Reporting JMeter Results in seconds, as oppose to milliseconds - jmeter

Is there anyway to make JMeter report results in seconds, as oppose to milliseconds?
Thank you,

There is no property or setting in Jmeter that I know of to change the Response time results to Seconds
you will have to save the results & manually divide each response time value by 1000.
or you will have to write your own code to achieve this.
hope this will help.

It is possible to change the time format(in seconds) in jmeter html report by modifying the javascript file. The steps are:
Locate the file dashboard.js.fmkr in bin\report-template\content\js.
Open the file and locate the line "//Create statistics table. In this
method,you will see a switch case which corresponds to the columns in statistics table of html report.
For example, case 3 is for "Error %" column, case 4 is for "Average"
column and so on."
To change the "Average" column's time to seconds, modify the code as follows:
case 4:
item = (item/1000).toFixed(2);
You can repeat this step for any other column.

Modify in the bin folder to have the following line = ms


multiple condition inside SUMIF() in google sheets

I created my daily task log sheet which i log my tasks daily and I also provide the time which I start and the time of its completion. it looks like this
You'll notice the tab "total hours per day". on that tab I calculate the total time for the specific date. It looks like this
using this formula: =SUMIF('TASKS (Itemized)'!A3:A501,A8,'TASKS (Itemized)'!I3:I501)
My question is can I still add a condition to the formula that says not to include the time or the row if the column H has a value of "Multitasking"?
I believe you are looking for something like this?
=SUMIFS('TASKS (Itemized)'!I3:I,'TASKS (Itemized)'!A3:A,A8,'TASKS (Itemized)'!H3:H,"<>Multitasking")
Without seeing a sample sheet of everything going on including columns and rows this is the best I can offer.

Unable to get error percentage column in csv report generated from Aggregate Results in Jmeter

I'm running a test plan and and wanted to get results for error % but when using Aggregate graph its showing error% column on GUI but the csv file where its results are storing doesn't shows all same columns
Here is the SS for the Aggregate Result in Jmeter
enter image description here
But in .csv format i'm not getting it. Though it have an error count column there ...
enter image description here
Can someone please let me know the formula for error% so I can use it in excel.
If you want to get a CSV representation of the Aggregate Report listener you need to click "Save Table Data" button:
If you want to make process more or less automated you can use JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool like:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv /path/to/aggregate/report.csv --input-jtl /path/to/test/result.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
You will need to install these 2 guys via JMeter Plugins Manager:
JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool
Synthesis Report
If you want to do this in Excel entirely:
Get the number of successful samplers:
Get the number of failed samplers:
Get the total number of samplers:
Divide number of failures by total number of samplers
Format the value as the percentage

Throughput number formating changes while importing Summary Report to csv file

below 2 images are from Jmeter Summary Report. In the first image, it looks ok but if you double click on the cell, it shows the decimal numbers. When this Summary Report is exported to csv (By clicking on Save Table Data), it does not export it as 8.3/min but exports it as 0.1381...
Below is the image from csv file
Is it a bug? What needs to be done in order to see the number as 8.3/min in csv?
The values are always being stored as requests/second, what you see like /min or /hour is the result of RateRenderer class transformation which converts requests per second to requests per minute/hour if its below 1
If you want to convert your 0.13812 to "requests per minute" just multiply it by 60.
In general saving listener's report to CSV file is not the best option, you could consider generating HTML Reporting Dashboard instead and I hope you don't have this and any other Listeners enabled during test execution as Listeners don't add any value and just consume valuable resources.

How can I add static values in a column in grafana/influxdb

I'm using grafana, influxdb and jmeter. I have this table.
I need to add a column that says "Base Line" with a value different for each request name. I have tried the following:
- Grafana does not seem to have a way to add static values for columns, or a query equivalent of sql for "select 'value' as 'columnName'"
- I tried creating a new time series for static data (base lines) and do a join of the results from jmeter with the series I created, but I get this error:
error parsing query: found AS, expected ;
I'm having a hard time trying to create an extra column with fixed data for each request... my last resort is to modify or create a jmeter plugin for that matter, but before going for that, there might be something I could be missing.
The easiest solution I can think of is adding a Dummy Sampler which will be doing nothing but "sleeping" for specified amount of time which is your "baseline".
JMeter's Backend Listener will collect this sampler metrics and you will either see a straight horizontal line identifying your baseline in the chart or the baseline value in the table or will be able to aggregate as a vertical column.
You can install Dummy Sampler using JMeter Plugins Manager

Pulling data from Crystal Reports

My data is stored in Oracle and the only way I can run a report with it is using Crystal Reports. I have a set of data that looks like this ,,,,,,,,,,1, or ,1,,,,,,, or ,1,,,,,1,,,,1,. There are more variations.
Each one means a value is true for a record. There are about 54 'ticks/commas' What I want is all records with the one at the X spot. So for one report I may want all records in the 10th spot that have a 1. There may be other times where I want the records where the 1 is after spot 36. I agree it will pull other records but the main once I want is the X spot.
How do I get this? I tried a Like command but that does not narrow the data down far enough. I am familiar with SQL but not Crystal.
Any help would be great. TIA
In Crystal, you might try setting up a Parameter Field to hold a numeric value (1 to 54) then use that in a formula as the Record Selection. You'll be prompted to enter the parameter when you run the report.
In record selection i was initially going suggest the following which would bring back all records with 1 in the 12 spot. But this makes it hard to bring back a range.
split({yourfield},",")[12] = 1
This will bring back the same
instr({#test},"1") = 12
Then for your suggestion above you could use the following to bring back any record if it has a one in any spot after 36
instr({#test},"1") >= 37
As long as there is only one 1 in the field you can use this for other ranges as well.
Actually I don't want to disturb both answerts by Clayton Morris and CoSpringsGuy hence posting my answer.
You need to combine both the solutions to get the desired result.
Create a number parameter and provide either 1 to 57 numbers or keep just a filed to enter desired number.
Now in record selection use the formula given by CoSpringsGuy
if instr({databasefield.column},"1") = {?Inputnumber} --parameter field
then {databasefield.column}
