Problem with relative paths(*.bat + VMWARE + Windows 2003) - windows

This may be a question for ServerFault but I was more interested in understanding the methodology that the OS uses to resolve relative paths. I have two VMware instances of Windows 2003. I am trying to run a batch file that starts running another batch file within its folder path. The script runs fine on one VM but on the other VM it fails to execute with the error:
> The System cannot find the file specified
The script I am trying to run is script.bat:
start /d FOLDERNAME /b /WAIT AnotherScript.bat %~n0%~x0
I have put both my files within the same folder structure under the C:\ drive on both machines. The file AnotherScript.bat resides within FOLDERNAME on both the VMs.
It is not a permissions issue(?) since I show up as an administrator on both VMs.
I was wondering why would I get an unable to resolve relative paths on one machine vs. the ability to resolve it on another machine.

First check if the folder in which both are lauching are the same. Try adding ECHO %CD% before calling the 2nd script to check the directory in which it is getting launched.
Also check if the path where the 2nd bat file resides is set in the %PATH% variable in the 1st VM.
Where does command prompt start by default in both VMs?


"ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s)." using SETX

I thought I had this working at one time but recently my command quit working. My research here and abroad is not turning up anything I have not attempted already. Perhaps there is some other variable I am missing that SETX is looking at?
My command:
setx /s servername PATH "%Path%";"c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin";"c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
I have tried the same command against a couple of Win2k8 servers to no avail. This has worked but is now producing the error above. I usually run this within a batch file against a list of several servers to push Java out. (Path to java is not being set unless we manually create the entries when remotely installed.)
The existing path on the server I am attempting to update is this:
I did clean up a couple duplicate path entries. Aside from that I did not find anything unusual to me.
Tweaking the command to remove some of the quotation marks does allow it to run but with that, it imports the path of the local system replacing the remote systems path and appends the desired path entries.
The revised command:
setx /s servername PATH "%Path%;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
In hopes of fixing this new problem, I am attempting to run the command with psexec. Doing so brings me back to my original problem, "Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s)". Depending on how I modify the quotes when using psexec I can get "To many Arguments" or command succeeded, path truncated which ends up being the local path being applied on the remote server once again.
The most promising of my attempts:
psexec \\servername -u domain\user -p p#ssw0rd "c:\windows\system32\setx" "Path "%Path%;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /M"
Using the "-s" option on psexec produces the same error, just less detail.
I was able to update the path value on remote systems by creating a batch file to be executed remotely.
Contents of "setJava7path.cmd"
setx Path "%Path%";"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\java\jre7\bin";"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
To execute I utilized psexec which copied the batch file to the remote system and executed the command.
psexec \\systemname -c setJava7path.cmd
It adds / changes a line to my overall deployment script but that is livable.

How to copy a file to a remote computer's desktop when the remote computer could be Windows 7 or XP?

I'm trying to create a script that copies a file to the desktop of a remote user. The two computers would be on the same network in the same domain.
So far I've got a batch script that looks something like:
#echo off
set /p user="Username of remote user: "
set /p hostname="Target computer name: "
xcopy [path to local file] "\\%hostname%\c$\Users\%user%\Desktop\"
The above script would only work for Windows 7. Is there a way to make it so that the script would somehow detect to see if the parent folder exists before copying, then if it does to copy? Or can this be achieved with environment variables?
If I just let the above script run as is and the target computer is using Windows XP, then a new directory tree will be created, which is what I'd like to avoid. would work if I were checking the local system, but I'm trying to see if the remote computer's destination folder exists. I don't see how this article answers that.
Just always use the XP version:
xcopy [path to local file] "\\%hostname%\c$\Documents and Settings\%user%\Desktop\"
It turns out that MS realized this would happen and put in a hidden junction from Documents and Settings to Users. You can't CD to it or DIR in it, but you can still use it for anything else you'd use Users for.

Windows 7 Command Prompt: How do I execute a batch script from the command line?

I'm using Windows 7, and my problem is running this file from a console (cmd.exe):
When I move into the folder containing the file manually and run it from there using the following command sequence, it works:
W:\>cd software
W:\software>cd projects
W:\software\projects>cd myproject
W:\software\projects\myproject>cd build
W:\software\projects\myproject\build>cd msvc
However, when I try to run the file from the root directory in any of these ways:
W:\>call software\projects\myproject\build\msvc\build.bat
W:\>#call software\projects\myproject\build\msvc\build.bat
W:\>call "software\projects\myproject\build\msvc\build.bat"
W:\>#call "software\projects\myproject\build\msvc\build.bat"
I get the following error message:
The system cannot find the path specified.
I'm pretty sure you didn't have to navigate to the folder containing the file in order to run it when I was using Windows XP (though I could be wrong, of course), but this apparently seems to be the case with Windows 7. Or am I missing something?
You are correct. You do not need to navigate to the batch scripts folder before executing.
The error "The system cannot find the path specified." is most likely caused by something inside your batch-file.
Try to add
cd W:\software\projects\myproject\build\msvc
or in a single command (as suggested by James K, Thanks!)
cd /d W:\software\projects\myproject\build\msvc
Searched a bit more and found this generic solution:
cd /d %~dp0
at the top of your batch file to set the working directory to the directory of the script to check whether this is the cause.
If you execute your file from W:\ this is where the commands are executed (working directory). It is most likely that your script cannot find some file it uses in this location.

How do I set the path automatically on login when ssh'ing to a Windows machine?

I want to set the path on a Windows server so that when I log in via SSH the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core
is in my path.
I can ssh to the server, but %PATH% does not contain the directory above.
Is there are file like ".profile", ".bashrc", or ".login" where I can add a directory to the path?
You can also set your path from the command line with
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core"
I'm having the same problem as you, though, which is my path is different when I'm at a command prompt at the keyboard vs logged in remotely. Still trying to figure that one out.

