Joomla create a confirmation button that send email to administrator - joomla

i have a big problem. I have to create a button that is taking the name and email of registred users and sending automatic email to the admin for confirmation.

Joomla already has a feature so that admins must approve the registration of a user. Have a look here at the Joomla documentation:
If you need a little more functionality, you may want to consider a 3rd party extension such as Admin Approval
Hope this helps


Can Joomla send the user an email after admin approves them?

Problem is:
User registers at the side and gets a registration email with a
confirmation link which can be used. and
Admin gets an email notification of a newly registered user
Admin activates & enables the user
No notification email to the user is sent about his accounts activation
No hints in the logs. Mailserver is working as described. Tests with System emails active for users show no difference in the behavior. Also added true to $return = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $data['email'], $emailSubject, $emailBody, true); in registeration.php
Does this feature actually work? Any help in solving this would be much-appreatiated.
Using Joomla 3.9.15 and no external plugins for user-management.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Joomla distinguishes between user activation by link through email or via administration backend. In order to send an email to the user after the activation of the user account one needs to use the link from the email. Activation from the administration backend will not send an email to the user who's account was activated.

How do you allow a site member to Change thier login (which is thier email) on a Wix member site?

I'm working on a Wix site which has their membership options (login, member area, profile, etc). Wix forces the users to log in with their email address and manages the passwords for me, so if a customer forgets their password, they can click "forgot" and reset it.
My question is how can I allow site members to change their login (which is their email they signed up with)?
You cannot. Corvid does not provide that functionality.

Magento: Login to frontend with admin credentials

Is there any way provided by Magento to login to frontend with admin credentials. I
I've tried many tutorials and forums but in vain.
Is there any extension available for this? Can we achieve this by custom coding? If yes, How?
You could refer to this anser, about logging in as a frontend user (which creates a convenient shortcut to accomplish the same thing, for your client) : Magento, login as customer from admin
You could use this FREE extension :
Description of what it does:
Features list:
Admin users can login as customers from "customer view" pages in admin
There is an option to allow login as a customer right on the "order view" pages in admin
There is an access control option. Admin can assign to a specific role whether role users can login as customers.
Does not require to setup customer universal password, because password is less secure.
Or, you could download it, look at the approach used in the code and adapt it :)

Magento: How to create an account with email and password only

I'm using Magento 1.7.
I would like to simplify the create account (register new user) to show and require only the email and a password.
The user would only fill in the other info (like name, address, etc) when making a purchase.
The idea behind is that every user would need to give out the email address in order to view the site content.
I'm already using this extension in order to make the the site available only to login users. I need a way to simplify the register process to include only email and password
and comment out the fields that you don't want.
This is what you want, right?
You can try this extension from Magento Connect - Fast Registration it allow customer registration only with Email & Password

How to disable Joomla Unique Email Functionality?

I have a site with Joomla 1.5.25. I have user login facilty with the site. I have modified Joomla's default functionality. Also I have created a user acount via php MyAdmin and entered so many data approximatly 1200 user entry.
But now I face a problem with the Email at Joomla backend.
When I trying to changed the Email ID via the back-end(user managment), its fires an error that:
"Email Id alread in used."
So here I want to change this Unique Email validation and it allow me to enter the Email ID if its already used by other one. Is ther any way or patch to set it disable?
There is no "easy" solution to work with duplicated emails.
But if you really need to do it, you have to override JTableUser (see line 230) and take care of sideffects like the ability to reset a password on com_users.
