Laravel Eloquent ORM - Many to Many Delete Pivot Table Values left over - laravel

Using Laravel, I have the following code
$review = Review::find(1);
Review has a many to many relationship defined with a Product entity. When I delete a review, I'd expect it to be detached from the associated products in the pivot table, but this isn't the case. When I run the code above, I still see the linking row in the pivot table.
Have I missed something out here or is this the way Laravel works? I'm aware of the detach() method, but I thought that deleting an entity would also detach it from any related entities automatically.
Review is defined like this:
class Review extends Eloquent
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany('Product');
Product is defined like this:
class Product extends Eloquent
public function reviews()
return $this->belongsToMany('Review');
Thanks in advance.

The detach method is used to release a relationship from the pivot table, whilst delete will delete the model record itself i.e. the record in the reviews table. My understanding is that delete won't trigger the detach implicitly. You can use model events to trigger a cleanup of the pivot table, though, using something like:
protected static function booted()
static::deleting(function ($review) {
Also, I would suggest that the relationship would be a one to many, as one product would have many reviews, but one review wouldn't belong to many products (usually).
class Review extends \Eloquent {
public function product()
return $this->belongsTo('Product');
class Product extends \Eloquent {
public function reviews()
return $this->hasMany('Review');
Of course, this would then require that you tweak your database structure. If you wanted to leave the database structure and your current relationships as they are, the other option would be to apply a foreign key constraint on the pivot table, such that when either a review or product is removed, you could cascade the delete on the pivot table.
// Part of a database migration
Edit: In adding the constraint, you push the cleanup work onto the database, and don't have to worry about handling it in code.

Simpler Steps:
In this example an Account has many Tags:
To delete the Tags, then the Account do this:
// delete the relationships with Tags (Pivot table) first.
// delete the record from the account table.
On the Pivot Table make sure you have ->onDelete('cascade');

$review->product()->sync([]) also works.
However $review->product()->detach() is much more explicit.

public function destroy($id)
$review = Review::find($id);
$review ->tagged_users()->detach();
return $review ->delete();
also works

If that way doesn't solve your problem, you can delete Pivot table records to using the DB option like below ;
DB::table('any_pivot_table')->where('x_column', $xParameter)->delete();
You can solve the problem just like this.
Enjoy your coding !

i guess you have a error in your models relationship conception, the product has many reviews but the review associated with one product so you have here one to many relationship.
but in general the answer in the general case will be using:


hasOneThrough relationship Laravel

A contract has a representative (which is a user).
Currently I get this relationship with an belongsTo directly like this in my Contract model:
class Contract extends Model
public function representative()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
I would like to be able to retrieve this relationship through the organization_user table and retrieve the "position" attribute.
I think I should use the hasOneThrough relationship but I can't get what I'm looking for.
class Contract extends Model
public function representative()
return $this->hasOneThrough(User::class, OrganizationUser::class);
Not sure if you're in a position to change your DB structure, but it seems to me that your table contracts and organization_user are duplicating each other, storing the same data.
Would it make sense to leave only one table organization_user as a pivot table with the position?
Then you wouldn't need to make the big loop over few relationship to get the needed data.

Struggling with Laravel's morphable relationships

In a project, let's say that we have Customers, and each customer can have one Voucher. The voucher, though, may be for a different thing for different customers - maybe for a Hote, a Car or a Flight.
We have a table of flight voucher codes, a table of hotel voucher codes and a table of car voucher codes.
When a customer is allocated a voucher, therefore, we allocated them the next code for the relevant thing that they're getting a voucher for. But rather than have multiple tables (customer_car_voucher, customer_hotel_voucher, and so on) I would rather have a Voucher table which is, in turn, linked to the relevant voucher type.
What I want to be able to do is just go $customer->voucher->code to get the relevant code, whether that be a flight, a hotel or a car. Other vouchers may be added at a later date, you see, for different things.
I think I can do this using morphable relationships - the voucher morphsTo car, hotel and flight, so within the the voucher table there is a "voucherable_type" and a "voucherable_id". But damned if I can get it to work.
Any help, please? Am I going about it wrong?
you arte right. and for a hint use:
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class):
public function voucherable()
return $this->morphTo();
in voucher model.
and for each flight,car,hotel include:
public function voucher(){
return $this->morphOne(Voucher::class,'voucherable');
you can see Laravel morph relationship too for more help.
In Laravel's Eloquent ORM is used for morphable relationships.
First, create two Models AirVoucher and Voucher.
First, the AirVoucher model uses the following relationship.
public function voucher()
return $this->morphOne(Voucher::class, 'voucherable');
Second, the Voucher model uses the following relationship.
public function voucherable()
return $this->morphTo();
You can use the following Laravel official relationship document for more help.
Laravel Morph Relationships.
you must use laravel Polymorphic Relationships.
in Voucher model set this model as polymorph model(function name = modelname+"able"):
public function voucherable() \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo
return $this->morphTo();
then in Car model (or hotel/fight) set realation(function name= polymorph name):
if each car has one voucher, use morphOne:
public function files(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne
return $this->morphOne(Voucher::class, 'voucherable');
if each car has many voucher, use morphMany:
public function files(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany
return $this->morphMany(Voucher::class, 'voucherable');
Retrieving The Relationship
$car = Car::find(1);
$vocher = $car->voucher;
laravel docs

How to retrieve data through model?

