Edit Joomla Contact Page Header - joomla

I would like to edit the h1 tag on the contact page. We only have a single contact number on the contact page and would like to change the h1 tag phones to phone.
Had a dig around in the joomla file structure but I am fresh to php so its not that clear to me!
How would i go about making this change?

You can rename once word trough override system. Go to "Extensions->Language manager" then on the right side overrides, click on "new" and use search. I don't understand your issue with h1, you can enable in menu item settings page heading and insert your text for h1 tag.


What is Laravel Forge > Site Details > Meta > Tags?

I am using Laravel Forge. When I log into Laravel Forge and select a site, there is a "Meta" menu item at the bottom left.
At the very bottom, there is a place to enter "Tags".
I am not sure what this is for. I entered a tag "test" to see if it came up as an SEO meta tag within the HTML header. Nothing returned. There is nothing in the documentation that explains its purpose. I believe it has something to do with an Apache setting, but I am not familiar with this.
It's to filter servers and sites so you can search on them:
You can manage your tags here

Joomla External Link -

I am using the external link type menu items within Joomla - the reason is I need to link direct to an anchor on another page from the menu.
I have around 10-15 links, all work as expected except 2.
in my external URL box I have something like this:
id - is the article id
Itemid - is the menu item I want to be active
hashtag - is my anchor link
On the 2 that are not working it seems to go to url with this "http://www.website.com/component/content/?Itemid=207#SystemIntegration" instead of "http://www.website.com/services/digital-solutions/SystemIntegration#SystemIntegration" as expected
has anyone else had this issue? I have a feeling its connected to the SEF urls being on.
Joomla 3.5.0 version
Step1. Create a Hidden Menu from Joomla admin==>Menus==>Manage==>add
new menu
Step2. Select a Hidden Menu ==> add a new menu item==>Menu Item
Type==>Article==>single article==>your article id==>save
Step3. Site load this url(take copy)
Step4. Create a new menu from external url Pate the previous url
(include #)
Nothing I tried worked reliably - so I got round it by making each item go to the single article, then using a spare field to store the name of anchor. Then within some custom JS code I checked if the field was set and automatically scrolled the page to it if it was - works better than the joomla standard anyway and is more reliable

Joomla, standard contact-form in article

I have site on joomla.
I have page contact (html-text and picture).
In the end of this page, how to add standard joomla contact form?
In the components menu in the admin go to contacts.
Create a new contact and fill in the information.
You can use street address for text if you want, that is at the top or you can use miscellaneous information.
Make sure to include an email address or a link to a user so that the user's email is used.
Then make a single contact menu link to that contact from whatever menu you want it shown on.
You can either use a component for this from the Joomla! Extensions Directory. Else you can build one yourself using basic html markup.

Change CMS page content in Magento (orders and returns footer link)

I have been searching for hours for a solution to this. I want to change the content of the footer link Orders and returns to just read " please contact us for your return authorization number, and our phone number. I can't seem to find where this information resides.
EDIT: I would like to change the form that appears when the "Orders and Returns" link in the footer is clicked
Are you trying to change the content of a page that is link from the footer of your site?
If this is what you are trying to do, then go to that page and look at the title in your browser then go to the admin -> CMS -> Pages and look for that title

Joomla show only Contact Form

I have created a contact form for my Joomla site. There are two items in that contact page as Contact (my contact details are listed here) and Contact Form. I don't need that Contact item to display. i need to show only Contact Form. How could i remove Contact item and display only Contact Form ? ( I'm using Joomla 2.5 )
Don't edit components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/default.php the whole point of template overrides is not to touch core files. Instead, make a copy of
and put it in
templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/com_contact/contact/default.php
Now you can make all the changes you want to that file without having to worry about an update overwriting your edits and if you mess up the file all you have to do is make a new copy and start over.
As for the changes you want, all of the various contact details are display between line 19-65. There is a <p></p> at the end of the contact info display. You can simply remove any or all of that code as needed.
Short cut:
Go to Components -> Contacts -> Options -> Contact -> Display format: Plain
