I'm making a class that recognizes poker hands. It is used in a game like poker, but it has some other cards that cannot be part of a straight/pair/etc.
The class takes a list of cards and checks their numerical values to see if they match a hand.
My problem is that in my application, there are cards that have no numerical value. Like wildcards and a few others.
The simplest thing to do, is make those cards have a negative value or something similar. I do not like this idea, for obvious reasons.
I thought of using a nullable integer for the field of the numerical value of the card, but I will always have to check if it's null before using it.
This makes sense, since I'm using cards with no value, but it adds complexity to the code, that I think is unecessary. For this reason I thought about implementing a property (C#)* that returns a non nullable negative int, if the numerical value is null. But this also returns a magic number.
Which is the proper way to do this? Avoid magic numbers completely and check for null every time, or something that I haven't thought of?
UPDATE: I think that the best thing to do, is to create a nullable Int for value, and a property* that returns the value, or throws an exception if the value is null. This way I do not have to check for null every time, just catch the exception if it occurs. Is this wrong in any way?
*think of a getter method in languages that don't have properties, ergo a method that returns the value of a variable/field.
Try to model the problem domain.
Start with a class Cards where a card is constructed providing rank (Ace, 2, 3, .., Jack, Queen, ..), a suit (clubs, diamonds, hearts) and a int value which depends on the game you play. In any game a card represents some value, maybe nothing (0) but never -1.
Next, complete your domain by creating a class Hand, which is a collection of Cards, and some methods to calculate the total value of the hand based on the cards it is composed of.
Maybe add a class Deck that you can use to init all 52 Cards and deal from.
I am refactoring some business rule functions to provide a more generic version of the function.
The functions I am refactoring are:
All of them do string parsing, as it is a string parsing business rules engine.
My question is what would be a good name for the newly refactored function?
Obviously I want to shy away from a function name like:
I mean that would work, but it seems unnecessarily long when it could be something like:
DetermineWindowMoniker or something to that effect.
Function objective: Parse an input string like 1280x1024 or 200,100 and return either the first or second number. The use case is for data-driving test automation of a web browser window, but this should be irrelevant to the answer.
Question objective: I have the code to do this, so my question is not about code, but just the function name. Any ideas?
There are too little details, you should have specified at least the parameters and returns of the functions.
Have I understood correctly that you use strings of the format NxN for sizes and N,N for positions?
And that this generic function will have to parse both (and nothing else), and will return either the first or second part depending on a parameter of the function?
And that you'll then keep the various DetermineWindow* functions but make them all call this generic function?
If so:
Without knowing what parameters the generic function has it's even harder to help, but it's most likely impossible to give it a simple name.
Not all batches of code can be described by a simple name.
You'll most likely need to use a different construction if you want to have clear names. Here's an idea, in pseudo code:
ParseSize(string, outWidth, outHeight) {
ParsePair(string, "x", outWidht, outHeight)
ParsePosition(string, outX, outY) {
ParsePair(string, ",", outX, outY)
ParsePair(string, separator, outFirstItem, outSecondItem) {
And the various DetermineWindow would call ParseSize or ParsePosition.
You could also use just ParsePair, directly, but I thinks it's cleaner to have the two other functions in the middle.
Note that you'd probably get cleaner code by using objects rather than strings (a Size and a Position one, and probably a Pair one too).
The ParsePair code (adapted appropriately) would be included in a constructor or factory method that gives you a Pair out of a string.
Of course you can give other names to the various functions, objects and parameters, here I used the first that came to my mind.
It seems this question-answer provides a good starting point to answer this question:
Appropriate name for container of position, size, angle
A search on www.thesaurus.com for "Property" gives some interesting possible answers that provide enough meaningful context to the usage:
I think ConstituentProperty is probably the most apt.
Given code for an incomplete server like:
enum class Command : uint32_t {
Can I expect that converting Command::LOGIN to an integer will always give the same value?
Across compilers?
Across compiler versions?
If I add another enumeration?
If I remove an enumeration?
Converting Command::LOGIN would look something like this:
uint32_t number = static_cast<uint32_t>(Command::LOGIN);
Some extra information on what I am doing here. This enumeration is fed onto the wire by converting it to an integer sending it along to the server/client. I do not really particularly care what the number is, as long as it will always stay the same. If it will not stay the same, then obviously I will have to provide my own numbers through the usual way.
Now my sneaking suspicion is that it will change depending on what compiler was used to compile the code, but I would like to know for sure.
Bonus question: How does the compiler/language determine what number to use for Command::LOGIN?
