything else works perfectly since when I did a select on another table it worked...
I'm using :
ucanaccess 4.0.3
MS Access 2007
JDK : java 1.8.0_151
Netbeans : NetBeans IDE 8.2
When Opening the database with console.bat ( by the way, this file is located in UcanAccess download folder) I got the follwoing warnings/errors :
WARNING:Looking for usage map at page 9093, but page type is 1
Cannot load procedure Query4 user lacks privilege or object not found: [My Table Name]
Cannot resolve table [My Table Name]
WARNING:Looking for usage map at page 9093, but page type is 1
strongly suggests a damaged database file. Jackcess, the record manager used by UCanAccess, retrieved a page (block) of data from the file expecting it to be tagged as a "usage map" but it was tagged as something else.
The most common solution for a damaged database file is to open it in Access and then do a "Compact and Repair Database" operation on it.

Is it possible to edit a table via dblink in APEX?

I've created a form in the APEX and I need to edit a table via dblink, which is already created . So, when I ask to show me a data in this remoute table- it's work fine, but when I'm trying to edit data, I get the error:
"Table or view OPERATION#DBQA not found Contact your application
In the SQL workshop>SQL Commands- it also works fine(
update usr.operation#dbqa
set description='admin3' where operation_id=10
Well, I've created view usr.operation_qa as select * from usr.operation#dbqa, but, anyway, I receive the same error
"Table or view OPERATION_QA not found Contact your application
I'll repeat, a permission and dblink -are ok, couse it's worl in SQL Commands
Will be appreciate for any help or comments. Thanks!

What are possible reasons my SSRS report is throwing this error in the "Report Manager" view?

My report was working just fine a few days ago, and i don't recall changing anything..
But I'm now getting this error when I run the report in the "Report Manager" view.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Ok so I did try the SPROC in SSMS like so:
exec prc_RPT_Quota_Info 17221
and it returns a proper result:
SurveyNumber ID HoursRemaining FieldHours FEDSurveyName FieldEndDate FieldBeginDate SurveyStatusName ProjectName ProjectManager ClientName
17221 16226 -2195.75 NULL j41881 - Burial Preferences Survey - States 2012-09-10 06:00:00.000 NULL Complete 41881 Gibbs & Soell - Burial Preferences Survey Peter Gallagher BCC Public Affairs & Policy
any tips
Plainly, Dataset1's query isn't working. Firstly, check that the Stored Procedure radio button is selected in the Dataset Properties.
Running SQL Profiler and seeing what SQL is hitting the server might help.
Given that you have copied the query into SQL Server Management Studio and it works, it sounds like a permissions issue - that is, running it in SSMS under your account works, but it isn't working when the Reorting Services server runs it under its account.
Check the permissions of the Stored Procedure to see if the SSRS server account has the right permissions to execute the stored proc.

InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders doesn't work correctly

I am using asp.net mvc 3 and oracle database with ODAC1120240Beta_EntityFramework.
I want to do authorization in my site. Database works correctly, I can do everything with Database data, but if I go to ASP.NET Configuration -> Provider I see only AspNetSqlMembershipProvider.
InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders doesn't work correctly.
All functions, views and packages were created succesully. I do all using this Oracle Guide
Here is part of Oracle Database Output after executing this script from Visual Studio Tools.
GRANT SELECT ON ora_vw_aspnet_Applications TO ora_aspnet_Mem_ReportAccess
error in string 1:
ORA-01917: user or role 'ORA_ASPNET_MEM_REPORTACCESS' does not exist
GRANT SELECT ON ora_vw_aspnet_Users TO ora_aspnet_Mem_ReportAccess
error in string 1:
ORA-01917: user or role 'ORA_ASPNET_MEM_REPORTACCESS' does not exist
GRANT SELECT ON ora_vw_aspnet_MemUsers TO ora_aspnet_Mem_ReportAccess
error in string 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
You can implement using flow link.
