How to make mail notification/alert - spring

I'm using Spring-Insight and Pivotal tc server to deploy and monitor two Spring applications but I have to create some alerts in case of threshold violation. Do you know if this is possible to make this alerting system without creating a customized plugin? I just can't find anything in the documentation.

Finally, I didn't find any solution to my problem but I think this is possible with a customized plugin. I personally chose another option : monitor my application with Dynatrace even if Dynatrace isn't free.


Using custom metrics in self-hosted sentry

I have started using sentry within my org and loving it so far.
I've been trying to use its performance monitoring tool with custom metrics added.
While I can add custom metrics to the transactions I'm generating in sentry_sdk (for Python), I can't get access to them on the dashboard of our self-hosted installation of sentry.
After a lot of digging, I came across this paragraph here which states that
This feature is only available to organization on our latest plans which include Dynamic Sampling. Customers on legacy plans must move to one of these plans in order to access custom metrics.
From what I gather, I believe their plans in general is to run sentry on their servers. Unless you opt-in to their self-hosted code that can be downloaded from github here.
This is absolutely a bummer because I know my org will not consider moving internal data to third-party servers.
Wondering if someone knows of a solution to this problem. If sentry folks know of (paid) options that enables this feature on self-hosted version or if someone has hacked into their open source code?
I'd also love to hear any out-of-the-box suggestion you folks might have.

What are Istio alternative for Authentication Policy and what is Istio flow for development?

At this url you can have a look at my project jut to have some context:
Long story short I am building an open source framework for building Escrows that can take advantage of the latest PSD2
It support Cryptocurrency payments and implements some sort of side chain in order to have a proof that a contract was signed.
Basically of all of the things that Istio does what I really need is the Authentication Policy using JWT.
This in order to avoid writing this part in every microservice that I am creating.
Of course the gateway is also something important.
The main issue is that I have no idea while I am developing using my IDE (Intellij IDEA) what I can do in order to avoid having to stop, rebuild and start containers every single time I need to rebuild since once I use Istio, I will need to use Istio also in development, otherwise I would have to write some dummy services that fake the authorization from istio when I want to check if a certain user has the permissions to access a resource.
What possibilities I have to have a lean workflow with Istio and eventually what alternatives to Istio do I have?
As for the workflow part of my question, I have found a possible solution:
There is a nice workshop available here:

Microservice dependency manager tools

Is there a tool available to manage the microservice dependency.
For eg:- If there are service like Inventory service, Catalog service and identity service which together constitute product service.
Is there a visual tool which can map all the dependency and if any of the service is getting changed it should show what all other service is going to be effected by this.
While this questions was posted some years ago, there is now an open source tool called that does microservice dependency mapping across clusters. It tracks and versions 'logical' views of the application, and shows what apps are dependent upon what services. Tracks this across all clusters with a full versioning engine.
I think your requirement is closely satisfied by Service map feature of New Relic which is an Application Performance Monitoring platform
Check out
Service maps are visual, customizable representations of your application architecture.
Maps automatically show you your app's connections and dependencies, including databases and external services.
Health indicators and performance metrics show you the current operational status for every part of your architecture.
Well not exactly a dependency manager, if at all there is anything like that, but we made use of a tool called Pinpoint. Amongst it many features is one which shows all the services which are configured with pinpoint and how they interact with other services and databases.
It may help you find how services are linked, and you can infer what all services be impacted if you alter a given service.
It may be long shot, to get a whole apm set up just to find these dependecies, but if you starting from scratch, you may think around it.

Dashboard for Websphere Instance or JVM status with HTML and php

Am not getting the perfect answer for my requirement. Please find the detailed requirement in Lyman English.
I have an application which is installed in Websphere Application Server 8.5 version.
Got a requirement for me to create a dashboard where in we can see the server status like whether the JVM is up or down, EAR deployed date etc.
Dashboard needs to be accessed from Internet explorer on Windows Desktop.
Could you let me know how to achieve this?
Note: Websphere is installed on Linux and IE is on Windows.
This is quite broad question, so I'll just give you options that you will have to explore further by your own and choose the one that suits you best.
From the easiest one:
Use built-in admin console - WebSphere provides admin gui, if you dont want to allow users to change anything just give the user monitor role. He will be able to check server status, application status etc...
Use monitoring tool already available, like IBM Health Center, JConsole or 3rd party - I know, not the browser solution but maybe will fit your need
Install and use PerfServlet - it will give you WebSphere statistics in XML format. You can write your app to query that servlet for required params, then parse and present output
Finally use MBean API and write your custom monitoring app - the most difficult but also the most flexible.
Looking at your question, I'd suggest you to stay with option 1).

Active Directory Domain Services Auditing

I'll try to explain my goal as good as I can;
I want to trigger a script whenever there is a new computer added to a Organizational Unit.
To do this i need to activate the logging of this event under the local security policy/audit policy. I guess my question is, do I need to do this on all the domain controllers, or is it enough to do it one just one?
Also, is it possible to see the event from a member server with the Management Tools pack installed? As I don't want to put too much work on the Domain Controllers.
Here is the Microsoft article that gives 4 ways of tracking changes in Microsoft Active-Directory. You will find everything you need from configuring the eventlog to receiving notifications by way of different kind of polling.
