Invoke worklight SQL adapter procedure using AJAX - ajax

Can someone give an example of how to invoke and receive a response from an SQL adapter in worklight using AJAX call? I'm using worklight 6.0
I have security at the app level. I need to invoke a procedure that doesn't need authentication (example: Registering an account) and hence need to invoke the adapter using AJAX
This is my adapter:
var invocationData = {
adapter : 'UserInfo',
procedure : 'addUserInfo',
parameters : [ customerData.firstName,
customerData.province, customerData.zipPostal,
customerData.phoneNumber, customerData.streetName,
customerData.streetNumber,, ]
WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, {
onSuccess : insertUserSuccess,
onFailure : insertUserFailure

My understanding is that you just want to invoke an Adapter procedure using Ajax from some client.
Is it the same as this other question ?
Calling Worklight adapter from external app
You can check the details of the HTTP API here
Also note that if you have any security tests configured, different than "wl_unprotected" (your adapter is 100% public with that, be careful!!) you may need extra steps to handle authentication.
If you have a default adapter, without any security test set, you may receive a 401 unauthorized in your first request, and in the body of the 401 you may find a WL-Instance-ID property, that you must send together with a new request to get authorized to use it.
Update 2:
Worklight/MobileFirst Platform doesn't enable CORS (so you can't "naturally" call adapters using ajax from an external web page). It may be possible to workaround that by using a gateway (IHS maybe) that adds the header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" to all adapter responses. Note that you are handling a security thing, so make sure you know what you are doing.

Worklight (6.3 and below) adapters can work only with the Worklight Server.
If you plan on using Worklight adapters, you are required to use the API as provided by the Worklight framework - the code mentioned in the question.
You can still use regular AJAX requests - but those won't/cannot be requests sent to/by the Worklight adapter.
WLJQ.ajax( "some-URL" )
.done(function (data) {
If the destination does require going through the Worklight Server, and it is not protected by any realm, what is the problem then? Send the request.
Perhaps you should not protect the app at the environment level but rather at the procedure level (set the security test on the adapter procedure in the adapter XML and not on the environment in application-descriptor.xml).
Perhaps you need to better explain your specific scenario...


How can I forward server response error to client with Jetty proxyservlet.Transparent?

I have implemented a proxy extending jetty's ProxyServlet.Transparent.
However upon testing I noticed there is a difference on error messages the user sees when the server returns an error.
For example, when connecting directly to one of our application server with an invalid user credential, the server should return something more specific with instructions on the auth as we have set it this way. When connecting to the proxy server the error is in its most generic form like Authentication failed: Unauthorized
I suspect at some stage jetty checks on the server response and set the proxy response with minimal information so I am looking into the Transparent class code and its parent classes to find which method I can override to intercept the original server response and forward the information in the proxy response, assuming my understanding on these two responses are correct.
Thanks for the help.

how to use the proxy service without tryit tool in wso2 esb?

I am learning and working on building some wso2 sample prototypes.
I have created a proxy service and tried using it with the tryit tool inside.
But i don't know how to use it externally. i mean how to send data to the proxy service because in API there is a endpoint created where the request is sent.
Is there anything like link to request or how to use it externally in some application.
You can use SOAP UI. Please check the article.
The easiest way to call Your proxy service is to use some Rest Client on Your Browser. I use Add-On in Firefox (RestClient i think). U can create there whole request (json, xml), add headers, Authentications or Content Type. It should helps U to call any services in wso2.

OPTIONS-request with Authentication header (IBM WAS Liberty profile)

I want to call REST-services from my Angular-app. However, these REST-services are hosted on WLP and are part of a WAR-file developed by some company a while ago, ie. we have no source code.
I can call GET-methods without any issues from Postman, I just need to set authentication and accept headers. However, calling these GET-methods from Angular via web browsers will trigger preflight request (OPTIONS) without Authentication header prop. Seems to me that OPTIONS requests are triggered by the browsers and Angular cannot set headers for them. I confirmed OPTIONS requests need authentication by running requests via Postman with and without auth header prop.
Similar problems were discussed in other posts on stackoverflow but in such cases people had control over their server side code and could alter it to avoid authentication headers for OPTIONS request. Clearly in my case, I cannot do it.
My question is if there is a possibility to configure WLP to not ask for authentication header prop in case of OPTIONS-requests (seems to be configurable for Apache web servers and Tomcat)?
Kind regards
Even without source, you should be able to edit web.xml and modify the security-constraints to punch a hole for OPTIONS.

Is it possible to get value stored in session to Client App built using worklight?

I have stored value in session from worklight adapter by writing following piece of code :
var request = WL.Server.getClientRequest();
var session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("dataToExport", "Data To Return");
Is it possible to retrieve this value from client app using some worklight api or other way?
Instead of using WL.Server.getClientReuest, perhaps you can use WL.Client.addGlobalHeader in your client-side code.
AddGlobalHeader(headerName, headerValue)
Adds an HTTP header to be used in server requests issued by
an IBM Worklight framework. The HTTP header is used in all requests
until removed by the WL.Client.removeGlobalHeader API call.

How to call Java web service (JAX-WS) from AJAX?

I am developing java web services (JAX-WS) to insert data into mysql DB and retrieve it. This web service has two methods i.e. fetchFromDB and insertIntoDB. Services seems to be running fine when I test them using netbeans IDE.
Address: /CalculatorWSService
WSDL: /CalculatorWSService?wsdl
but when I try to access it using AJAX's xmlHttpRequest object by providing url http://localhost:8080/CalculatorApp/CalculatorWSService. It is not able to access it. I have developed C# web services and It has been so easy to access them with a url but java web services don't seem to follow that.
My question is
What url to use to access the web service operations in AJAX? (Do I need to use '?wsdl' in the url?
Is there a javascript ajax library to easily access JAX-WS web services?
Apache Axis web services are a better choice over JAX-WS?
Please help me, Thanks, Jay
I was having the same problem of yours, couldn't invoke a Jax-ws web service from Javascript, but i've found a way to do this.
The Url to use can be your same (EndPointAddress) "http://localhost:8080/CalculatorApp/CalculatorWSService"
but when you create the XMLHttpRequest object from javascript you have to:
* Use the POST method to open the URL , i tried with GET but it didn't work for me.
* Set the SOAPAction Request Header to the one in your wsdl, even if its empty "".
* Be very careful with the request body to send, the soap Envelope must be correct.
hope this can help you!.
Paul Manjarres.
From the client's perspective, I wasn't expecting significant differences between Axis and JAX-WS. Everything the client needs should be in the WSDL.
One thing that sometimes happens is that the URL used when developing a WebService references the develpoment host and port (and maybe even the ContextRoot) When deployed to a particular server any of those could be changed. Ideally a new WSDL could be created with new "binding" information.
My first step would be to point a browser directly at the Web Service you want to invoke. In my environments that returns a nice "Hi this is a Web Service" kind of message. If you get 401 not found errors then you just need to study exactly how the web service was deployed. Was a different port or context root specified?
