I want to disable DVFS in kernel/kernel config? How to do it?
And is there any method to confirm that I have disabled DVFS successfully.
Either disable cpufreq entirely, or select to build only the performance governor for it.
How can I limit the memory usage of GeoServer (v.2.21.1) installed on a Windows Server 2019?
I can't find any setting in the interface to set a limit.
In the same way as any other Java program by setting a JVM option -Xmx756M for example. See the GeoServer manual for recommended best practices
I have a problem trying to change to run mode when the target device is the PLC (in local mode the problem disappears). It gives me the error: AdsError: 4115 (0x1013, RTIME: system clock setup fails). I have tried to execute win8settick.bat as administrator and rebooting so many times. I have checked the Hyper-V config and BIOS visualizator too. There is nothing that works for me. Any idea? Thank you
Ive only had this problem when trying to start it locally.
But one problem might be that the PLC time is way off. One suggestion to start troubleshooting would be to check the actual time on the PLC.
You can do this by either remotely accessing it via RDP or by plugging in a monitor and keyboard.
Sounds for me like a incompatibitility between TwinCAT-Realtime-System and the hardware. More exatly the CPU. What type of hardware do you use on your target system? Is it Beckhoff-Hardware or Third-Party. If third-party, which CPU?
Another topic could be the TC-Version related with the Target OS. Can you provide more information about this.
I'm developing a Direct3D9Ex application, and some of my users are having problems with recovery after a TDR event. In order to fix that I need to test it on my machine, but to do that I need a way to trigger a TDR event on demand.
What's the best way to do that?
I was looking into doing the same and found the command DxgkDdiResetFromTimeout (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff559815(v=vs.85).aspx)
I have not attempted to implement it though.
I set it up the way I want it. It keeps changing it (for example, setting up the NIC's and bonding settings in the shop for the install particulars, then RH keeps changing it. One of many many examples)
So, a setting that says 'I'll set it up the way I want, and if there's problems I'll deal with them. Quit trying to help me".
I am not sure that there is a "Help Me" setting. What you are describing sounds like configurations being overwritten by defaults or processes. For instance, network files will be overwritten if you have DHCP enabled. You can customize your /etc/resolv.conf file all you want, but if you have dhcp enabled, that file will be updated and your changes lost. (unless you make it read only)
Is this what you are talking about?
I have server with two quad core processors, installed windows 2003 standard edition.
I want to test an application on a machine with single quad core processor and I want to use this machine so how can I disable one of two processors?
I prefer a software solution but if the only solution is a hardware no problem.
Quick and dirty: Use task manager, select the process, and use the affinity bits to disable any cores you like for that process.
Very useful for debugging, too.
Or you can try it from the application itself (if appropriate) with Process.ProcessorAffinity.
You can set the "Affinity" of a running process / application to only execute on one core:
Go to task manager, select the process in question, right click and select "Set Affinity", then choose just one core.
The solution will normally use to test the application which need rely on these kind of requirements is VMware (or equivelant virtual machine software e.g. Vitrual Box etc.)
This is a proper solution for test an application rely on the hardware environment as you can allocate the CPUs and Memory.
Edit boot.ini, add /NUMCPU=1, and reboot. This will instruct Windows to ignore all but one core/CPU.