Nativescript Development For Windows Phone - nativescript

I'd like to ask tutorial about Nativescript for Windows Phone?
I already search on google but there is no tutorial about developing windows phone app using native script.

Nativescript for Windows Phone is not released yet. As far as I remember, the preview version should be available in May 2015.


Google Ad mob SDK for Windows Phone 8.1

Does Google Ad mob SDK currently supports Silverlight (WP8/WP8.1 Silverlight) only? How can implement it on Windows phone 8.1 RT platform?
Short answer, no. According to the official SDK is for Android, iOS, Unity and Cocos2dx.
You way want to have a look at Smaato ( which seems to be a 3rd party framework that supports Admob and had Windows Phone 8.1 SDK's, not a recommendation so please do your own research
AdMob is no longer supported by Windows Phone applications.
google stopped their support to windows phone

Play audio/sound in Xamarin.Forms

May I ask about how to play the audio from Xamarin.Forms in Xamarin.Forms Portable?
As I known got Dependency Service , I saw a few sample that only got iOS and Android but does not had Windows Phone 8.1/Windows 8.1 and UWP.
This plugin (which I have never used) does support Mac, Android, iOS, and UWP but does not look like it currently supports WP 8.1 or Windows 8.1. You may be able to look through the code and get a better idea about how you could accomplish it on your own though for those platforms.

Resize image on Windows Phone with Appcelerator

this is my sistem
Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Appcelerator Studio
Appcelerator CLI 5.0.5
Node.js version 4.2.4
Titanium SDK 5.1.2
JDK 1.8.0_66
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft Windows Phone SDK 8.0/8.1
Build target Android/Windows Phone (device/emulator)
I already made the code to get an image from Gallery and Camera using this page on the documentation Camera and Photo Gallery APIs. But now I have to upload it on my server and I need to resize the image/change the quality. On Android and iOS there is the ti.imagefactory on gitTio but is not compatible with Windows Phone.
Is there any change to get it work on Windows Phone?
In my case, I can use also the Titanium.Blob.imageAsResized function, as a workaround, but I can't use this function on Windows Phone. What should I do?
Currently, Appcelerator does not support image resizing for uploading to server in Windows platform. You should create a new feature request ticket in Try to be descriptive as possible. Provide a code sample that works in Other platforms and provide information of your platform. Thanks.

PhoneJs not working for Windows Phone7

I have developed an app using PhoneJs framework for all mobile plateforms like Android, iOs, BleckBerry and Windows Phone. Now I came to know that PhoneJs doesn't support Windows Phone 7. I have to launch my app in next two days everything is ready except WP7. Can anyone suggest me some alternates for WP7 using PhoneJs. or how can I do porting for WP7.
While Windows Phone 7.x platform is not officially supported by PhoneJS, most apps will work, with partially degraded UI and performance. For example, I just checked the TipCalculator demo on HTC Mozart browser.
Packaging for WP7 can be done with PhoneGap Build.

documents and sdks for windows phone 8 development

I'm starting to develop a player for windows phone 8. I have a login on appHub and can access docs and tools for WP7 development. It seems that there are some differences between WP8 and WP7, e.g., WinRT APIs are used instead of Silverlight for player development. I wonder whether the development documents and sdks for WP8 are available now. Where can I get them?
Right now you only have SDK for Microsoft Surface.. The SDK for WP8 is still not available
the sdk for wp8 is still not available hence you won't be able to get any material for those now.
you just have to wait.
you could still continue to develop for wp7 in the meantime and port it over to wp8 later on when the sdk is release.
You can now download the WP8 SDK and documentation here:
