Google Ad mob SDK for Windows Phone 8.1 - xamarin

Does Google Ad mob SDK currently supports Silverlight (WP8/WP8.1 Silverlight) only? How can implement it on Windows phone 8.1 RT platform?

Short answer, no. According to the official SDK is for Android, iOS, Unity and Cocos2dx.
You way want to have a look at Smaato ( which seems to be a 3rd party framework that supports Admob and had Windows Phone 8.1 SDK's, not a recommendation so please do your own research

AdMob is no longer supported by Windows Phone applications.
google stopped their support to windows phone


Nativescript Development For Windows Phone

I'd like to ask tutorial about Nativescript for Windows Phone?
I already search on google but there is no tutorial about developing windows phone app using native script.
Nativescript for Windows Phone is not released yet. As far as I remember, the preview version should be available in May 2015.

Ad mob for windows phone 7?

I just registered an admob account, but I am developing apps for windows phone 7, I don't see any SDK for windows phone 7 on their website. They only offer SDK for windows phone 8. How can I integrate ad mob into my windows phone 7 apps?
To get the SDK for WP7. Log into to your admob account and adding a site type of Windows Phone 7.
Hopefully that helps.
The new AdMob doesn't support Windows Phone 7 apps. Google deprecated Windows Phone 7 in August 2013 :
still You can configure AdMob but Sometimes it gets Crashes in your Applicatioin so it would better to use Microsoft's Pubcenter ads.
for more Refrence you can go here

AdMob on Windows Phone 7 - this is possible?

At present, official "Google Mobile Ads SDK" is supports only Windows Phone 8:
Is it any solution to show ads on Windows Phone 7?
Google deprecated Windows Phone 7 in August 2013 :
Ad Rotator comes with the libraries that supported Windows Phone 7, though whether you will be able to create new Ads through the AdMob site that target Windows Phone 7 and the old SDK is another matter, pretty sure it's currently Windows Phone 8 only.

documents and sdks for windows phone 8 development

I'm starting to develop a player for windows phone 8. I have a login on appHub and can access docs and tools for WP7 development. It seems that there are some differences between WP8 and WP7, e.g., WinRT APIs are used instead of Silverlight for player development. I wonder whether the development documents and sdks for WP8 are available now. Where can I get them?
Right now you only have SDK for Microsoft Surface.. The SDK for WP8 is still not available
the sdk for wp8 is still not available hence you won't be able to get any material for those now.
you just have to wait.
you could still continue to develop for wp7 in the meantime and port it over to wp8 later on when the sdk is release.
You can now download the WP8 SDK and documentation here:

Windows Phone Mango vs Windows Phone 7

I am new to Windows Phone development. When I searched on the web looking for code samples for windows phone, sometimes I saw there were projects for Windows Phone Mango. Would someone tell me the difference between Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone Mango?
Mango was indeed the codename for the Windows Phone 7.5 update. There are a lot of new APIs and features in Windows Phone 7.5 and it brought with it a new SDK (version 7.1). Apps targeting the Windows Phone 7.0 SDK work just fine under 7.1 but apps targeting the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK require the Mango update to run.
The Windows Phone site lists the new features in the Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango update) and MSDN lists the API changes between the 7.0 SDK and the 7.1 SDK.
Mango was the code name for Windows Phone 7.5. The only difference you're going to see if perhaps some updated code samples with Mango tutorials.
there is nothing for you to worry about.
whatever works for pre-mango will work on mango.
therefore most code will works.
and you would only develop for 7.5 aka mango because all existing phone is upgrade-able to mango and phone running 7.0 won't be able to access the marketplace as microsoft had forced everyone to upgrade to 7.5