I have Order model with another relation OrderPhoto:
public function OrderPhoto()
return $this->hasMany('App\OrderPhoto');
In turn OrderPhoto model has relation:
public function Photo()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Photo');
So, how to get data from OrderModel with related data from third model Photo?
I guess this:
to retrieve only data from Photo model for each Order
So, each Order has some OrderPhotos. Relationship is one to many.
But one item from OrderPhotos is related with primary key from table Photos. It is one to one relation.
My result query should be:
select `photos`.*, `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` from `photos` inner join `ordersphoto` on `ordersphoto`.`Photos_Id` = `photos`.`Id` where `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` in (1);
How to use hasManyThrough for this query?
Just having a quick look at your relationships it looks like you could create a hasManyThrough relationship on the order Model.
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\OrderPhoto', 'App\Photo')
You may need to add the table keys to make it work
This will allow you to do:
You can see more details here
Try this
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Photo', 'App\OrderPhoto', 'Order_id', 'Photos_id', 'id', 'id')
It is a little hard to get my head around your DB structure with this info but you should hopefully be able to work it out. This may also help

Selecting specific column in ORM relationship Laravel 5.5

I have an order table with a primary key id and another table trips. I trip can have many orders. I have defined the relationship in this way
public function orders_currency() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Order', 'trip_id', 'id')->select('id', 'converted_currency_code');
Although I know that, I have to select id of the order table in order to get the result, that's why I am mentioning to select the id of the order table.
Despite this, I am getting the orders_currency index empty. Which angle am I missing in this case?
Any clue will be appreciated.
Did you set up the model correctly?
You'd do something like this in your model script I suppose
class Trips extends Model
public function orders() {
return $this->hasMany('Order');
I got the solution by doing this way
public function orders_currency() {
return $this->hasOne('App\Order', 'trip_id', 'id')
I had to select referencing key in this case.

Laravel relationships: hasManyThrough a model with on an pivot table

I have 3 models in Laravel:
An Item can have many ModifierGroups via an intermediate table:
public function modifierGroups()
return $this->belongsToMany(
->orderBy('position', 'ASC')
A ModifierGroup has many Modifiers:
public function modifiers()
return $this->hasMany(
)->orderBy('position', 'ASC');
My question is whether it's possible to have a function on the Item that gets to the Modifiers, going through the ModifierGroup (and its pivot)? HasManyThrough doesn't seem to fit with an pivot table involved or does it?
It's possible with a BelongsToMany relationship by "skipping" the ModifierGroup table:
public function modifiers() {
return $this->belongsToMany(
This problem can be solved using pivot tables, but not in the way that you are using them. As I assume you have three tables - each associated with your models (Item, ModifierGroup, Modifier), you haven't set up pivot functionality as you don't actually have pivot tables. To do this you would require one table to link Item to ModifierGroups and another to link ModifierGroups to Modifier.
To start, lets create the tables using Artisan:
php artisan generate:pivot Item ModifierGroup
now, we have a table called item_modifier_group (I believe?). This table should have two columns, item_id and modifier_group_id. These are the keys Eloquent will use to connect to the items and modifier_groups tables. Now, in our query we can access and item's modifier groups by using the following query:
public function modifierGroups()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\ModifierGroup');
This means that when you call $item->modifierGroups() you will get a collection of all modifier groups having an id of $item->id.
This process can then be repeated for the ModifierGroups to Modifiers relationship:
php artisan generate:pivot ModifierGroup Modifiers
Now define the modifiers method in the ModifierGroup model:
public function modifiers()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Modifier');
Now we have our pivot tables set up, and our relationships defined in one direction (just add similar methods to models to get Items via Modifiers)
The final piece of the pie is Eager Loading (it's amazing). Get item, with modifiers through the appropriate groups like so:
Now there are other ways you could have gone about this problem, and some may even be more valid, however the huge benefit to doing it this way is the flexibility. You now have a way to connect Items, ModifierGroup and Modifiers with pivot tables and with a simple eager loaded query, can get any collection combination you deem necessary. Hope this helped! This is definitely the longest solution I've ever written on here...
For future reading I recommend:
Eager Loading - Nested Eager Loading
Defining Relationships - Many-to-Many
