Resize image on Windows Phone with Appcelerator - windows

this is my sistem
Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Appcelerator Studio
Appcelerator CLI 5.0.5
Node.js version 4.2.4
Titanium SDK 5.1.2
JDK 1.8.0_66
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft Windows Phone SDK 8.0/8.1
Build target Android/Windows Phone (device/emulator)
I already made the code to get an image from Gallery and Camera using this page on the documentation Camera and Photo Gallery APIs. But now I have to upload it on my server and I need to resize the image/change the quality. On Android and iOS there is the ti.imagefactory on gitTio but is not compatible with Windows Phone.
Is there any change to get it work on Windows Phone?
In my case, I can use also the Titanium.Blob.imageAsResized function, as a workaround, but I can't use this function on Windows Phone. What should I do?

Currently, Appcelerator does not support image resizing for uploading to server in Windows platform. You should create a new feature request ticket in Try to be descriptive as possible. Provide a code sample that works in Other platforms and provide information of your platform. Thanks.


Difference between Windows App SDK and WinUI 3

I develop many UWP apps to Windows 10, but to Windows 11 I have so many questions and sometimes the Microsoft Docs it's confusing. I want develop new apps to Windows 11 but I am totally lost!
What is the difference between Windows App SDK and WinUI 3? I dont understand :(
And what is the best way to develop Windows 11 apps? Still UWP? Or Windows App SDK? Or WinUI 3?
UWP dont have round corners thats correct? I create a new project in my computer with Windows 11 in visual Studio 2022 and only the window of my app have rounder corners, but another elements (for example buttons) dont have rounded corners!
And Mica is not only availabe in WinUI 3?
The Windows App SDK is the next evolution in the Windows app development platform.
WinUI is the UI part of the Windows App SDK. It provides UI features for the Windows App SDK apps. When you create a Windows app SDK app, you have to use WinUI3 to create the UI layout. The previous version of WinUI like WinUI 2.7 could be used in UWP apps.
Using UWP or Windows App SDK depends on your own requirements and scenario, both of them could work on Windows 11.

Using android apps on Windows Phone

Hello to the Community,
What I want is that can I somehow unpack the APK file and convert it so that I can make it work on Windows Phone.(And I am not talking about Project Astoria)
Microsoft no longer supports running android apps on windows phone. In the early betas for windows 10 mobile it had an android subsystem which allowed this but it was removed.

Evernote.SDK is not compatible with UWP apps

I just signed up for an Evernote API key and downloaded the Evernote SDK for Windows in Visual Studio 2015 (suing NuGet) only to be told "Evernote.SDK 1.25.0 is not compatible with uap10.0".... so it seems it only supports .Net v4.0 which is very disappointing. I had a great idea for a UWP app that I wanted to synch to Evernote but I guess now I can't do it.
In case you're not aware UWP (Universal Windows Platform) is now the standard for developing current and future Windows 10 apps that run across all W10 devices. Can anyone at Evernote tell me if the SDK will support this and if so when? More people already use Windows 10 than use iOS (on PC's and tablets at least) so I really hope this platform will be supported in the very near future.
From the 1.25 version number you mention, it sounds like you're trying to grab the older C# SDK. You can try the newer SDK for Windows and see if that works.
If that NuGet package also doesn't work in your UWP environment, you should be able to grab the source from Github and put that in your VS solution.

SDK for Windows 10?

I would like to build an application for universal application Windows 10 with But I only see SDK for Windows and Windows phone v1.6. Please help me choose which SDK to build universal application Windows 10. Thanks so much.
Windows 10 (on desktop and phones) uses WinRT, just like Windows 8 did. So if you install the v1.6 of the SDK for Windows, it should work since it's targeting Windows 8.
Overall, I recommend you to add the Parse SDK to your application directly from Visual Studio by using NuGet. This way, you'll be absolutely sure to use a compatible version.

Nativescript Development For Windows Phone

I'd like to ask tutorial about Nativescript for Windows Phone?
I already search on google but there is no tutorial about developing windows phone app using native script.
Nativescript for Windows Phone is not released yet. As far as I remember, the preview version should be available in May 2015.
