Preview of math formulars in ASCiiDoc (VS Code) - visual-studio

I am using VS Code to write a document in ASCiiDoc. Part of this document are math formulas.
My problem is that preview of this formulars does not work. For example: If I write
the preview is
In Git intepretation of this works, but not locally in preview. How do I fix this?

This problem was discussed in the following GitHub issues:
The solution appears to be to change the Asciidoc: Change Preview Security Settings to Disable to allow the remote content for the images to load.


In Visual Studio2019 how to setup the codehighlightcolors in the editor for Classes/Parameter/Functions etc.?

I watched a youtube video about Blazor and noticed that my color highlighting of my code in the texteditor was different from the video. In the video much more codebits had different colors then it is the case in my Visual Studio 2019 setup.
My code has some coloring but its alot of white lines instead of every codebit differend colorsetting (Class/Function/Parameter/...).
Please see the attached jpeg!
How can I also have those color settings from the video (jpeg left side is what I want // right side is what I have) in my VS? Is that a "plugin" to download or where can I find the settings for that?
In VS I checked Tools-Options- and then tried different dropdown menues but could not find the place for these settings (kind of lost because there are so much options)!
Thanks for helping me to get more colors in my code/life :)
Don't know if that is totaly the same thing I saw but it it close to what I wanted.
You can install a Extension to VS via Marketplace. I installed this:
Enhanced Syntax Highlighting
From Stanislav Kuzmich

JasperReport/Aspose.word - Background image working with pdf but doesn't with word

As explained in the title. I'm using aspose.word extension for JasperReports. When I create a report with the PDF format, everything works fine; but, when I export the same jrxml file in word .doc format I cannot see the background image.
I was wondering if aspose.word does support background images or not. I didn't manage to get this point in the documentation.
EDIT: It came out from Aspose Development Team that Aspose.word has a bug and actually doesn't show background images.
Just for reference for any one facing this issue in future. The issue with issue id:WORDSJSP-146 has been logged in our issue tracking system to fix this bug.
Also, following thread is posted in Aspose forum for the above issue
P.S. I am social media developer at Aspose.

Is there a way in Sublime Text 2 to support JavaScript completion of objects/functions defined in other files?

If I am editing a .js file in Sublime Text 2 that makes use of a library defined in a separate .js file, is there a way to support tab completion of objects/functions defined in the external library file?
Something analogous to the following from Visual Studio:
/// <reference path="/js/some-library.min.js" />
which enables IntelliSense over the library/plugin code.
I haven't tried it myself yet, but there's SublimeCodeIntel:
The OP in this thread: seems to be complaining that it's pulling suggestions from outside the current file, which may mean it's doing what you want.
I was looking for the exact same thing, and I can confirm that SublimeCodeIntel works well. However, Sublime Text seems slightly less responsive when using SublimeCodeIntel, which is a drawback.
Another cool thing coming from a Visual Studio environment is the support for "Go to definition" in this plugin.
Another option is TernJS:
I haven't yet used it, but it looks promising. Editor slowdown seems to be an issue with any code completion plugin; sounds like authors are still working out kinks in scraping and caching related files for code completion. The TernJS page addresses this issue and offers some config options for managing how it handles related files.

WkHtmlToXSharp not rendering HTML elements as soon as I change the source HTML

I have downloaded WkHtmlToXSharp (which uses WkHtmlToPdf under the hood) and opened the solution.
When I run the test given with the project - CanConvertFromFile, it gives me a nicely formatted PDF output.
But as soon as I delete even a blank space from the source HTML file ( WkHtmlToXSharp.Tests\Resources\page.xhtml) it renders only text with no HTML structure in place i.e. all text on the page is rendered as a single line.
I am finding the same problem with my dev project using WkHtmlToXSharp.
I suspect this is due to change of character encoding of the source file. Do you know what the character encoding should be? Is this an issue with WkHtmlToPdf as well?
Note: Sorry for the slightly misleading tag (WkHtmlToPdf), the site did not allow me to create tag WkHtmlToXSharp.
Many Thanks!
wkhtmltopdf assumes UTF8 as default, but there's a property (WebSettings.DefaultEncoding) which can be used to override the encoding expected.
However, your problem looks more like you are re-using a disposed instance or something similar. May you describe a bit deeper your use case.. is it an ASP.NET application? a console project? are you running under visual studio's dev web server?
I believe the cause of this is in the issue tracker on Pablo's repo. Issue #7: Only works first time
datimson commented 25 days ago
Also, for the sake of helping anyone else who might have this problem, when debugging with WkHtmlToXSharp in ASP.NET you need to stop the ASP Development server before restarting or rebuilding the application - this is what was causing my text only PDF outputs.

Embed image in code with Visual Studio

I remember reading once that there was a way to embed an image into a code file (e.g. a screenshot or diagram) in Visual Studio, but now I can't find any reference to that feature.
Is this possible to do, or am I imagining things?
EDIT: I don't mean embed the image in the executable, for use at runtime. I mean link or embed it literally in the code, for use by developers.
There is a plug-in for VS 2010 that can do this:
There is also a plugin for VS2012 and VS2013. At this moment installing for VS2013 does not seem to work for me though.
ImageComments extension on GitHub
You can embed images in your binary through the use of the ImageList control, which is typically used to store small icons for list controls, gridviews, etc., but could also be used for storing really any image for any purpose. A better solution would be to include a resource file and store your images there.