Before submitting this question, I have noticed some changes from say 3137527848 to 0 and back, so it is obviously not valid to rely on it not changing. I am still curious about how this number is determined, and how or why that number is changing.
From the C++11 Standard (or rather, n3485):
If the first enumerator has no initializer, the value of the corresponding constant is zero. An enumerator-definition without an initializer gives the enumerator the value obtained by increasing the value of the previous enumerator by one.
Additionally, [expr.static.cast]/9
A value of a scoped enumeration type can be explicitly converted to an integral type. The value is unchanged if the original value can be represented by the specified type.
I think it's obvious that the values of the enumerators can be represented by uint32_t; if they weren't, [dcl.enum]/5 says "if the initializing value of an enumerator cannot be represented by the underlying type, the program is ill-formed."
So as long as you use the underlying type for conversion (either explicitly or via std::underlying_type<Command>::type), the value of those enumerators are fixed as long as you don't add any enumerators before them (in the same enumeration) or alter their order.
As Nicolas Louis Guillemo pointed out, be aware of possible different endianness when transferring the value.
If you assign explicit integer values to your enum constants then you are guaranteed to always have the same value when converting to the integer type.
Just do something like the following:
enum class Command : uint32_t {
LOGIN = 12,
If you don't specify any values explicitly, the values are set implicitly, starting from zero and increasing by one with each move down the list.
Quoting from draft n3485:
[dcl.enum] paragraph 2
The enumeration type declared with an enum-key of only enum is an
unscoped enumeration, and its enumerators are unscoped enumerators.
The enum-keys enum class and enum struct are semantically equivalent;
an enumeration type declared with one of these is a scoped
enumeration, and its enumerators are scoped enumerators. [...] The
identifiers in an enumerator-list are declared as constants, and can
appear wherever constants are required. An enumerator-definition with
= gives the associated enumerator the value indicated by the constant-expression. If the first enumerator has no initializer, the
value of the corresponding constant is zero. An
enumerator-definition without an initializer gives the enumerator the
value obtained by increasing the value of the previous enumerator by
The drawback of relying on this, is that if the list order somehow changes in the future, then your code might silently break, so I would advise you be explicit.
Command::LOGIN will always be 0 as long as it's the first enum in the list. Just be careful with the rest of the enums, because they will have different binary representations based on if the computer is using big endian or little endian.
I have a public method which uses a variable (only in the scope of the public method) I pass as a parameter we will call A, this method calls a private method multiple times which also requires the parameter.
At present I am passing the parameter every time but it looks weird, is it bad practice to make this member variable of the class or would the uncertainty about whether it is initialized out way the advantages of not having to pass it?
Simplified pseudo code:
public_method(parameter a)
do something with a
private_method(string_a, a)
private_method(string_b, a)
private_method(string_c, a)
private_method(String, parameter a)
do something with String and a
Additional information: parameter a is a read only map with over 100 entries and in reality I will be calling private_method about 50 times
I had this same problem myself.
I implemented it differently in 3 different contexts to see hands-on what are result using 3 different strategies, see below.
Note that I am type of programmer that makes many changes to the code always trying to improve it. Thus I settle only for the code that is amenable to changes, readbale, would you call this "flexible" code. I settle only for very clear code.
After experimentation, I came to these results:
Passing a as parameter is perfectly OK if you have one or two - short number - of such values. Passing in parmeters has very good visibility, clarity, clear passing lines, well visible lifetime (initialization points, destruction points), amenable to changes, easy to track.
If number of such values begin to grow to >= 5-6 values, I swithc to approach #3 below.
Passing values through class members -- did not do good to clarity of my code, eventually I got rid of it. It makes for less clear code. Code becomes muddled. I did not like it. It had no advantages.
As alternative to (1) and (2), I adopted Inner class approach, in cases when amount of such values is > 5 (which makes for too long argument list).
I pack those values into small Inner class and pass such object by reference as argument to all internal members.
Public function of a class usually creates an object of Inner class (I call is Impl or Ctx or Args) and passes it down to private functions.
This combines clarity of arg passing with brevity. It's perfect.
Good luck
Consider preparing array of strings and using a loop rather than writing 50 almost-identical calls. Something like char *strings[] = {...} (C/C++).
This really depends on your use case. Does 'a' represent a state that your application/object care about? Then you might want to make it a member of your object. Evaluate the big picture, think about maintenance, extensibility when designing structures.
If your parameter a is a of a class of your own, you might consider making the private_method a public method for the variable a.
Otherwise, I do not think this looks weird. If you only need a in just 1 function, making it a private variable of your class would be silly (at least to me). However, if you'd need it like 20 times I would do so :P Or even better, just make 'a' an object of your own that has that certain function you need.
