XPath: opposite of string() function? - xpath

In XPath it is possible to convert an object to string using the string() function. Now I want to convert the string back to an object.
I do understand it is not possible in some cases (for example for elements), because some information was lost. But it should be possible for simple types, like int or boolean.
I know, for numbers I can use number() function, but I want general mechanism which will work for any simple type variable.

Going to string is easy, because you've told it that you want a string.
Similarly, going to number is easy, because you've told it that you want a number.
But there is no generic way to say 'turn it back into x', because you haven't told it what x is.
(In other words, string() is like a cast like Java/C/C++/C# have. But there is no uncast.)
string() isn't an object serializer, so you can't deserialize.
Why do you want this? Perhaps there is another way of solving your problem.

If your object $x is the number 1234, then string($x) will be the string "1234".
If your object $x is a nodeset of 1000 XML elements, the first one being
then string($x) will be the string "1234".
The function is not a bijection, you can't have an inverse as many different values map to the same string.

In no language (that I know of) you can cast A to B and then call a magical function that reverts it back to whatever it was before you casted it.
The process of converting some data type into something else is always an unidirectional one - you lose the information what type it was before. That's because the new data type has no way of storing what it was before.
So, what are you trying to do? I strongly suspect that you ask this question because you are tackling a problem from the wrong end.


Go Ints and Strings are immutable OR mutable?

What I am reading about ints and strings over internet is they are immutable in the nature.
But the following code shows that after changing the values of these types, still they points to the same address. This contradicts the idea behind the nature of types in python.
Can anyone please explain me this?
Thanks in advance.
package main
import (
func main() {
num := 2
num = 3
fmt.Println(&num) // address value of the num does not change
str := "2"
str = "34"
fmt.Println(&str) // address value of the str does not change
A number is immutable by nature. 7 is 7, and it won't be 8 tomorrow. That doesn't mean that which number is stored in a variable cannot change. Variables are variable. They're mutable containers for values which may be mutable or immutable.
A Go string is immutable by language design; the string type doesn't support any mutating operators (like appending or replacing a character in the middle of the string). But, again, assignment can change which string a variable contains.
In Python (CPython at least), a number is implemented as a kind of object, with an address and fields like any other object. When you do tricks with id(), you're looking at the address of the object "behind" the variable, which may or may not change depending on what you do to it, and whether or not it was originally an interned small integer or something like that.
In Go, an integer is an integer. It's stored as an integer. The address of the variable is the address of the variable. The address of the variable might change if the garbage collector decides to move it (making the numeric value of the address more or less useless), but it doesn't reveal to you any tricks about the implementation of arithmetic operators, because there aren't any.
Strings are more complicated than integers; they are kind of object-ish internally, being a structure containing a pointer and a size. But taking the address of a string variable with &str doesn't tell you anything about that internal structure, and it doesn't tell you whether the Go compiler decided to use a de novo string value for an assignment, or to modify the old one in place (which it could, without breaking any rules, if it could prove that the old one would never be seen again by anything else). All it tells you is the address of str. If you wanted to find out whether that internal pointer changed you would have to use reflection... but there's hardly ever any practical reason to do so.
When you read about a string being immutable, it means you cannot modify it by index, ex:
x := "hello"
x[2] = 'r'
//will raise an error
As a comment says, when you modify the whole var(and not a part of it with an index), it's not related to being mutable or not, and you can do it

Polymorphism without methods in go

Note: I'm editing this question to a concrete example of why I want to do this, which is why some of the answers might no longer make sense in context.
I am writing a bit of code that passes data from an input. The data is in the form of tags that have an identifier of what kind of data they contain and then the data.
Unfortunately I have no control over the input and don't know in advance what tags will be in it, one might be an int another might be a string, yet another might be an array of ints.
The problem arises when I need to handle all tags like the same type, for instance if I have a slice of tags, of a function that either accepts or returns a tag.
The solutions I have so far seen to this is to define the slices/functions with an empty interface which would allow me to do so, however that is kinda undesirable as it would not tell anything to other people using the package about what types are expected and also kinda defies the point of having a typed language in the first place.
Interfaces does however seem to be the solution here, and i would love to have a Tag interface to pass around, that does require though that I define methods on them, and there are really no methods they need.
My current solution looks like this
type Tag interface{
type TagInt int
func (tag TagInt) implementTag() {}
type TagString string
func (tag TagInt) implementTag() {}
While this does indeed work and solves my problem, having to define dummy methods just for that feels very wrong.
So my question sums up in this: Are there any way that I can define that something is a Tag without having to define dummy methods?
And now want to make a slice that can hold both t1 and t2 but nothing else.
You cannot do that. Sorry.
What I would do in your scenario is accept any type in the parameters with an empty interface then use a type assertion inside to confirm that it's the type that you want.
if t1, ok := interfaceInput.(t1); !ok{
// handle it being the wrong type here
Also if you want the tight coupling between a data type and it's method, namely an object, what's so wrong with having it be a method of the object?
You can use []interface{} for a "slice of any type" but then it's up to you to use type assertions and/or type switches to discover the actual runtime types of that slice's members.
Learn more about empty interfaces in the Tour of Go
And now want to make a slice that can hold both t1 and t2 but nothing
This is quite an unusual requirement and you're unlikely to need this in Go. But you could also do your own discriminated union with:
type item struct {
typeSelector int
t1Value t1
t2Value t2
And then use []item, checking typeSelector at runtime to see which value is populated.
Alternatively you could even use *t1 and *t2 and have nil signify "no value in this field".

