tiddlywiki highlight.js in static mode - tiddlywiki

I have generated static tiddlers with the command
however the highlight.js is not working (which is expected I guess!?)
How can one "enable" syntax highlighting in static mode?

This was a known limitation. The latest version has fixed this. Please check tiddlywiki.com/prerelease


Preview of math formulars in ASCiiDoc (VS Code)

I am using VS Code to write a document in ASCiiDoc. Part of this document are math formulas.
My problem is that preview of this formulars does not work. For example: If I write
the preview is
In Git intepretation of this works, but not locally in preview. How do I fix this?
This problem was discussed in the following GitHub issues:
The solution appears to be to change the Asciidoc: Change Preview Security Settings to Disable to allow the remote content for the images to load.

How to set Neovim+SpaceVim to syntax highlight Hugo (markdown, TOML, Go+HTML, CSS) files?

I am on Manjaro using Neovim and SpaceVim vanilla installations. The editor works fantastically well.
Since I am new to vim-style editing, I do not want to mess my configuration. Yet I'm not very savvy about how to add plugins to Neovim+SpaceVim.
I want my Hugo files to have a proper syntax highlighting. Files's content are TOML (.toml), markdown (.md, but not .markdown), Go+HTML (.html with some Go templates inside) and CSS (.css).
I tried to use the vim-go plugin using yay package manager, but there was no syntax highlighting :(
If you could help me, please take into account that I'm very new to this vim-universe. Thanks!

PhpStorm parameter hints in sass

I have a scss file that I call in
#import ..mixins
but when I try to call in methods from the mixin that is defined like this
#mixin myFunction($param1, $param2){
Phpstorm just gives a hint like
without any parameter information. Has anyone found any solutions to this?
Unfortunately it's not yet supported in current versions on PhpStorm/WebStorm (stable 2016.3 and upcoming 2017.1).
Watch these tickets (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress:
I came here searching for this myself, and it isn't supported even in 2018.
It's not going to give you hinting apparently, but, for often used mixins you can create a live template (snippet) with variables.
In your case:
1) - Navigate to Settings: File>Settings>Editor>Live Templates. Then click the '+' to add a new 'snippet'.
#mixin myFunction($$param1$, $$param2$);
The extra $ are for naming vars in Live Templates.
2) - Highlight the snippet of code to use for a new Live Template. Then press CTRL(CMD)-SHIFT-A and search "Save As Live Template". Double click or press enter to do '1)' much quicker if the code is already present.
That's a dirty workaround in the meantime.
What PHPStorm does support is: when you #include myMix, the hint will expand if you use the up, down arrows. Still not hinting, but almost.

ckeditor source view formatting lost?

I've just upgraded from CKEditor 4.4.4 to CKEditor 4.5.2 and it seems that the source code formatting is lost. This is also the case with all demos on the official case eg. main demo page.
It used to look like this (nice formatting, coloring):
And now it looks like this:
Does anybody know if I need a plugin or if it's a bug?
CKEditor has never provided syntax coloring in source mode.
Previously you have used some third party plugin, so you must add it again.

-moz-column-span: all; – completely ignored?

Testing in various versions of Firefox new and old it seems that column-span in CSS3 is ignored completely?
Even the simple demo on quirksmode fails in firefox:
Has this ever worked? I'm having trouble finding anything related online. Surely it should work if there is a prefix for the rule (-moz-column-span)
Am I missing something?
As of today, -moz-column-span and column-span are still not supported by Firefox.
No, -moz-column-span and column-span are ignored by Firefox. Here is the bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=616436
CSS column-span is shipped in Firefox 71.
Here is your reference from the W3C: column-span
-moz is only the Firefox prefix. So you will need use the WebKit and regular declaration as well.
It should look something like this:
.pullquote {
-moz-column-span: 2;
-webkit-column-span: 2;
column-span: 2;
Single Column is not the worst thing as a fallback, but IE users might not be super into this. See more info at the Can I Use website.
