joomla 1.5 adminsitrator: article section editing doesn't load - joomla

The client have moved Joomla from old to new server. I am aware of what they did exactly. As a result joomla webpage is working (it seems so) and administrator panel loads correctly. You can edit menu items etc. there.
However, when you try to edit article it doesn't work.
When I click on article, the page start to load (...administrator/index.php?option=com_content&sectionid=-1&task=edit&cid[]=56), but the only thing that is loaded is empty page with one form element with input fields "Title", "Alias", "Section". That is it. So this means that page stoped loading.
I am not so big expert in Joomla and debugging, but can you suggest me how to fix this issue? How to find out why articles stoped working? I understand that you can me give the exact sollution, but can you mention some steps to investigate.
After some investigation I have set
in admin.content.html.php and this showed me an error.

You can check version of php. Joomla 1.5 is pretty old so somewhere it can contain call-time pass-by-reference which was removed in 5.4+, so using it raise a fatal error. Enable error_reporting also error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'stdout') or stderr


404 error after removing id from url in joomla

Hello i need some help to solve a problem.
I have a joomla site 3.3.3 version and i removed the id's from url according to this.[][1]
Everything works ok.When i created an Articles-Newsflash (advanced) module and assign articles to it,by clicking the link title it give's me 404 error page.
When i go to the admin area and turn Sef Advanced Mode to no everything works!
I can't figure out what i'm missing.
Thank's in advance for any help!!
P.S.Its a multilingual site.
This happens when you have articles with the same aliases, even trashed articles. Check your trash for deleted articles and completely trash them.
By the way, we created an exhaustive guide, and it is available here:
There is also a way, described in the guide, of doing this whole thing without modifying a core file.

Wrong URL used when accessing article through a module

I have an annoying problem and am hoping someone will be able to help.
We use quite a few extensions on our Joomla site (Roksprocket mainly but also Global News Filter for instance).
The modules themselves are working fine however when I click on an article in one of these modules the article opens but it doesn't use the nice URL that should be displayed (we have Search Engine Friendly URLs set to Yes and Use URL rewriting set to Yes). This happens for all modules that draw off a category (so I don't think its linked to a specific extension).
For instance on our Case Studies page if you click on Read More on the RSA Case Study you get this URL
but what you should get is the menu item URL associated with this article which is this
I don't think there is anything wrong with our .htaccess as I reverted back to the default Joomla one and it still occured.
Also this used to work perfectly. I first noticed it around October or November last year.
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it, I've googled the problem many times and not found any help.
Due to a Joomla bug. Fixed by overwriting the route.php file as described in this post:

Joomla 2.5 shows add/edit form for article/category incompletely

When I click on add new article, Joomla shows the page incompletely.
It doesn't even show the form itself completely.
Even now that I have enabled the debug mode, it doesn't show anything. I think that something die()s the process of outputting the page to the browser.
Please note that I haven't had a bad joomla installation. It was working very well a bit little ago.
I haven't also changed a deep core setting. I think that I have only changed jcomment setting that doesn't look related to the problem.
Add this code in this file root/administrator/components/com_content/content.php
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
If no error comes check for die or exit statement with any of the editor which has search functionality.If this also does not work rename the com_content of administrator and upload the fresh one.
let me know if it does not work.
Disable that plugin.
Did you just add it or update?
If the file is there check the ownership.

Joomla! 1.5 Category Blog Layout parameters update in database but not when displayed

I apologize if this is an easy question and I was just googling the wrong keywords. It's been a few years since I've used Joomla! but got handed a site to make some changes to, that someone else originally developed and can't seem to figure out what's going on. I'm running Joomla! v1.5.26.
I'm trying to add a blog section to the site, so I created a blog section and category and then I created a new "Category Blog Layout" in my menu and set the Columns value to 3:
However, whenever I view the page, it keeps showing 2 columns. So I went to phpMyAdmin and found the menu in jos_menu and confirmed that the database did in fact get updated:
So next I opened up /components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog.php and added this to to the top of the PHP file to see what values were being loaded:
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
Which produced the following results on the front end:
[num_leading_articles] => 1
[num_intro_articles] => 4
[num_columns] => 2
[num_links] => 4
So for some reason, even though I've set the values to update, and they do in fact update in the database, they are not updating on the front end. I've tried clearing the cache and all that fun stuff, without much luck. If it was just "num_columns" having an issue I could probably just override that functionality. However, it appears to be doing the same thing with all of the parameters, not just number of columns. I'm just using that as an example.
I haven't ruled out the possibility that it's a conflict with some third-party plugin yet, but am trying to see if maybe I'm missing something obvious and someone can point me in the right direction.
--UPDATE: 12/4/12--
So it appears to be a conflict with the sh404sef plugin. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is quite yet, but when I disable the plugin it works fine, but it happens again once I re-enable it. Now to see if I can figure out what's wrong with the plugin.
In Joomla! 1.5 while the parameters are being saved the implementation is effected/affected(?) by the template in use at the time.
Check your templates index.php, or if present the override for com_content's Blog layout (usually found in yourSite/templates/yourtempalte/html/com_content/category/blog.php
You will probably find the override either doesn't handle the columns or has a bug in it.
Okay so I figured out my own problem. As I stated above, I discovered the problem was with the sh404sef plugin. Apparently anytime you make changes to the menu layout settings, you have to purge your entire SEF URL list and then rebuild it. It seems quite strange that we'd have to do that every time, but I guess that was intentional for some reason. Anyway, it's working now. I just wanted to make sure I posted a solution for anybody else who may stumble across this.

Joomla 2.5 all links show the home page

I have joomla 2.5 it show many error.
All links even error page also showing home page.
Error message 'Unable to move file' when install extension.
Can't rewrite configuration.php
You've got server configuration/setup/permission problems, I'm surprised you didn't get any warnings when installing Joomla. I'd start by looking very carefully at, and seeing what is missing or is different on your server/host. Once that is done (and configuration writability will be the first clue), Joomla will be able to behave as it should. Though, you may very well have to re-install, as some steps may not have been able to complete properly due to your permissions.