A method should ideally not pass more than 7 parameters. Using the number of parameters more than 6-7 usually indicates a problem with the design (do the 7 parameters represent an object of a nested class?).
As for your question, if you want to make the parameter private only for the sake of passing between private methods without the parameter having anything to do with the current state of the object (or some information about the object), then it is not recommended that you do so.
From a performance point of view (memory consumption), reference parameters can be passed around as method parameters without any significant impact on the memory consumption as they are passed by reference rather than by value (i.e. a copy of the data is not created). For small number of parameters that can be grouped together you can use a struct. For example, if the parameters represent x and y coordinates of a point, then pass them in a single Point structure.
Ask yourself this question, does the parameter that you are making as a members represent any information (data) about the object? (data can be state or unique identification information). If the answer to his question is a clear no, then do not include the parameter as a member of the class.
More information
Limit number of parameters per method?
Parameter passing in C#
So as I understand it, the === operator tests to see if the RHS object is a member of the LHS object. That makes sense. But how does this work in Ruby? I'm looking at the Ruby docs and I only see === defined in Object, I don't see it in Integer itself. Is it just not documented?
Integer is a class, which (at least in Ruby) means that it is just a boring old normal object like any other object, which just happens to be an instance of the Class class (instead of, say, Object or String or MyWhateverFoo).
Class in turn is a subclass of Module (although arguably it shouldn't be, because it violates the Liskov Substition Principle, but that is a discussion for another forum, and is also a dead horse that has already been beaten many many times). And in Module#=== you will find the definition you are looking for, which Class inherits from Module and instances of Class (like Integer) understand.
Module#=== is basically defined symmetric to Object#kind_of?, it returns true if its argument is an instance of itself. So, 3 is an instance of Integer, therefore Integer === 3 returns true, just as 3.kind_of?(Integer) would.
So as I understand it, the === operator tests to see if the RHS object is a member of the LHS object.
Not necessarily. === is a method, just like any other method. It does whatever I want it to do. And in some cases the "is member of" analogy breaks down. In this case it is already pretty hard to swallow. If you are a hardcore type theory freak, then viewing a type as a set and instances of that type as members of a set is totally natural. And of course for Array and Hash the definition of "member" is also obvious.
But what about Regexp? Again, if you are formal languages buff and know your Chomsky backwards, then interpreting a Regexp as an infinite set of words and Strings as members of that set feels completely natural, but if not, then it sounds kind of weird.
So far, I have failed to come up with a concise description of precisely what === means. In fact, I haven't even come up with a good name for it. It is usually called the triple equals operator, threequals operator or case equality operator, but I strongly dislike those names, because it has absolutely nothing to do with equality.
So, what does it do? The best I have come up with is: imagine you are making a table, and one of the column headers is Integer. Would it make sense to write 3 in that column? If one of the column headers is /ab*a/, would it make sense to write 'abbbba' in that column?
Based on that definition, it could be called the subsumption operator, but that's even worse than the other examples ...
It's defined on Module, which Class is a subclass of, which Integer is an instance of.
In other words, when you run Integer === 3, you're calling '===' (with the parameter 3) on the object referred to to by the constant Integer, which is an instance of the class named Class. Since Class is a subclass of Module and doesn't define its own ===, you get the implementation of === defined on Module.
See the API docs for Module for more information.
Umm, Integer is a subclass of Object.
In XPath it is possible to convert an object to string using the string() function. Now I want to convert the string back to an object.
I do understand it is not possible in some cases (for example for elements), because some information was lost. But it should be possible for simple types, like int or boolean.
I know, for numbers I can use number() function, but I want general mechanism which will work for any simple type variable.
Going to string is easy, because you've told it that you want a string.
Similarly, going to number is easy, because you've told it that you want a number.
But there is no generic way to say 'turn it back into x', because you haven't told it what x is.
(In other words, string() is like a cast like Java/C/C++/C# have. But there is no uncast.)
string() isn't an object serializer, so you can't deserialize.
Why do you want this? Perhaps there is another way of solving your problem.
If your object $x is the number 1234, then string($x) will be the string "1234".
If your object $x is a nodeset of 1000 XML elements, the first one being
then string($x) will be the string "1234".
The function is not a bijection, you can't have an inverse as many different values map to the same string.
In no language (that I know of) you can cast A to B and then call a magical function that reverts it back to whatever it was before you casted it.
The process of converting some data type into something else is always an unidirectional one - you lose the information what type it was before. That's because the new data type has no way of storing what it was before.
So, what are you trying to do? I strongly suspect that you ask this question because you are tackling a problem from the wrong end.