How to connect my server to external world - windows

I am working with database project for that I installed postgresSql, jboss and apache 2.4 in windows 7. I am able to get data from postgresql to jboss server then using apache(localhost:80) able to get data in browser within LAN. Now I want to connect this server to external world. Other people could access my server from browser. How to make my server to available for external server.

You may edit the pg_hba.conf file


how to restore mongodb dump file on MongoDB Server On Windows VM In Azure

I m trying to restore a MongoDB dump file present on my windows machine into MongoDB server created inside azure portal as azure virtual machine, I have created this virtual machine and named it mongodbserver then I m connecting via SSH with the client for this case is the power shell CMD that I'm connecting with form my windows machine, now my questions are:
1.In order for me to restore MongoDB dump file where should it be in the server side? or either on my windows machine still I will be able to get it from there and restore it successfully in the server?
2.Can I use Filezilla client to move the database dump file into the server but the problem with this i don't have the password for the virtual machine created since I'm connecting via SSH and Filezilla will require password for it to connect.
3.After restoring the database successfully how can I connect this virtual machine with the MongoDB compass and also how can i get the database Uri in order for me to connect it with my spring application.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

Start and Stop a Weblogic Server Remotely with WLST

Platform: Windows Server 2016
I have a server running weblogic Runs great. I have another server that only has oracle DB 19c installed and on that server there are some scripts that refresh the DB from a backup weekly. I'd like to modify db scripts on the DB server to use WLST and remotely reach over to the weblogic server and stop a managed server and start it again later in the script.
What do I need to install on the DB server to run WLST?
You have 3 solutions :
Install WLS on your DB machine
Copy WLS java libs required by WLST. For instance with 12.1.3 :
$ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/modules/ $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/modules/
Use WLS REST Management API to start/stop your managed servers from your DB machine. From my point of view it is the best solution. Read this documentation for details.

How can I run my project on client pc without installing SQL server on client pc

I have developed a c# windows application which uses SQL server 2012 database in Visual Studio 2015 which is running well on my pc.
I am to install this application on a number of computers without SQL server installed on it, but when I run the application, its gives me database connection error.
My question is, how can I create the setup file to be able to run the app on those clients pc without installing SQL server on all those computers. Please I need your help.
Thank you.
Am Emmanuel.
Use an Azure database and have the clients connect to that.
Have a look at
Alter your application connection string and make sure you keep the connection string secret.,1433;Database=myDataBase;User ID=mylogin#myserver;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
An important fact is that the clients need to allow communication via port 1433.
If this is not an option create an API application and query the database via that.
If you need a private database per client you can use a database file and connect to the file
Update based on reply
You can create a pop-up on the application allowing the users to add valid settings and credentials when your appsettings.json is blank or "a test connect" to the database fails.

Connecting to Oracle database from another machine on LAN

Am a newbie to oracle, I've Oracle Database installed on my windows machine and I can connect to the database without any problem from my machine using the sqlPlus / SQL Developer. And I have a java application in my machine which needs to connect to the Database using JDBC driver. After downloading the ojdbc driver I can connect to the java application by providing the connection url as jdbc:oracle:thin:#
Now, I want to know how can I connect to my oracle database that is installed in my machine (ip address:10.0.xx.xx) from the java application which is running in another machine (ip address:10.0.yy.yy). BTW both the machines are connected in LAN.
Do I need to change anything in listener configuration or in tnsnames.ora file?
I checked these links for reference before posting this question:
How to connect to an Oracle DB from another system
also Cannot access oracle using sqlplus from another machine on the LAN
Please Suggest me how can I do this one. Thanks in advance.
The JDBC url has this form
So if you wanted to connect to an oracle server running on, on port 1521 (the default one), and on a database named 'stackoverflowdb' you'd use:

Unable to access Liferay 6.2 on dedicated windows cloud server

We install liferay6.2 in windows dedicated server 2008 r2. Liferay sever is working smoothly in the server but when we are trying to access it from browser then we are unable to access it. Error: server not found. In Liferay we have one portlet for video conference and it is also working fine. We can access the server through RDP(Remote Desktop) but whenever trying to access through browser fail to find the server in web.
May be this issue can be easily handle by the network admin or may be by any Liferay developer.
Does your dedicated server have a public (routed) IP address? Also, check firewalls that might block port 8080 if you have not changed the default port. As you say Liferay is running smoothly - you just can't access it - your problem is most likely rather related to the network configuration, not to Liferay itself
