MAC app submission,
I am getting issue while installing MAC app distribution profile. I got following steps from , but still unable to install it. Getting errors as follow :
Mac Provisioning Profile Details
Install your Mac Provisioning Profile on your system by:
Double-clicking on the file in Finder
Dragging the file to the Profiles Preference pane
Clicking the + button in the Profiles Preference pane
For Distribution Profile, I am getting error
Only Development Provisioning Profiles can be installed in System Preferences. Production Provisioning Profiles are imported within Xcode.
Add your Mac Provisioning Profile to the Xcode Organizer
Dragging the file into the Xcode Organizer window
Clicking the Import button in the Xcode Organizer window
Here, nothing is happending, profile is not getting installed, no error or anything.
Studied links :
Please provide some steps to install profile. Also if more detailed document to submit mac app on mac appstore.
I have the same problem and I can't find my Distribution Provisioning Profiles from Preferences > Accounts. But when I create a Development Provisioning Profile for testing, I found all of Distribution Provisioning Profiles appear in account detail. And I can sign my Mac app then.
I guess there maybe bug when Xcode retrieve Mac Provisioning Profiles when there is only Distribution Provisioning Profile. And create a Development Provisioning Profile fix the problem.
In XCode 13, a provisioning profile can be installed by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item.
I'm trying to upload a mac app to the Mac App Store. I have done
this successfully with an iOS app, but this is the first time with
a mac app.
I have an Apple Distribution Certificate:
plus a Provisioning Profile for the Mac App Store which used the above cert:
The Cert is installed on my machine (downloaded it, double clicked). I can see it
in Keychain Access.
I now want to upload the Mac App to the AppStore.
Per this document, I need to set the developer ID and provisioning profile for the application and installer package.
So in Visual Studio 2019, I open preferences and head to "Apple Developer Accounts", select my dev account, my apple ID, and click "View Details". I see my certificates there, plus my Provisioning Profile "XXXX Mac App Store Provisioning Profile" (per the above diagram). Note that I have previously clicked "Download All Profiles" to get this profile installed locally.
I now open options for the Mac App project itself, select "Mac Signing".
Here's where things get weird:
a) The identities are correct. So I select the correct Developer ID.
b) the provisioning profiles are not correct. In fact it contains 2 old
entries, and 1 entry I have not heard of. It does not show any of the
provisioning profiles from the "VS | Preferences | Apple Developer Accounts".
c) It does show my "Developer ID Installer" cert for the installer.
Since I can't select any of my profiles, I select:
Identity: My Developer ID
Provisioning Profile: Automatic
Installer Package Identity: my "Developer ID Installer" cert.
I rebuild, "Archive For Publishing", and then attempt "Sign and Distribute".
I select "App Store" and get "No valid Provisioning Profile found"
What am I missing here? VS can see my profiles and certs.
But in the specific Mac project, those profiles do not show up, only some
old cruft.
I'd appreciate any advice. Thx.
My comment above resolved the issue:
Apple Distribution certificate (which is SUPPOSED to be for MacOS,
tvOS and iOS) doesn't work in Xamarin for Mac apps. However if I used
Mac App Distribution certificate, and create a Mac App Store
Provisioning Profile using that Mac App Distribution certificate -
they both show up in the App Options | Signing. WTH?
Bottom line is that you need to use Mac App Distribution certs, not Apple Distribution certs.
I am trying to run my app locally and not through an emulator.
These are the following things that I have done:
set up the free provisioning profile
"trusted" my iPhone when prompted
Enabled these settings for provisioning profile:
However, I am still getting this error when trying to run the app locally on an iPhone
No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS code
signing keys
What else can be done to run my app locally?
Log into the Apple Developer member center and review your certificates. Down to the left you should see the Provisioning Profiles title. Click it and you'll find a list of the profiles you have. Now you need to create one with the same app identifier that your app has in Xamarin (you find it in the Info.plist file).
After that you need to open XCode and download it through Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts.
Clean, rebuild and debug Xamarin project and try again.
Go to xcode/preference/ account add a apple ID if you don have any...if you have double click in the name ...and look the name appear in iOS Team Provisioning Profile.
Now open in xamarin the info.plist and in Bundle Identifier put this name.
and now should load a provisional profile.
I have an tvOS application that give me a "no matching provisioning profiles found in xcode 7", I have created a tvOS Distribution profile, downloaded it, doubleclicked. But I then get that message, and try to use the "Fix issue" button does not help. In Build settings - Provisioning Profile - I have "Automatic".
I managed to find an answer here
You'd need to do the following:
(1) Generate a distribution signing identity using the Team Details sheet in Xcode's Preferences > Accounts pane
(2) Generate a tvOS App Store profile on the Member Center, download it, and install it into Xcode by double clicking the downloaded profile
(3) In your target's build settings, change the signing identity to "iOS Distribution" for release builds, and change your provisioning profile setting to the name of the profile they downloaded for release builds.
Im using xcode and I want to upload my app. In order to upload I need to build my app with the distribution provisioning profile. I have a valid distribution provisioning profile but when i try to build xcode gives my this error:
Code Sign error: The default keychain doesn't have an identity matching the profile 'Dodge Cars Free Distribution1' and identity 'iPhone Developer: Rajeev Arora (4DL7HDW3F2)'
What i understand is this means xcode is trying to check the validity of my distribution provisioning profile with a development certificate. Obviously this wouldn't work. How can i get xcode to recognize that my provisioning profile is for distribution? I've tried making a new distribution profile with no results.
I found a solution I guess. I tried building with one of my old provisioning profiles and it worked
If I can remember correctly, these are the steps needed to be done to use the Distribution provisioning profile:
Import the Distribution certificate into Keychain Access
Dragged the Distribution Provisioning Profile into the Xcode icon on your Dock
Set in Build Settings to use iPhone Distribution in the Code Signing section/field
Edit from comments: You should not press the Run button, as it will always give an error. You should click Product > Archive from the menu. The archive of your project should show up in the Organizer window > Archives tab. From there, you should be able to Submit your app.
So, I built my app for App Store submission using my distribution profile and submitted it fine.
Now, i come to test my new update on my iPhone, and Xcode keeps telling me
"Cant run 'my app' on iPhone 'Joes iPhone'.
The iPhone “Joe’s iPhone” doesn’t have the provisioning profile with
which the application was signed.
Click “Install and Run” to install the provisioning profile
“Distribution Profile” on “Joe’s iPhone” and continue running “”.
My configuration is Debug, and the code signing identity is set to iPhone Developer, in both the project and target settings.
How can i get Xcode to start using the developer profile again?
I had to go to the Project menu and select "Edit Active Target" -- even though my provisioning profiles were right, that target was still set to my App Store release profile, not my development profile. I don't know the root cause of this, but it did fix the problem.
This is okay. If you click on "Install and Run" XCode will install the provisioning profile to the phone, then will install the application and run it.
Redownloaded certificates and cleaned all targets