Magento: How to create an account with email and password only - magento

I'm using Magento 1.7.
I would like to simplify the create account (register new user) to show and require only the email and a password.
The user would only fill in the other info (like name, address, etc) when making a purchase.
The idea behind is that every user would need to give out the email address in order to view the site content.
I'm already using this extension in order to make the the site available only to login users. I need a way to simplify the register process to include only email and password

and comment out the fields that you don't want.
This is what you want, right?

You can try this extension from Magento Connect - Fast Registration it allow customer registration only with Email & Password


Laravel new user registration, activation with email and secure login

I am working on a Laravel 4.2 project.
I already have implemented an email activation module for new user registration. Whenever a new user registers, I provide an activation link to him in an email and clicking on link, I compare the token (a random string with 30 characters) I have provided with link and user's email address with database records. If found to be matching, I just set is_active field of users table to true and redirect him to login page with a Congratulations message for successful activation.
But now, I DON'T want him to redirect to login page, but if successful activation, I want him logged in directly to his account.
But I believe that authenticate an user with just a string token and email address is not a secure way.
There must be something that I can trust on. Many sites do this including stackoverflow itself but I am not sure how?
Can you please guide me how to do this?

Can an admin validate sign-up requests in

Is there something similar to the email verifcation feature where a system admin could validate user sign-up/registration requests?
Background: We're building a system with a closed community, where new users can join only if an admin has verified their sing-up data.
Ideally the admin should just receive an email that there's a new registration request and validate the request directly from the email.
The emailVerified column is protected - it can only be updated by the system in response to the target user clicking the link in the validation email.
An admin can not "tick" this field on behalf of another user.
However. From your brief description of the background I would suggest that you want the users to click the link - after all it serves to validate their email address. If you are creating your own app there is nothing to stop you adding your own column to the user model (or preferably a related table) and implement code in your sign up that also checks this extra column. Of course this is more work - but likely not excessive - and you get the desired workflow.

How to disable Joomla Unique Email Functionality?

I have a site with Joomla 1.5.25. I have user login facilty with the site. I have modified Joomla's default functionality. Also I have created a user acount via php MyAdmin and entered so many data approximatly 1200 user entry.
But now I face a problem with the Email at Joomla backend.
When I trying to changed the Email ID via the back-end(user managment), its fires an error that:
"Email Id alread in used."
So here I want to change this Unique Email validation and it allow me to enter the Email ID if its already used by other one. Is ther any way or patch to set it disable?
There is no "easy" solution to work with duplicated emails.
But if you really need to do it, you have to override JTableUser (see line 230) and take care of sideffects like the ability to reset a password on com_users.

Creating users using e-mail address only - ruby on rails

I want to be able to create a user using only their e-mail address.
i.e. I want the admin to be able to enter a bunch of e-mail addresses, which will automatically create a new user and password and then e-mail the information to the address provided.
So I am hoping to figure out how to:
Create users using only e-mail addresses (rest can be randomly generated)
E-mail users their passwords and login details.
Any suggestions on a best way to approach this? I'm using authlogic for authentication.
I'd recommend using devise for this, as it handles generating confirmation emails, as well as the routes for confirming an email. A relevant tutorial for allowing users to sign up with just their email addresses:
For having an admin create users, it'll be much the same, just generate random passwords+confirmations, and then call user.send_reset_password_instructions to send the email (which can be customized as in Ruby/Rails: How do you customize the mailer templates of Devise? )
see also: Rails Devise: Set password reset token and redirect user

Create guest order in the backend with magento

Is it possible to create an order for guests in the backend without the customer email?
I know how to create orders for registered or new users but most of the time I need to create an order without knowing the customer's email.
Without making changes to the code, you could achieve this by using an internal convention (similar to #Joseph's answer but a little cleaner) e.g.
You could configure your mail server or MX records to drop emails sent to the "guest." subdomain.
Magento requires an email address to complete an order (and uses that email address elsewhere, depending on it entirely). You could hack it by using some store email address or a temporary email address, but you'll have to enter one.
If you remove the javascript required field validation from the email address when placing admin orders, Magento will generate a dummy email address for the customer.
This functionality looks to be deprecated as of so test this on your version.
