Embedding html comments while using kramdown, jekyll and github-pages - comments

I use github, github-pages, kramdown and jekyll to publish my static sites.
I need to embed html comments that are visible when viewing the source of a page. The reason for this that I want to be able to visually use comments to differentiate between the different parts of raw source html markup. This is doable by using regular html syntax:
<!-- here's my comment -->
The problem I've encountered is that while I serve my jekyll site locally I do see comments in the page source, but once pushed to my github repository the comment isn't visible anymore. However it's still visible in my repo when viewing the raw markdown source file.
The behavior I expect would be seeing my comment in the page source code like I do locally. I've tried kramdown comment syntax:
here's my comment
This works but this way I don't see it in the page source at all. Another solution I've tried is the workaround described in this response. It works but it produces an actual html tag and therefore any clear separation between the comment and the other html tags is lost.
The bottom-line is that I want to see the comment when viewing my page source even after pushing my files to my repository.
Is there something I'm missing here or isn't it possible to keep html comments intact while used in conjunction with github-pages?
EDIT: Turns out it was not a markup or Github problem after all. I use a CDN service, this minified the HTML and stripped away HTML comments.

Please check there is no "HTML Minification" running on GitHub which could be actually removing comments while serving for save bandwidth.


Unable to copy code in Jekyll website

I recently set up my blog on abhitopia.com. The issue I am facing is that all the code I write in my blog (in markdown) cannot be copied. For instance, go to
You will be unable to copy code. I have already tried googling this. It is definitely not a feature that comes pre configured with Jekyll. I don't understand why. :(
This is not related to how Jekyll is building your site. This is a problem with the theme that you are using (Grayscale), which gives you the impression that you cannot select text in your code blocks.
If you look at your grayscale.css file around line 409, you'll see something like this:
These two styles are removing the shadow that one sees when selecting text, which makes you think you cannot copy the text.
Remove these two styles, or modify them, so that the shadow is visible and in a color you like. Alternatively, you can use a different theme, instead of that one.

How do I put HTML, JS and CSS in a Github page .md file?

I'm writing a post for my Github-hosted site. I'm writing to my-first-post.md.
I have Javascript in script tags, CSS in style tags, and HTML in divs and spans.
When I paste the code in the .md and run jekyll serve thru Ruby, all I get is a page with the raw HTML.
What am I doing wrong?
"HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writing format." --daringfireball
Markdown is supposed to be simple.
You shouldn't be putting javascript into markdown unless you have a good reason to be doing so and even then I don't think every markdown converter will process javascript.
Ideally, your markdown should be confined to this list and maybe some simple HTML.
Any CSS or javascript should be included as part of your theme.
Edit, explaining jekyll filestructure:
So your Jekyll site should have a file structure that looks something like this. In very broad terms, your CSS and javascript should be in the default.html file located in the _layouts folder. You'll probably notice that the file appears to be a regular HTML file, more or less. The blog post--which is the markdown after it has been converted to HTML--will insert itself into the layout at the {{ content }} tag.
Also, the CSS and javascript doesn't have to be in default.html. It can also be in external files that you link to from default.html
Use MDX. It can do a lot. But if you want to use something more appropriate for the task at hand, I'd suggest looking into Astro . You can find more on these websites. For astro you can install the CLI and write markdown in less than 2 minutes. And also, it's very fast and integrates with a lot of frameworks.

Properly display tags within Ruby comments

I see in the Ruby core library source they sometimes have large blocks of comments with
<code>some code</code>
in them. I suppose the code tag is supposed to be rendered by the code editor. What IDE does it properly? I'm using Rubymine.
The attached image is how it looks for me:
It's not supposed to be rendered by a code editor, it's rendered by RDoc. Some editors can display the information, but unless they implement everything RDoc does the resulting output will have artifacts.
See the RDoc documentation and the associated README for more information about how and what it does.

Joomla TinyMCE Editor removes <link> from html

My code is this:
When i toggle the editor I have:
Where have I got it wrong?
From your title, I am assuming any <link> tag is being stripped.
Link tags are only valid in the head of the page, and TinyMCE is set to use the HTML5 specification by default when it tidies code, so presumably it is removing them due to their invalidity in the body of the page.
You could probably configure the code of TinyMCE to do what you want (see: http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:valid_children), but as that does not seem to be possible via Joomla's plug-in parameters, it would mean overriding a core file, which may then cause problems should you patch the site.
One alternative would be to turn off Tiny MCE, and add the code via the blank editor.
Ideally, it sounds like you should be creating a bespoke module in which the link element can go in the head of the page as it should be.

CKEditor - have it return markdown syntax instead of HTML

I'm working on a CMS platform and I am planning to use CKEditor as it seems to offer everything I need.
One thing that is a bit of a bother to me is that I want my content to be in markdown format instead of html and while I found a BBCode extension for this, I couldn't figure out how it can be remade to support markdown.
I tried to find an editor that does markdown out of the box, but the ones I found are way too simple for what I need and CKEditor has the benefit of having a plugin system to adjust perfectly for me.
CKEditor now has a Markdown addon that does this exact thing. The addon project is hosted on github.
See also: Integrated Markdown WYSIWYG text editor (2012)
Using Markdown instead of HTML is a very bad idea for several reasons:
Markdown has no spec, so every library works differently in details. The output which you'll produce using CKEditor may give a different (even totally wrong) result when transformed to HTML by your back-end. For example - escaping image's title and link texts - you won't be able to ensure that the text user inserted does not break the output.
Not all HTML can be transformed to Markdown.
There are plenty of tricky cases which are totally correct in HTML, but cannot be done in Markdown.
Markdown has fewer features than HTML, so you'd lose some content which users produced.
You actually gain nothing by using Markdown instead of HTML.
I am a CKEditor core developer, so I know it very well. I tried to implement a Markdown writer for CKEditor and very quickly I found that it's completely pointless. I don't say that it's not possible, because it is, but only a limited stability can be achieved - too low for anything I would personally want to use in production.
