no matching provisioning profiles found tvOS - xcode

I have an tvOS application that give me a "no matching provisioning profiles found in xcode 7", I have created a tvOS Distribution profile, downloaded it, doubleclicked. But I then get that message, and try to use the "Fix issue" button does not help. In Build settings - Provisioning Profile - I have "Automatic".

I managed to find an answer here
You'd need to do the following:
(1) Generate a distribution signing identity using the Team Details sheet in Xcode's Preferences > Accounts pane
(2) Generate a tvOS App Store profile on the Member Center, download it, and install it into Xcode by double clicking the downloaded profile
(3) In your target's build settings, change the signing identity to "iOS Distribution" for release builds, and change your provisioning profile setting to the name of the profile they downloaded for release builds.


Xcode 8.3.2 signing errors

I have Xcode 8.3.2 on Sierra. I am trying to build an Enterprise .ipa (have Enterprise membership).
I am having issues signing my app. Specifically in Xcode I have the following under General\Signing:
Automatically manage signing is enabled
Team: "My Team (Enterprise)"
Provisioning Profile: Xcode Managed Profile
Signing Certificate: iOS Developer
Failed to create provisioning profile "com.myapp" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
No profiles for 'com.myapp' were found. Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching 'com.myapp'.
My steps were:
Logged into Enterprise account at
Under Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles I selected the Add
Selected In-House and Ad Hoc
On my MAC in the Keychain Access I selected KeyChain Access\Certificate Assistant\Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority
Saved to my desktop
In I uploaded the certificate signing request
I see it as a certificate as type iOS Distribution with and expiration date
I download the .cer file and double click on it to install it
Within Xcode\Preferences I find the Team under the Apple ID and under Manage Certificates I see iOS Distribution Certificates and Enterprise with today's date
I select the Download All Profiles for that team
In Xcode I select General\Signing and "My Team (Enterprise)
At this point I get the two errors described above.
I am new to Xcode development so I am sure there is something wrong with my steps.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Well the solution to my issue was to do the following:
In Xcode under the "General" tab to disable Automatically manage signing
At in my enterprise account under provisioning profiles I created a new distribution profile
Downloaded the profile => .mobileprovision file
Double clicked on the .mobileprovision file
With Automatically manage signing disabled I then selected the Provisioning Profile I just created and downloaded in the drop downs for Signing (Debug) and Signing (Release)
At this point I was able to archive and export an enterprise .ipa
This is the solution to my issue that's similar to this one:
Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Your bundle identifier is already in use by other developers I guess, so just change your bundle identifier in the Identify tab right above your Signing tab to another one:
For example:
Bundle Identifier: org.react.native.example.RamenForLifeIn2022
Hope this helps :)

Xcode 8 - Provisioning Profile vs. Provisioning Profile (Deprecated)

I have just updated to Xcode 8 and I now have two options for app signing, Provisioning Profile and Provisioning Profile (Deprecated).
Why is one deprecated, and what is the difference between the two?
Update 2017/02/13
User interface for managing signing certificates and provisioning profiles has been changed at Xcode 8.3 beta 2.
Changed the user interface for managing signing certificates and
provisioning profiles. Certificates are managed from the Accounts
preferences pane by selecting a team and clicking Manage Certificates.
Automatically managing signing is recommended, however if your app
requires manually signing provisioning profiles are managed in the
General tab of the project editor. Use the Provisioning Profile
dropdown to import or download profiles. In addition it displays
profiles that match the current signing configuration of the target.
Why is one deprecated?
I think Its deprecated because the signing system has been rewritten in Xcode8.
The signing system has been rewritten to include a new mode for
automatically managing signing assets, in addition to a dedicated
manual mode where the profiles for the target must be explicitly
selected. When automatically managing signing assets, Xcode will
create signing certificates, update app IDs, and create provisioning
profiles. For manual mode, only custom created profiles can be
selected and Xcode will not modify or create any signing assets. Xcode
now encodes profiles in the target using the
PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER build setting. This setting allows
specifying both the team ID and the name or identifier of the profile.
There are some Signing relate known Issues with Xcode 8.1 you should known.
So maybe we should not set Provisioning Profile in Build Setting tab, switch to General tab , and set in Signing category instead.
If you set provisioning profile in Build Setting and enable Automatically manage signing in General tab Xcode will complain about that.
What is the difference between the two?
I also updated to XCode 8 and ran into this as well. Both the Provisioning Profile and Provisioning Profile (Deprecated) were set as blank on my project in XCode 8.
I tried setting them back to what they were for each environment but the Debug environment had all of the options in the dropdown removed.
After creating an Archive and uploading to iTunes Connect I got a notice that the provisioning profile wasn't quite correct, which was working fine prior to XCode 8.
Following what the others have posted about XCode 8 getting an update to its Signing, I went to the general tab and noticed a new section that allows you to have XCode automatically manage the signing. I checked that box and now it looks like this:
I have not uploaded a new Archive to iTunes Connect yet but when I do I'll add an update here to see if it's resolved the Provisioning Profile warning.
After selecting Automatically manage signing in XCode and re-sending to the App Store it's still complaining so that didn't quite work. Might have to remove and re-create all provisioning profiles to get this working. What a pain. Thanks Apple.
In Provisioning Profile (Deprecated) description, information is The UUID of a valid provisioning profile. A missing or invalid profile will cause a build error (deprecated, use [PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER] instead).
I found the link
Please follow these steps
Select project TARGET and go to GENERAL tab
Under Signing check the option Automatically manage signing
Hope that helps !

