How to copy a file to a remote computer's desktop when the remote computer could be Windows 7 or XP? - windows

I'm trying to create a script that copies a file to the desktop of a remote user. The two computers would be on the same network in the same domain.
So far I've got a batch script that looks something like:
#echo off
set /p user="Username of remote user: "
set /p hostname="Target computer name: "
xcopy [path to local file] "\\%hostname%\c$\Users\%user%\Desktop\"
The above script would only work for Windows 7. Is there a way to make it so that the script would somehow detect to see if the parent folder exists before copying, then if it does to copy? Or can this be achieved with environment variables?
If I just let the above script run as is and the target computer is using Windows XP, then a new directory tree will be created, which is what I'd like to avoid. would work if I were checking the local system, but I'm trying to see if the remote computer's destination folder exists. I don't see how this article answers that.

Just always use the XP version:
xcopy [path to local file] "\\%hostname%\c$\Documents and Settings\%user%\Desktop\"
It turns out that MS realized this would happen and put in a hidden junction from Documents and Settings to Users. You can't CD to it or DIR in it, but you can still use it for anything else you'd use Users for.


Copy File to Another Server Using Batch File [duplicate]

I have a bat file copying files from current machine to mapped network drive (one line, xcopy command).
It works when I RDP to server. However, when I run as a scheduled task, and configure it to run under the same user I'm logged in, it doesn't work and give error 0x4.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
I also try dsynchronize and it works when I click synchronized. When I run it as service same issue.
I was able to figure it out. Following batch files works under scheduler, even as local system account:
net use m: \\server\share /U:server\user password
xcopy C:\source m: /E /Y
It maps a network drive every time and then copy to that drive
It's possible to copy files to a UNC path without mapping as a network drive.
Just try to set the UNC path in quotes.
copy * "\\server\share"
Without the quotes, i got a "syntax error" running on Windows7 command line.
I had similar issue where I wanted to copy file(s) from a server to hundreds of other servers without mapping a remote drive to my local PC. I didn't have enough drive letters to map hundreds of remote machines to my local PC! I couldn't just map the remote drive and copy.
I thought I could use copy, xcopy, or robocopy, and specify my creds to the copy command. But none of the copy commands had any options to provide credentials to remote system.
Thanks to the post above, I was able to create a small batch file where I just loop through my hosts, and keep re-using just one drive mapping for all my hosts.
Here is my batch file...
echo #off
for /F %%j in (pchostslist1.txt) do (
net use z:\\%%j\c$ /user:domain\myusername mypassword
mkdir \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
xcopy c:\anyfile.txt \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
net use z: /delete
I had a similar issue and instead of using net use I simply needed to store the password as part of the scheduled task. You'll notice that it says it only has access to local resources if it's ticked.
Who maps the network drive? And are you using the mapped name, instead of the underlying UNC native path? Because it sounds like the mapped drive is setup in your login script, which doesn't run if you're not logged in. So, in a scheduled task, you do have the correct credentials for the UNC path, but no mapped drive letter.

Remotely execute an exe file from network shared drive?

So I manage an office with about 150 computers.
I need to run a exe file on each of these machines.
I have placed my file to run on the network sharing drive but to run the file I will have to individually go to each computer and execute it.
I was wondering if it is possible to remotely execute the exe file on all machines in the network, (the machines are named in numbers such as xyzcompany1, xyzcompany2....).
Is it possible?
Have you looked into using PsExec?
My apologies for being vague with the answer the first time.
I would assume since the file is in a network shared folder you would first have to copy the file to the applicable workstation and then execute the program once copied.
To Copy Remote File:
psexec \\workstation123 -s cmd /c copy \\server21\share45\file.exe c:\localpath
Then Run It:
psexec \\workstation123 "c:\localpath\file.exe"

Script to remap current network drive?

