TYPO3 rte_ckeditor plugin - ckeditor

I try to insert a FontAwesome plugin in CKEditor.
resource: "EXT:siteconfig/Resources/Public/JavaScripts/RTE/Plugins/ckawesome/plugin.js"
I copied the Font Awesome fonts and CSS in that folder and the RTE gives a button which popups the dialog.
However the console gives me a "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function"
In plugin.js is:
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
This path is correct, however should a script in this way be loaded on a different method with TYPO3 CKEditor?

First of all, perhaps this extension solves the issue
it add font awesome, so no need for you to reinvent that wheel :-)
Second, if you really want to found out why your own solution doesn't work, try and find out, what path
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('ckawesome') + 'resources/select2/select2.full.min.js');
resolves to, perhaps something is wrong there.


2sxc Gallery - The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later

DNN 09.09.01 / 2sxc 11. 22.1 / Image Gallery v5
App installation without problem, but when you click on image to show in Fancy box - you got message; The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later.
I tested this with 2sic DNN Instant Bootstrap 4 theme and it is working just fine.
However, on this site I am using other DNN Theme ("Professional" Theme from DNNVista, Bootstrap 3, link; https://store.dnnsoftware.com/home/product-details/professional-15-colors-mega-menu-bootstrap-responsive-dnn-6x-7x-8x-dnn-9x) and this error occurred every time I click on a single photo.
I am aware that this Theme is full of bugs and I probably wasted 99$ for it, but would like to find out what is wrong and try to fix it in this particular Theme.
But - I don't know where to start, because there is no errors in Admin Log.
Any similar situations or ideas, please?
(sorry if I did not express my self clearly - English is not my Mother Tongue. Please ask if you need clarification)
I found that, from some reason, hyperlinks for pictures are parsed without question mark after filename, but can't find a reason for such behaviour because everything is correct in app template.
Just a guess - probably you have some JS replacing other JS - like Fancybox being loaded 2x in different versions. Best check the Chrome-Network to verify.

Tiny MCE v2.1 code editor

Call me old fashioned, but there is nothing I can do but only to use the old version of Tiny MCE, which is 2.1.
So, what I'm trying to do is to add a "download" attribute to tag, after I open HTML editor I type this attribute, when saving it simply disappears. There is no official documentation to this old version on the official site. The new ones doesn't mention anything about this feature at all. overall editor look. code editor look
Also, I tried to add "download" in the extended valid elements configuration:
extended_valid_elements: "code[class|dir ,however no success as well.
Did anyone by any chance faced the same problem?
Could use a little bit of help.
Well, if anyone ever encounters the same problem, which I highly doubt, you would need to open tiny_mce.js file, and on the line 1928 there will be "A : "id|class|style|title|download" ", this is the place, where I added "download". Afterwards I was able to add this attribute in the HTML code editor.

How to manually set the script path of ckeditor

Usually we just need to unzip the package from the ckeditor website to a dictionary and use it like CKEDITOR.replace('editor1');. But my problem is the ckeditor cannot correctly recognize the path to the plugin and other files, makes the editor fail to load.
Is there any way to manually set the path to its files?
I have tried to set the CKEDITOR.basePath, the editor loaded successfully, but the plugin don't works, exception
[CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "paste" failed when loading definition.
The problem still remains
I know this is old, but setting CKEDITOR.plugins.basePath should fix your problem.

Magento - Not able to resolve - jQuery / jCarousel Conflict Issue

I am trying all ways possible to resolve the JQuery Conflict issue in magento. Verified a few forums too but of no help.
I have tried the following:
1.Added jQuery.noConflict(); at the end of the jquery files (still didnt work)
2.Created a variable for noConflict and used all functions (still didnt work)
I can see the Js and CSS files required for jCarousel to function in the output source code, however along with that i get the following error:
jQuery("#mycarousel").jcarousel is not a function
Line 80
Not sure what I'm missing.
I am a newbie to magento. Is there a possibility that I'm missing on some important files to update.
Please assist as soon as possible.
I'm Following the examples of JCarousel as closely as possible. It works fine without Magento, but in Magento error as mentioned above is returned.
Check out the view source and make sure that the JCariusel scripts are inserted after JQuery.
I had the same problem, the it would not load within the magento site. I did however figure it out. I found that my code:
btnNext: ".next_time",
btnPrev: ".prev_time",
circular: false,
visible: 4,
Was not being loaded into the theme due to it not having a
jQuery(document).ready(function() {}
I also made sure that the jcarousel had a no conflict within the file and that it was loaded before the slider itself in the page.xml file.
Hope this helps. I also found that i had trouble with my no conflict in jQuery. If this doesn't help that is where the problem lies.

ckeditor: mediaembed plugin won't work

I'm using CKEditor for my site.
Now I found the plugin called "MediaEmbed". I need it for embedding YouTube videos.
I installed it and the integration worked fine, but embedding won't work.
When you paste the code into the text area in the embedding dialog and then click on OK in IE and Chrome nothing happens and in Firefox it just adds a image as a flash-content-placeholder.
Let's say the flash-content-placeholder image would be just in the wysiwyg interface, but then i should get the embed code when I click on "view source" - but no, there you just see the source of the placeholder image div and img tag.
Then let's say the embed code is saved internally, so I save the file I create with CKEditor, and the out I get is just what I entered without the stuff the MediaEmbed plugin has generated at all.
How to fix this?
Please help!
Yours Joern.
use firebug and see, it'll be giving a cross domain error. the plugin has a bug. use try catch in the place where is accesses the windows.name property for a workaround.
Try istead ckeditor youtube plugin
