How can I forward server response error to client with Jetty proxyservlet.Transparent? - proxy

I have implemented a proxy extending jetty's ProxyServlet.Transparent.
However upon testing I noticed there is a difference on error messages the user sees when the server returns an error.
For example, when connecting directly to one of our application server with an invalid user credential, the server should return something more specific with instructions on the auth as we have set it this way. When connecting to the proxy server the error is in its most generic form like Authentication failed: Unauthorized
I suspect at some stage jetty checks on the server response and set the proxy response with minimal information so I am looking into the Transparent class code and its parent classes to find which method I can override to intercept the original server response and forward the information in the proxy response, assuming my understanding on these two responses are correct.
Thanks for the help.


Spring RestTemplate Response string is shorter than expected

I am trying to get an access token via RestTemplate.postForEntity().
myRestTemplate.postForEntity(authBaseUrl, request, Object.class);
I have a specific class for it, but let's use now a simple Object as type. It contains an access_token field.
It works, because I can get response, but the length if the access tokens (which is a string)
is 1196 character long. And I can get the same length in Postman too.
But if I use the intelliJ built-in REST client, the length is 1199.
Only the token from the intelliJ rest client works (So the longer).
Because I always get a new access token, it is impossible to get the same token twice.
How can I debug it?
What could be the problem?
Is the code that generates the response available to you? if so in your response add a header content-length so you can see what the server sent and what you received. Also, debug the server side and see what is being generated. In addition take another 3d party Http client and test it with this client see if you see a difference. The Http clients that you can try are Apache Http client, OK Http client, or my favorite - a very simplistic client written by me as part of my own Open Source MgntUtils library. Here is the Javadoc for my http client Here is a link to a similar question where you can get the references for any of above mentioned Http clients: How to check the status of POST endpoint/url in java

"500 Internal Server Error" returned when sending GET request using HTTP Client in idea

I am trying to test a Spring Boot project using HTTP Client of IDEA to send a GET request, but it return "500 Internal Server Error":
But under the same conditions, it is no problem to send by browser:
There's no problem using postman:
But using postwoman will cause a CORS problem. By default, postwoman run on port 3000, so I add #CrossOrigin(value = "http://localhost:3000") on the controller class. After that, there was no problem with the test:
At the same time, there is no problem sending GET request using VSCode's REST Client plug-in:
The controller class code is as follows:
It's confirmed that it's not a firewall problem, so is this a bug of HTTP Client?
Or does the HTTP client need to set some configuration?
It's a proxy problem. It is HTTP proxy set in IDEA. 500 is returned by the proxy server.

Jmeter , I'm facing 403 error when i try to run a login test

enter image description here
I used the Regular Expression Extractor for the tokens, but the 403 forbidden error keeps displaying.-check the screenshoot
Seems some missing configuration issue.
Can you please make sure:
You have HTTP Cookie Manager added to your Test Plan
If your application is protected with external authentication system like Basic HTTP Authentication, NTLM or Kerberos you need to handle it properly using HTTP Authorization Manager
Can you try :
Adding HTTP Header Manager and authorization with Basic encoded
one screenshot of the failed response headers doesn't tell the full story, you need to show us:
Successful request URL, body (if any) and headers (you can get it from browser developer tools)
Failing request from JMeter URL, body (if any) and headers from the View Results Tree listener
As per HTTP Status Code 403 description:
The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error status response code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
This status is similar to 401, but in this case, re-authenticating will make no difference. The access is permanently forbidden and tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource.
If you can successfully execute the same scenario using browser and cannot using JMeter - most probably it's due to missing or improperly implemented correlation, try recording the same steps one more time and compare generated scripts, all values which are different needs to be properly worked around

JMeter error : Unexpected end of file from server

I have read and tried the solutions shared in the previous posts for this error but nothing helped me to fix this. Kindly help.
I am making a HTTPS API call. A very simple call which accepts a 2 KB JSON message via POST method and sends a one word acknowledgement. It works perfectly fine in Postman tool. In JMeter, no. of threads (users) is kept as 25. It works perfectly fine one time with all 25 success response and at times getting few failure response as
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: Unexpected end of file from server
No consistency at all. I have also tried with both enabling and disabling "use keepalive" checkbox. Both giving me all success one time ; few/all failure at another time with the above error. Please help. Thank you.
Below are the JMeter settings:
HTTP Header Manager : Content-Type - application/json
HTTPRequest sampler : protocol - HTTPS
Server Name or IP : project server name
Method : POST
PATH : The required path with https authentication details passed as parameters
IMPLEMENTATION : Set to JAVA (HTTPCLIENT4 was giving me “443 failed to respond” error)
Add header
Connection Keep-Alive
Both errors (Java implementation and Apache HTTPClient4 implementation), are essentially saying the same thing: The server closed the connection, without providing any response. I think there could be the following reasons:
Authentication problem. If server side checks authentication before processing a request (e.g. using Spring), it may be rejecting your request, it may be not bothering with any response if authentication is not considered correct.
Request Issue. Some less noticeable properties of the request you send via Jmeter are different from what you send in Postman. It could be some minor thing with formatting, or some headers server expects. Some of such inconsistencies can also cause Load Balancer (if you use one) to reject request before it's delivered to the server.
Certificate issues. Since you are using HTTPS, you need to make sure your certificate is setup correctly on JMeter side.
So I suggest:
Review server logs and see if your request makes it to the server. If yes, you might be able to see how it was rejected. If not, you need to trace back and see who rejected it (LB, authentication, etc)
Compare headers and body sent by JMeter vs Postman line to line (use TCPDump for example to obtain it).

How to find the URL of a OSB proxy service which do not have wsdl associated

I have a proxy service which accepts text as request and gives text as response. I have a routed node which invokes another business service. I have to make this way because I need to add soap headers to the input before i invoke the business service. Now everything is working fine and i am able to launch test console of the proxy and get it tested. But I am not able to find the direct url to access the proxy service to share it to the customer.
My proxy uri is for eg, /testWS/TestProxy and if i try to give http://:/testWS/TestProxy?wsdl it returns 404 error. I understand this is because there is no wsdl associated to this proxy. But how will i get this working atleast in soap ui?
Go into /sbonsole/
Navigate to Project Explorer and find the proxy
Go to Configuration Details tab (the default tab)
the Endpoint URI field has the path details.
(If you weren't sure, the hostname and port are found in /console/ -> environment -> servers - there are Listen Port fields etc)
As far as SoapUI goes, you can either treat the service as a REST service, or you can create the project without a WSDL and add stuff manually (for instance, there's a HTTP Test Request test step that you can use instead of a SOAP test request)
To receive the response in JSON format, you must set the Accept header as application/json