We need to disconnect and re-map a network drive on Windows 7, using a set of scripts (or an app) that runs off the same network path.
That is, I need something that loads itself into RAM before it runs, so it continues to run after the drive is disconnected.
Any ideas?
Please note that 16-bit apps are NOT supported in 64 bit systems (this explains why the Novell utility failed).
You would need a vbs file running throughout a logon session to remap drives if it's disconnected by user. Need to make this script to run when domain user logs on - e.g. Logon Script in AD or GPO. There are many ways to do it.
You could even disable "Remove Network drives" feature from Explorer GUI via GPO or Reg key (net use command still works).
Or you can tweak solution by Julius for this SO question to fit your need. But consider performance impact of the vbs - only check every n minute(s) in an infinite loop.
We do something similar. We have a batch file on the network that maps the drives a user needs. We update the batch file from time to time, and users run it from a shortcut that we've placed on their desktop:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c (#echo off&if not exist \\172.x.x.x\Login (echo Unable to access server&pause) else (md c:\TMP > NUL 2>&1 &copy \\172.x.x.x\Login\MapDrives.bat C:\TMP /y > NUL 2>&1 &call C:\TMP\MapDrives.bat&del C:\TMP\MapDrives.bat&rd c:\TMP))
You can see that it checks to see if they can access the server, and if they can, it creates a folder C:\TMP, copies the MapDrives.bat file locally, then runs it. Since it is running locally, it can remap network drives without terminating it own execution. And we can update the batch file on the server without pushing it to each user's computer.
If you don't want to create a shortcut with the long command line above, it might work to create a second batch file on the server (e.g., RunMe.bat) that users run from the server. You could place all of the code from the shortcut in the RunMe.bat and accomplish the same thing. Of course, you'd want to add one more line of code to change to the local drive (so Windows doesn't hold open a handle to the network drive). Something like this:
#echo off
if not exist \\172.x.x.x\Login\MapDrives.bat (
echo Unable to access server
) else (
md c:\TMP > NUL 2>&1
copy \\172.x.x.x1\Login\MapDrives.bat C:\TMP /y > NUL 2>&1
I kept the if not exist ... because you might place the RunMe.bat in a different location than the MapDrives.bat, so it still makes sense to verify the user can access the file. Because I didn't use call C:\TMP\MapDrives.bat, it transfers control to the local batch file and any handles to the server should be closed so the drive can be remapped. This means however, that you cannot place more commands after the C:\TMP\MapDrives.bat command.

Can't copy files to UNC Destinations if BAT file is called via scheduled task

I have a bat file copying files from current machine to mapped network drive (one line, xcopy command).
It works when I RDP to server. However, when I run as a scheduled task, and configure it to run under the same user I'm logged in, it doesn't work and give error 0x4.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
I also try dsynchronize and it works when I click synchronized. When I run it as service same issue.
I was able to figure it out. Following batch files works under scheduler, even as local system account:
net use m: \\server\share /U:server\user password
xcopy C:\source m: /E /Y
It maps a network drive every time and then copy to that drive
It's possible to copy files to a UNC path without mapping as a network drive.
Just try to set the UNC path in quotes.
copy * "\\server\share"
Without the quotes, i got a "syntax error" running on Windows7 command line.
I had similar issue where I wanted to copy file(s) from a server to hundreds of other servers without mapping a remote drive to my local PC. I didn't have enough drive letters to map hundreds of remote machines to my local PC! I couldn't just map the remote drive and copy.
I thought I could use copy, xcopy, or robocopy, and specify my creds to the copy command. But none of the copy commands had any options to provide credentials to remote system.
Thanks to the post above, I was able to create a small batch file where I just loop through my hosts, and keep re-using just one drive mapping for all my hosts.
Here is my batch file...
echo #off
for /F %%j in (pchostslist1.txt) do (
net use z:\\%%j\c$ /user:domain\myusername mypassword
mkdir \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
xcopy c:\anyfile.txt \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir
net use z: /delete
I had a similar issue and instead of using net use I simply needed to store the password as part of the scheduled task. You'll notice that it says it only has access to local resources if it's ticked.
Who maps the network drive? And are you using the mapped name, instead of the underlying UNC native path? Because it sounds like the mapped drive is setup in your login script, which doesn't run if you're not logged in. So, in a scheduled task, you do have the correct credentials for the UNC path, but no mapped drive letter.

Problem with relative paths(*.bat + VMWARE + Windows 2003)

This may be a question for ServerFault but I was more interested in understanding the methodology that the OS uses to resolve relative paths. I have two VMware instances of Windows 2003. I am trying to run a batch file that starts running another batch file within its folder path. The script runs fine on one VM but on the other VM it fails to execute with the error:
> The System cannot find the file specified
The script I am trying to run is script.bat:
start /d FOLDERNAME /b /WAIT AnotherScript.bat %~n0%~x0
I have put both my files within the same folder structure under the C:\ drive on both machines. The file AnotherScript.bat resides within FOLDERNAME on both the VMs.
It is not a permissions issue(?) since I show up as an administrator on both VMs.
I was wondering why would I get an unable to resolve relative paths on one machine vs. the ability to resolve it on another machine.
First check if the folder in which both are lauching are the same. Try adding ECHO %CD% before calling the 2nd script to check the directory in which it is getting launched.
Also check if the path where the 2nd bat file resides is set in the %PATH% variable in the 1st VM.
Where does command prompt start by default in both VMs?
