How do I work with Apple OSX API with Delphi? [closed] - macos

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am confused regarding how to know what to do in order to utilize the OSX API to do whatever I want my app to do.
For example, I'd like to work with USB devices, where can I find info regarding that?
I have asked previously regarding just that, USB devices, but no one answered, and google search gives me air-thin results.
I don't know how to approach this.
Where can I find documentations or instructions or tutorials or whatever that helps me understand the OSX API implementation with Delphi?
I use Delphi XE7

The official reference for the OSX API is located in the Mac Developer Library, for usb devices you can check OSX USB Device Interface Guide.
Now the best place to learn how work with the OSX from Delphi is reading the RTL OSX code located in the Embarcadero\Studio\n.0\source\rtl\osx folder. Another great source of information is the TIndex site which is a huge collection of ordered and selected resources about Delphi programming, So you can try the OSX Section.


Do I need to be connected to a mac, to be able to develop IOS-apps in VS on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to cross-platform mobile development with Visual Studio, and I'm wondering if it's possible to make IOS apps without connecting VS to an active mac. Seems a bit weird to always have a mac at your disposal, up and running to be able to develop IOS apps. Or maybe that's just how it works. Problem is I don't have a mac.
Is there another way?
That is indeed how it works. You can thank Apple for that. They require iOS apps to be built on Apple hardware.
Many people will use mac providers such as Mac In The Cloud. If you Google services such as that you will find a long list of them.
There is also some hacks you can use to get a Mac running in VMware which have worked for me but that is not suggested as it violates terms of service for Apple and also probably for VMware.

Is there a Mac+xcode virtual lab online? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm sure most of you heard of Microsoft Virtual Labs
You can connect remotely to msdn servers and practice development on vs2010,sql server 2008 R2..etc
Is there something like that in mac world with xcode? I want to practice on development with iphone and take online labs,I don't have a mac for now.
P.S: I think there isn't such a thing in mac world but just wanted to try my luck,hopefully someone might prove me wrong,I searched online but didn't find such a thing.
You can give a try. They provide a full online instance of Mac OS X with the Xcode Development Environment pre-installed. It could be a good option for someone looking to experiment with Xcode before taking the plunge on a Mac. Looks like another option, but I'm not sure how good they are. The Web site is pretty informative though.
The best site I have ever experienced for virtual machines is
Virtual machine
Follow the link and you can see amazing OS in that links
TO try above you need to pay. But it is for free.
Virtual mac os online free

Tool for automated UI testing for Mac OS X (Cocoa) apps [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any open-source free tool for automated UI testing for Mac OS X (Cocoa) apps?
So far I've seen commercial tools such as [Squish] and [EggPlant]. The only free tools I've read about are using UIAutomation or Automator.
Does anyone have any experience with these tools? any other options I should consider?
Thanks in advance.
I created an open source Python package that uses the Apple Accessibility API among others to create a classic GUI automation library, giving you visibility into and interaction with Cocoa GUIs. PyATOM home page and GitHub repo
Have a look at - that lets you automize your OS X GUI tests (for free).
AppleScript is another option for simple ui simulation.
(no, you do not need to create a scripting definition to perform basic tasks)

Offline Mac OS X Developer Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to get all the developer documentation for offline use.
I'm using xcode mostly on my commute and mobile inet is not good enough in my area.
There were a number of questions regarding docs in general answered more or less, but I have a more specific requirement.
At the moment I only have class reference, but i would like to have documents mentioned in "Companion guides" as well. I tried to "Subscribe" to 10.5 Core Library but it doesn't seem to add anything beside the stuff that was installed with XCode. I'm using XCode 3.1.2 if that makes any difference.
What options do i have? Downloading officially/wget'ing everything/finding some obvious button in preferences? is a great documentation viewer that has all of Apple's docs for offline viewing (as well as tons of other frameworks/languages).
It looks as though XCode should be downloading it if setup as per this question:
Download of Cocoa API documentation

Cocoa interface to GEDCOM file [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The only full-fledged GPL Cocoa editor for GEDCOM 5.5 files (GenerationX) was last released in 2003:
It looks unstable under Snow Leopard and would badly need a revamp.
Someone recently posted a proof-of-concept application (unrelated to GenerationX) on Google Code, but it looks like an unmaintained project:
Is there any Cocoa developer interested in genealogy and willing to resurrect any of these projects? Or any other projects with a decent release cycle I am not aware of?
The Mac genealogy software market is dominated by pricy and feature-bloated proprietary solutions. A no-nonsense open source GEDCOM-compliant framework for Mac OS would be a blessing.
Did you check out GRAMPS? (Written in Python, using Gtk. So it doesn't look native on OSX, but works.)
There is MacPAF, but I'm not sure what the status of it is.
If you are still looking into Genealogy-Software, you might want to try the free program "Familienbande".
It's available for Mac and for Windows, free for personal use, supports GedCom and it is well maintained. I only use the German version (the developer is German) but since he has some native speaking US contributors, I assume the English version should also be usable.
The UI needs some getting used to, but for a free program, it is absolutely perfect.
Give it a try under:
