Magento: Login to frontend with admin credentials - magento

Is there any way provided by Magento to login to frontend with admin credentials. I
I've tried many tutorials and forums but in vain.
Is there any extension available for this? Can we achieve this by custom coding? If yes, How?

You could refer to this anser, about logging in as a frontend user (which creates a convenient shortcut to accomplish the same thing, for your client) : Magento, login as customer from admin
You could use this FREE extension :
Description of what it does:
Features list:
Admin users can login as customers from "customer view" pages in admin
There is an option to allow login as a customer right on the "order view" pages in admin
There is an access control option. Admin can assign to a specific role whether role users can login as customers.
Does not require to setup customer universal password, because password is less secure.
Or, you could download it, look at the approach used in the code and adapt it :)


Allow admin user to give permission to customer registration in Magento shop

I want to set a rule to allow administrator to give permission to customers when they register an account in the Magento Shop. Currently, Customers can register an account without asking Administrator's permission.
Anyone here knows about how to do it or any extensions I can use for this purpose?
Sounds like this is what you're asking for. I've used this with great success on a website where products were only available to certified professionals, so their account needed to be approved before they could login.

Magento how to remove specific widgets in admin, so that client only sees relevant widgets

By default, Magento shows different widget types as options in the backend, such as 'Cms Page Link' and 'Catalog Category Link'. However, I want to provide my client only with the theme's relevant widgets, so I want to be able to remove some widgets, at least as an admin option.
The options for the backend are set via the respective core modules /etc/widget.xml. What is the best way to override this, without a core hack?
Any suggestion would be much appreciated!
Magento has features to implement the above. It is achieved with the help of "ROLES" and "USERS" in the system tab of magento admin panel.
Create a role for your client "client_xyz" by going to
Add Resources to the role, these resources are the links that you
would like to restrict the users upon or grant them permissions.
After creating the roles and resources, create a user to be given to the client. The Users can be created under System->Permissions->Users.
Create the users assign the roles that are already created. And now when the users login using this newly created credentials. They will only see what is granted by the Admin.

Magento Multi Store Customer Combined Login Credentials

I have just added another website to my Magento eCommerce site and I would like my existing customer bass to be able to login to the new website with the same username and password that they have registered with for the original site. I also need any customer who signs up in the future to be assigned to both websites.
When I go to edit a user there is a drop-down box to say which website they are associated with, but the field is disabled and doesn't look like a multi select drop-down. Which would suggest to me that Magento isn't set up to share details between websites.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
In the admin, under System > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Account Sharing Options, you'll be able to choose between sharing accounts per website or globally.

Add role to the customer and give certain permissions in Magento

I am working on the website where by using magento I need to create an account when the user is registered, then I need to give that user permission to add products to my predefined categories. I don't know how this could be done. And I really need help with this.
I think you're looking for a dropshipping extension.
This one is said to be one of the best:
There are few of these types of extensions, so a quick google search will show you all of them.
are you referring to a customer on the front-end or an admin user on the back-end?
For an admin user you can limit a admin users permissions by assigning them to a role that can only interact with the catalog module.

Bypass Login for Magento Wishlist

I'm wanting to use the power of the wishlist functionality to send emails to the site owner so that the site owner can initiative a call to talk over the service etc etc.
I want to only use the functionality of the wishlist and nothing else, so don't need the address book and the dashboard etc, but is there a way to bypass the login to the account section?
