Rendering the extension "html" to "html" didn't do anything - docpad

When generating docpad I get lots of warnings with the same message:
warning: Rendering the extension "html" to "html" on "docpad-text-plugin.html.html" didn't do anything.
Explanation here:
I tried searching for files with a double html extension, but found nothing. What is this warning and should I do something about it?
The blog itself generates okay.

This kind of error usually appears if you want to render html content to html using text plugin. So you have something like some html.
Just remove the render part and case is fixed. I've already made a pull request to your project with the fix.


TYPO3 rte_ckeditor plugin

I try to insert a FontAwesome plugin in CKEditor.
resource: "EXT:siteconfig/Resources/Public/JavaScripts/RTE/Plugins/ckawesome/plugin.js"
I copied the Font Awesome fonts and CSS in that folder and the RTE gives a button which popups the dialog.
However the console gives me a "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function"
In plugin.js is:
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
This path is correct, however should a script in this way be loaded on a different method with TYPO3 CKEditor?
First of all, perhaps this extension solves the issue
it add font awesome, so no need for you to reinvent that wheel :-)
Second, if you really want to found out why your own solution doesn't work, try and find out, what path
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
resolves to, perhaps something is wrong there.

Embedding html comments while using kramdown, jekyll and github-pages

I use github, github-pages, kramdown and jekyll to publish my static sites.
I need to embed html comments that are visible when viewing the source of a page. The reason for this that I want to be able to visually use comments to differentiate between the different parts of raw source html markup. This is doable by using regular html syntax:
<!-- here's my comment -->
The problem I've encountered is that while I serve my jekyll site locally I do see comments in the page source, but once pushed to my github repository the comment isn't visible anymore. However it's still visible in my repo when viewing the raw markdown source file.
The behavior I expect would be seeing my comment in the page source code like I do locally. I've tried kramdown comment syntax:
here's my comment
This works but this way I don't see it in the page source at all. Another solution I've tried is the workaround described in this response. It works but it produces an actual html tag and therefore any clear separation between the comment and the other html tags is lost.
The bottom-line is that I want to see the comment when viewing my page source even after pushing my files to my repository.
Is there something I'm missing here or isn't it possible to keep html comments intact while used in conjunction with github-pages?
EDIT: Turns out it was not a markup or Github problem after all. I use a CDN service, this minified the HTML and stripped away HTML comments.
Please check there is no "HTML Minification" running on GitHub which could be actually removing comments while serving for save bandwidth.

Grab all HTML Source Code using VB6 WebBrowser Control

I've tried Webbrowser1.Document.body.OuterHTML and Webbrowser1.Document.body.innerHTML, but both are missing JS links and CSS stylings, any way to get the full html, seems it is just grabbing the html within the body not the full source.
Found out...

Javascript location in Magento

Im trying to locate certain javascript code in the codebase with no luck. This code appears in the head of every page. Note that it isnt a link to a file but certain code embedded in the head. I have tried the following ways but no luck
page.phtml and all page templates
Text search in codebase with keyword and
keyword '{variablename}'
Database search keyword '{variablename}'
but no results so far
Have a missed something? Any help would be really appreciated.
Assuming that the page templates still generally reflect the native Magento structure, if it's in the <head> of the page, then it can only be coming from one of three places:
The page template (1column.phtml, 3columns.phtml, etc.).
The <head> include file head.phtml.
An include of one of the first two.
I know you said you already looked in both of those places, but you can help narrow down the source by comparing what you can see in those locations with what you see in the generated page source. Is the analytics code you're trying to locate before or after something you can see in those template files?
Also make sure that you're looking in the template files of the correct theme.
Ok got it.. it was under System>Config>Design>Misc Scripts

How can I try this jquery plugin - Galleria?

Ok. I have some experience with HTML and CSS, little with Javascript and none with JQuery.
And I'm trying to try out in my HTML file the Galleria plugin with fullscreen theme but I can't make it work. ( )
It only show the empty page with no pictures. I took the source code from the demo page and I pasted in my page and after some little modifications with the url of the theme, I managed to have on my screen only the image, without the "mechanism". Any help?
I think the instructions were made for an old release of the plugin and that's the reason I can't get it work.
P.S. I found a ready made demo on googlecode, but I can't get the fullscreen feature. Any help?
Try passing debug:true to yield more errors if you are seeing a blank page. Regarding customizations, try the documentation and API reference.
