Drupal , something wrong with ajax popup forms, how to fix? - ajax

I have site with Drupal 7, Colorbox and Webform modules. I use it like it
<a class="colorbox-node" href="/node/25?width=600&height=400">Call me</a>
The problem is, when my form popped up i see error message: "This form could not be submitted because $_POST was truncated to 115 input vars. PHP max_input_vars is 3000 and needs to be increased." I tried to make it - 10000, but no success. And one more i have another site on that hosting, with the same logic but no problem there. What should i check?
Screenshot - http://take.ms/OkaEa

I encountered this problem with the Modal forms (with ctools) module as well. I upgraded to the latest dev version of Webform (Feb 19, 2015) and that resolved the issue. This item from the issue queue discusses the cause and fix included that release:

Which version of colorbox are you using? Please note, from https://www.drupal.org/project/colorbox:
Form support in Colorbox is removed in 7.x-2.x
Use Modal forms (with ctools) instead or one of the other modules that has this feature, there are a number of them.
The attempt to support opening various forms in a Colorbox was in hindsight never a good idea. Form error handling and form redirects are complicated, a lot of code would be needed to do it correctly.
If you absolutely want to continue using the form support you need to stay with 7.x-1.x.


Popup on Eigen web page blocks content

For some reason the Eigen web page now has a popup blocking content. If you go to http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/, the popup in the upper-left corner of the page doesn't want to go away. Help please! Seems to fail with both the latest Firefox and on Chrome.
Looks like the Eigen developers are aware of this (Issue 1918) and they just merged a fix about 5 minutes ago. I'm not sure how long it takes to update the website, but the documentation bug causing the issue should be fixed.
Apparently the issue was with the JavaScript in eigen_navtree_hacks.js which needed the load function (which is deprecated) to be changed to the on function
had to be changed to
$(window).on("load", showRoot);
had to be changed to
$(window).on("load", resizeHeight);
I'm not sure what actually triggered the menu to start behaving this way in the first place.

joomla 1.5 adminsitrator: article section editing doesn't load

The client have moved Joomla from old to new server. I am aware of what they did exactly. As a result joomla webpage is working (it seems so) and administrator panel loads correctly. You can edit menu items etc. there.
However, when you try to edit article it doesn't work.
When I click on article, the page start to load (...administrator/index.php?option=com_content&sectionid=-1&task=edit&cid[]=56), but the only thing that is loaded is empty page with one form element with input fields "Title", "Alias", "Section". That is it. So this means that page stoped loading.
I am not so big expert in Joomla and debugging, but can you suggest me how to fix this issue? How to find out why articles stoped working? I understand that you can me give the exact sollution, but can you mention some steps to investigate.
After some investigation I have set
in admin.content.html.php and this showed me an error.
You can check version of php. Joomla 1.5 is pretty old so somewhere it can contain call-time pass-by-reference which was removed in 5.4+, so using it raise a fatal error. Enable error_reporting also error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'stdout') or stderr

Magento product not saving

I have come across very different kind of problem. Suddenly in Magento products uploaded not updating anymore.
In detail, when we open products to update and click save button, nothing happens. It started happening suddenly, everything was working fine before.
Please help, its a big problem. I dont know what to do and which files to check.
May be you missed some mandatory field to fill. Check every tab if you have any error asking to fill the fields.
Or, there will be some javascript errors. Check if any JS errors are there, and post it here.
I found where it was gone wrong.
in js/prototype/validation.js
This file used by admin product option validation, which I have changed and didn't realize to check for admin validations.
Small change like this solved the problem.
// put your code for front-end validation
Thanks to all.
I came here after having the same problem. "Save" suddenly stopped working on the product page. The only thing I had done was update prototype.js from 1.7 to 1.7.1 to support fade() in IE10 b/c I have a custom fade on thumbnails.
Well prototype.js 1.7.1 responds with TypeError: value.gsub is not a function when you click save.
Had to revert back because I dont know how to fix it.
if magento is configured to work with elasticsearch and elasticsearch is unreachable it also results in this error

Widget kit not working for joomla 1. 7

I have a joomla 1. 7 website and I have installed a widget kit for displaying a slider with buttons on it. It works fine in the backend, however it does not display on the site.
Is there a reason why widget kit is not compatible with Joomla 1. 7?
Without any details at all, I'd suggest a possible conflict with you chosen joomla template and javascript library(s) like jquery or mootools.
Try one of the simple templates that came with your joomla installation and see if the problem on the front end persists.
Widget Kit is compatible with Joomla 1.7, however as Grag P said, it might possibly be a conflict with another extension using Jquery.
Use Firebug and look at the scripts being loaded in the <head> tags and see if there are 2 Jquery libraries being loaded.
If so then the 2nd one is most likely coming from your template in which case go to your template manager and see if there is an option to turn off Jquery, else if its coming from another extension, try disabling it and seeing if this solves the problem.
Also make sure you have the most up-to-date version of widget kit as Yootheme have brought out a lot of updates in the last 2 months.

What is jScrollPane-1.2.3.min.js and why's it not working?

I am maintaining a jQuery-enabled site which makes use of jScrollPane to have fancy looking scrollbars.
When testing in Internet Explorer 9 I was faced with the error "SCRIPT438 getElementsByTagName is not supported". This is a known bug with jQuery 1.5 (which I was using) and probably unrelated to jScrollPane.
So, I upgraded jQuery to version 1.7.1. Fine, SCRIPT438 error is gone. However, jScrollPane now produces obscure JavaScript error D is null in jScrollPane-1.2.3.min.js. As I'm not the original developer of the site, I don't know where this file came from. It's nowhere to be found on the official site.
If I try jquery.jscrollpane.min.js (from the jScrollPane site) instead, results are no good. The scroll contents show up when page is initializing but disappear when page is ready (no JavaScript errors). Isn't jScrollPane backwards-compatible?
Anybody understanding the different jScrollPane files and the cause of the errors I get?
You need use the autoReinitialize option along with the latest version of jquery.jscrollpane.min.js:
$('.scrollpane').jScrollPane({autoReinitialise: true});
This will fix the issue where the scroll bars appear when the page is ready. I had this same problem a week ago, I now have a whole new problem which is how I stumbled on this question.