Xamarin No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS code signing keys

I am trying to run my app locally and not through an emulator.
These are the following things that I have done:
set up the free provisioning profile
"trusted" my iPhone when prompted
Enabled these settings for provisioning profile:
However, I am still getting this error when trying to run the app locally on an iPhone
No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS code
signing keys
What else can be done to run my app locally?
Log into the Apple Developer member center and review your certificates. Down to the left you should see the Provisioning Profiles title. Click it and you'll find a list of the profiles you have. Now you need to create one with the same app identifier that your app has in Xamarin (you find it in the Info.plist file).
After that you need to open XCode and download it through Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts.
Clean, rebuild and debug Xamarin project and try again.
Go to xcode/preference/ account add a apple ID if you don have any...if you have double click in the name ...and look the name appear in iOS Team Provisioning Profile.
Now open in xamarin the info.plist and in Bundle Identifier put this name.
and now should load a provisional profile.

xcode no matching provisioning profiles found

I have an Adhoc iOS application that give me a "no matching provisioning profiles found in xcode 6", I have created a Adhoc profile, downloaded it, doubleclicked it and selected a Team under General - Identity. But I then get that message, and try to use the "Fix issue" button does not help. In Build settings - Provisioning Profile - Release I have "Automatic".
Can anyone please help me, I'm totally lost...
Another cause of this nasty little error:
I didn't realise, but your XCode Project has one set of Code-Signing & Provisional Profile settings, but the Targets in your Project have another.
Today, I had set the correct Provisioning Profile values in Project, but XCode 6.1 was quoting a different Provisioning Profile name in its Build Error of "The provisioning profile specified in your build settings ("Mikes Provisioning Profile") has an AppID of.."
So, be careful that you check your settings in both places, if XCode quotes a Provisional Profile name which you weren't expecting.
It's amazing that XCode has reached v6.1, and its still as developer-unfriendly as ever.
If anyone needs me, I'll be at the pub...
Please install the Distribution Certificate in your Mac
Edit your Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile in Developer account
Save the Provisioning Profile
Download the Provisioning Profile
Double Click to install in your Xcode 6
Go to Xcode Preferences, please check whether your developer account is configured or not, if yes please refresh the list, if not please configure your developer account.
Clean the project
Now check for the Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile and Distribution certificate in your Build Settings
Important is by using the Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile you can not run the app in your device, you need to make an IPA and make a Testflight link and install the app in your device by using the Testflight link
I had this issue and did the following to resolve.
Go to Account section, download all provisioning profiles in account.
Clean and Build again.
Hope this help you.

xcode connecting distribution provisioning profile to development certificate

Im using xcode and I want to upload my app. In order to upload I need to build my app with the distribution provisioning profile. I have a valid distribution provisioning profile but when i try to build xcode gives my this error:
Code Sign error: The default keychain doesn't have an identity matching the profile 'Dodge Cars Free Distribution1' and identity 'iPhone Developer: Rajeev Arora (4DL7HDW3F2)'
What i understand is this means xcode is trying to check the validity of my distribution provisioning profile with a development certificate. Obviously this wouldn't work. How can i get xcode to recognize that my provisioning profile is for distribution? I've tried making a new distribution profile with no results.
I found a solution I guess. I tried building with one of my old provisioning profiles and it worked
If I can remember correctly, these are the steps needed to be done to use the Distribution provisioning profile:
Import the Distribution certificate into Keychain Access
Dragged the Distribution Provisioning Profile into the Xcode icon on your Dock
Set in Build Settings to use iPhone Distribution in the Code Signing section/field
Edit from comments: You should not press the Run button, as it will always give an error. You should click Product > Archive from the menu. The archive of your project should show up in the Organizer window > Archives tab. From there, you should be able to Submit your app.
