Change CMS page content in Magento (orders and returns footer link) - magento

I have been searching for hours for a solution to this. I want to change the content of the footer link Orders and returns to just read " please contact us for your return authorization number, and our phone number. I can't seem to find where this information resides.
EDIT: I would like to change the form that appears when the "Orders and Returns" link in the footer is clicked

Are you trying to change the content of a page that is link from the footer of your site?
If this is what you are trying to do, then go to that page and look at the title in your browser then go to the admin -> CMS -> Pages and look for that title


Magento layout block

i changed the images directly in the coding of the home page in the panel
and now its showing on the home page only before doing this it was showing on every product page any help will be appreciated.
Home Page - Screenshot
Product page - Screenshot
I think in homepage you have used 2columns-left layout and for product detail page 2columns-right layout, so you have to check into both layout's phtml file and check if anything(e.g. cms-block) missing for product detail page.
I think this is cms block which are calling on different positions first find block id for this and from admin disabled that block if you want to remove it thanks

Suggestion for designing product page in Wordpress

I have a wordpress website and I am looking for the plugin suggestions for my Products page. I want that when user clicks on any company name on the Products page, a page like SubProducts should open up. On the 'SubProducts' page, there is a sidebar on the left. When user will click on 'Drills' in the sidebar, content should load in the 'Main Content' on the SubProducts page.
When user clicks on next product, it's content should load in the Main Content. I vaguely know that AJAX is useful for such purposes when we don't want to reload the page again.
Is there any plugin for this requirement. I don't want ecommerce plugins as I am not selling the products here.
I am also looking for some resources for implementing this in AJAX, I have found some pages but they are not doing what I want.
Please suggest.

Blog Link in magento

I'm working in magento blog
i have 2 store views each one for different country
the problem is when we add the blog link in the social media page .. we must to write only one store view in the URL
How can i add a blog URL that match with customer store view
ex: if customer from store view 1 open the link .. the URL will be (
and if customer from store view 2 open the link .. the URL will be (
I tried to make the URL be (
but it refers to 404 page
Try this.
Open Admin panel
Goto System->Configuration
Change Current Configuration Scope to storeview1 or storeview2 from top of leftbar.
search for keyword blog under "aheadWorks Extensions" at leftbar
Try to change Route to Blog from settings.
Hope this will help some how.

Magento translation and url key

I have a Magento website with some pages linked to main navigation.
For example, in my default view (Italian) I have
Then I created another page for English view with url
So, when I am on the italian version of the page and try to switch to english version, this is the url that magento generate: and on click it gives me 404 page.
How can I fix it? I need that this 2 pages should be linked, also if url key is different.
Many thanks!
Out of the box Magento does not support URL Translation, both pages need the same URL key. Check instructions from the Magento Docs on how to translate CMS pages.
To translate a CMS page, you must create a new page that has the same
URL Key as the original, but assigned to the specific store view.
So you will either have to stick to one languages for your URLs or develop/acquire a module to do this for you. The magento-language-roots or CMSRewrites modules both look like they will achieve this for you.
You may also want to consider adding Hreflang tags to your head.phtml as you have a multi-lingual site.

Add link to CMS page from admin panel magento

How to add link to CMS from product description part with admin panel.
You can add relative a link in the product description like this:
Anchor text here
But in order for this to work you need to allow store (media and skin) directives in the description. This can be enabled from System->Configuration->Catalog->Frontend->Allow Dynamic Media URLs in Products and Categories. Set the field to yes and clear the cache.
Place the anchor tag with href as below:
href="{{store url='about-magento-demo-store'}}"
Replace "about-magento-demo-store" with cms page code.
You can normally place an anchor tag to give any link in the Product Description section or you can use the WYSIWYG editor also by clicking on the WYSIWYG editor button just below it.
About US
here about us is just example link you can add your cms page link with just replace with aboutus
hope this help you
I got the solution. Just this href="/faq#washable"
Thanks guys :)