How does a loosely typed language know how to handle different data types?

I was working on a simple task yesterday, just needed to sum the values in a handful of dropdown menus to display in a textbox via Javascript. Unexpectedly, it was just building a string so instead of giving me the value 4 it gave me "1111". I understand what was happening; but I don't understand how.
With a loosely typed language like Javascript or PHP, how does the computer "know" what type to treat something as? If I just type everything as a var, how does it differentiate a string from an int from an object?
What the + operator will do in Javascript is determined at runtime, when both actual arguments (and their types) are known.
If the runtime sees that one of the arguments is a string, it will do string concatenation. Otherwise it will do numeric addition (if necessary coercing the arguments into numbers).
This logic is coded into the implementation of the + operator (or any other function like it). If you looked at it, you would see if typeof(a) === 'string' statements (or something very similar) in there.
If I just type everything as a var
Well, you don't type it at all. The variable has no type, but any actual value that ends up in that variable has a type, and code can inspect that.

Taking fixnum as user input

I was wondering if there is a way to take user input as a fixnum. I can do something like a = gets.chomp.to_i, but is there anything similar in ruby to nextInt() in java, or do I need to do these conversions each time?
When you're working with input streams, like a file or the terminal, you're working with raw bytes. You never work directly with primitive types. If you want primitive types, you have to use methods to make sense of the bytes. In many cases, "working with raw bytes" is synonymous with working with strings, so strings types often have conversion methods to extract typed data out of them.
Java has the Scanner class, which does have a nextInt() method. It is used to extract a Java integer out of text. It does so by parsing the text and converting it to the requested primitive data type, in this case int. In order for it to work, you must give it an input source. When you wrap it around System.in, you get a Scanner that extracts data from standard input, which is usually connected to the terminal.
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int i = scanner.nextInt();
In Ruby, we can simply ask the string to try and convert itself to another type. If you want an integer:
line = gets # reads from standard input
i = line.to_i # converts the string to an integer
String's to_i method performs a very loose conversion, and returns zero if it couldn't figure out the number or if there was no number to begin with. It will never raise an exception and will always return a number, even if there was no number to parse.
The Integer() method performs a more strict conversion.
First of all, your gets.chomp.to_i works, but is not the right way. I don't know how you got that idea to attach chomp, but that has no meaning here. You should do gets.to_i. So, no, you don't need to do the conversion gets.chomp.to_i each time.
And the only thing Ruby can receive from a terminal input is a string. There is no way to receive anything other than a string from the terminal.

Performance of thenComparing vs thenComparingInt - which to use?

I have a question, if I'm comparing ints, is there a performance difference in calling thenComparingInt(My::intMethod) vs thenComparing(My::intMethod), in other words, if I'm comparing differemt types, both reference and primitive, e.g. String, int, etc. Part of me just wants to say comparing().thenComparing().thenComparing() etc, but should I do comparing.thenComparing().thenComparingInt() if the 3rd call was comparing an int or Integer value?
I am assuming that comparing() and thenComparing() use the compareTo method to compare any given type behind the scenes or possibly for ints, the Integer.compare? I'm also assuming the answer to my original question may involve performance in that thenComparingInt would know an int is being passed in, whereas, thenComparing would have to autobox int to Integer then maybe cast to Object?
Also, another question whilst I think of it - is there a way of chaining method references, e.g. Song::getArtist::length where getArtist returns a string? Reason is I wanted to do something like this:
Comparator.comparing((Song s) -> s.getArtist().length()));
Comparator.comparing(Song::getArtist, String::length));
Of the 3 examples, the top two compile but the bottom seems to throw a compilation error in Eclipse, I would have thought the 2nd argument of String::length was valid? But maybe not as it's expecting a Comparator not a function?
Question 1
I would think thenComparingInt(My::intMethod) might be better since it should avoid boxing, but you would have to try out both versions to see if it really makes a difference.
Question 2
Comparator.comparing(Song::getArtist, String::length));
Is invalid because the 2nd parameter should be a Comparator not a method that returns int.