How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?

I am trying to run a batch file from a network share, but I keep getting the following message: "UNC path are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory." The batch file is located on \\Server\Soft\WPX5\install.bat. While logged in as administrator, from my Windows 7 Desktop, I navigate to \\Server\Soft\WP15\ and double click on install.bat, that's when I get the "UNC path are not supported." message. I found some suggestions online stating that mapping drive will not work, but using a symbolic link will solve this issue, but the symbolic link didn't work for me. Below is my batch file content, I would appreciate any assistance that can help me accomplish what I am trying to do. Basically, I want to be able to run the batch file from \\Server\Soft\WP15\install.bat.
Batch file content
mklink /d %userprofile%\Desktop\WP15 \\server\soft\WP15
robocopy.exe "\\server\soft\WP15\Custom" /copyall "C:\Program Files (x86)\WP\Custom Templates"
Regedit.exe /s \\server\soft\WPX5\Custom\Migrate.reg
Also, how do I remove the symbolic link after the install is completed?
PUSHD and POPD should help in your case.
#echo off
:: Create a temporary drive letter mapped to your UNC root location
:: and effectively CD to that location
pushd \\server\soft
:: Do your work
robocopy.exe "WP15\Custom" /copyall "C:\Program Files (x86)\WP\Custom Templates"
Regedit.exe /s WPX5\Custom\Migrate.reg
:: Remove the temporary drive letter and return to your original location
Type PUSHD /? from the command line for more information.
I feel cls is the best answer. It hides the UNC message before anyone can see it. I combined it with a #pushd %~dp0 right after so that it would seem like opening the script and map the location in one step, thus preventing further UNC issues.
#pushd %~dp0
:: your script code here
pushd will change your working directory to the scripts location in the new mapped drive.
popd at the end, to clean up the mapped drive.
There's a registry setting to avoid this security check (use it at your own risks, though):
Under the registry path
\Command Processor
add the value DisableUNCCheck REG_DWORD and set the value to 0 x 1
On Windows 10 version 1803, the setting seems to be located under HKLM:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
Basically, you can't run it from a UNC path without seeing that message.
What I usually do is just put a CLS at the top of the script so I don't have to see that message. Then, specify the full path to files in the network share that you need to use.
I needed to be able to just Windows Explorer browse through the server share, then double-click launch the batch file. #dbenham led me to an easier solution for my scenario (without the popd worries):
:: Capture UNC or mapped-drive path script was launched from
set NetPath=%~dp0
:: Assumes that setup.exe is in the same UNC path
:: Note that NetPath has a trailing backslash ("\")
robocopy.exe "%NetPath%Custom" /copyall "C:\Program Files (x86)\WP\Custom Templates"
Regedit.exe /s %NetPath%..\WPX5\Custom\Migrate.reg
:: I am not sure if WPX5 was typo, so use ".." for parent directory
set NetPath=
Instead of launching the batch directly from explorer - create a shortcut to the batch and set the starting directory in the properties of the shortcut to a local path like %TEMP% or something.
To delete the symbolic link, use the rmdir command.
I ran into the same issue recently working with a batch file on a network share drive in Windows 7.
Another way that worked for me was to map the server to a drive through Windows Explorer: Tools -> Map network drive. Give it a drive letter and folder path to \yourserver. Since I work with the network share often mapping to it makes it more convenient, and it resolved the “UNC path are not supported” error.
My situation is just a little different. I'm running a batch file on startup to distribute the latest version of internal business applications.
In this situation I'm using the Windows Registry Run Key with the following string
cmd /c copy \\serverName\SharedFolder\startup7.bat %USERPROFILE% & %USERPROFILE%\startup7.bat
This runs two commands on startup in the correct sequence. First copying the batch file locally to a directory the user has permission to. Then executing the same batch file. I can create a local directory c:\InternalApps and copy all of the files from the network.
This is probably too late to solve the original poster's question but it may help someone else.
This is the RegKey I used:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]
My env windows10 2019 lts version and I add this two binray data ,fix this error
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor DisableUNCCheck value 1
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Command Processor
DisableUNCCheck value 1
This is a very old thread, but I still use Windows 7. :-)
There is one point that no one seems to have taken into account, which probably would help Windows 10 users also.
If Command Extensions are enabled, the PUSHD command accepts network paths in addition to the normal drive letter and path.
So the obvious - and simplest - answer might be to enable command extensions in the batch script, if you intend to use PUSHD. At the very least, this ought to reduce the problems you might have in using PUSHD wqith a network path.
I stumbled upon this question while searching for a solution to a specific problem. I needed to make a batch script that sits in a network folder (UNC path) with a Python script. The goal was to be able to double click on the batch script and have it run the Python script:
with the network folder containing the script as the working directory,
without modifications to the Python script (no command line parameters or hard-coded paths).
without creating another Python file.
The pushd and popd solutions were unsatisfactory. They work, but if the user were to get in the habit of forcefully terminating the script while it was running, they would end up with a bunch of mapped drives in My Computer since popd wasn't run.
I start by using cls to clear the UNC path error. I then assign the path containing the batch script to a variable. I slice the path to remove the trailing backslash (otherwise, Python throws a SyntaxError). Finally, I run a couple Python commands inside the batch file that change the working directory and execute the target script:
#echo off
set batchdir=%~dp0
set wdir=%batchdir:~0,-1%
python -c "import os; import runpy; os.chdir(r""%wdir%""); runpy.run_path(r""%pyfile%"")"
Editing Windows registries is not worth it and not safe, use Map network drive and load the network share as if it's loaded from one of your local drives.
