Find the biggest square constructed from a single number - algorithm

Given a 2D matrix that consists of numbers 0-9, how do I find the largest square that is constructed from a single number?
For example,
There are 3 squares:
starts at (1, 1) and ends at (4, 4)
starts at (2, 2) and ends at (7, 7)
starts at (5, 8) and ends at (7, 10)
The biggest square is the second one. And how do I do it if I have to find a rectangle?
I know the logic for finding solid square, but not when its hollow. Any ideas?

I'd go with something like: For every position in the array call a recursive subrutine that matches (X'+1, Y'') and (X'',Y'+1) with the first value. If some of those dont match start recursion with (X', Y''+1) and (X''+1,Y') until they meet again on the same spot where you can say you've got an square…
without backtracking that would also deal with the "weird" case in your example of (2,2)->(4,4)

It may help to first scan the matrix to compute auxiliary matrices left,up that measure the number of consecutive entries in each direction.
So, for example, left[2,5] would be equal to 3 because there are 3 consecutive elements to the left of element 2,5 with the same value.
For a matrix of size n*n these matrices can be computed in O(n^2) using straightforward dynamic programming.
Once you have these matrices you can check in O(1) time whether any particular candidate rectangle is valid by checking the corners.
This then gives an immediate O(n^3) algorithm for finding the best square (simply test each of the O(n^3) possible square locations), an an O(n^4) method for rectangles.
You can also get an O(n^3) method for finding the best rectangle
by fixing the top and bottom coordinates of the rectangle (O(n^2) choices) and then iterating across the matrix. You then need to consider at each x coordinate the following cases:
Can we continue the previous rectangle (possible if the colour at the top and bottom matches the current colour)
Can we complete the previous rectangle (possible if there is a connection from top to bottom with the current colour)
Otherwise, can we start a new rectangle (possible if there is a connection from top to bottom with a new colour)
All of these take O(1) by using the top matrix, and there are O(n) x coordinates, so altogether this takes O(n^3) to find the best rectangle outline.

This is simple solution for finding max square.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <math.h>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
bool flag = false;
char ch[100][100];
int findMxSq(int leftX, int upY, int rightX, int downY){
int mx = (rightX-leftX+1)*(downY-upY+1);
bool flag = true;
char c = ch[leftX][upY];
for(int i=leftX; i<=rightX; i++){
flag &= (c==ch[i][downY+1]);
if(flag) mx = max(mx, findMxSq(leftX,upY,rightX,downY+1));
flag = true;
for(int i=upY; i<=downY; i++){
flag &= (c==ch[rightX+1][i]);
if(flag) mx = max(mx, findMxSq(leftX,upY,rightX+1,downY));
return mx;
int main(){
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=11; j++)
int ans = 0;
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=11; j++)
ans = max(ans,findMxSq(i,j,i,j));
return 0;


Spectral clustering of affinity matrix

I am trying to perform spectral clustering.
I have eigenvectors of a symmetric affinity matrix and I have to find (taken from a paper), where x'Mx is inter-cluster score.
Is x'Mx the same as the cluster vector and therefore argmax would mean a principal vector of eigenvectors (i.e. eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue)?
If so, the should x* be calculated for every cluster? (Because how can one vector describe all the clusters..)
In code (using OpenCV library)
//a symmetric affinity matrix calculated prior
CvScalar scal;
CvMat* evec = cvCreateMat(src->height,src->height,CV_32FC1); //eigenvectors
CvMat* eval = cvCreateMat(1,src->height,CV_32FC1); //eigenvalues (1xN)
cvEigenVV(&mat, evec, eval, 1);
//result is eval->cols == mat.cols and eval->rows == mat.rows
for( int j = 0; j < eval->cols; j++ )
/*access the obtained eigenvalues*/
scal = cvGet2D( eval, 0, j );
printf( "\n%f\n", scal.val[0]);
for(int i=0;i < evec->rows;i++){
printf(" vector: %d: %f ", j, cvmGet(evec,j,i)); //Fetching each component of Eigenvector i
Possible answer (explained in paper "Efficient Feature Tracking for Scene Recognition using Angular and
Scale Constraints")
So, that means that
1) x* = eigenvector that has largest eigenvalue
2) principal eigenvector can describe different clusters. If one will plot values of a principal eigenvector, variations in the graph will indicate different clusters of the data

How do I calculate a line from a series of points?

Probably an easy question, but I could not find an easy solution so far. I'm working on a simple image recognition software for a very specific use case.
Given is a bunch of points that are supposedly on a straight line. However, some of the points are mistakenly placed and away from the line. Especially near the ends of the line, points may happen to be more or less inaccurate.
X // this guy is off
X // this one even more
X // looks fine
X // a mistake in the middle
X // another mistake, not as bad as the previous
X // we're off the line again
The general direction of the line is known, in this case, it's vertical. The actual line in the example is in fact vertical with slight diagonal slope.
I'm only interested in the infinite line (that is, it's slope and offset), the position of the endpoints is not important.
As additional information (not sure if it is important), it is impossible for 2 points to lie next to each other horizontally. Example:
X X // cannot happen
Performance is not important. I'm working in C#, but I'm fine with any language or just a generic idea, too.
I think you're looking for Least squares fit via Linear Regression
Linear regression (as mentioned by others) is good if you know you do not have outliers.
If you do have outliers, then one of my favorite methods is the median median line method:
Basically you sort the points by the X values and then split the points up into three equal sized groups (smallest values, medium values, and largest values). The final slope is the slope of the line going through the median of the small group and through the median of the large group. The median of the middle group is used with the other medians to calculate the final offset/intercept.
This is a simple algorithm that can be found on several graphing calculators.
By taking the three medians, you are completely ignoring any outliers (either on the far left, far right, far up, or far down).
The image below shows the linear regression and median-median lines for a set of data with a couple of large outliers.
Mike is spot on! Use the following:
double[] xVals = {...};
double[] yVals = {...};
double xMean = 0;
double yMean = 0;
double Sxy = 0;
double Sxx = 0;
double beta0, beta1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < xVals.Length; i++)
xMean += xVals[i]/xVals.Length;
yMean += yVals[i]/yVals.Length;
for (i = 0; i < xVals.Length; i++)
Sxy += (xVals[i]-xMean)*(yVals[i]-yMean);
Sxx += (xVals[i]-xMean)*(xVals[i]-xMean);
beta1 = Sxy/Sxx;
beta0 = yMean-beta1*xMean;
Use beta1 as the slope and beta0 as the y-intercept!

Rotating a two dimensional array by 90 degrees

I am studying this piece of code on rotating an NxN matrix; I have traced the program countless times, and I sort of understand how the actual rotation happens. It basically rotates the corners first and the elements after the corners in a clockwise direction. I just do not understand a couple of lines, and the code is still not "driven home" in my brain, so to speak. Please help. I am rotating it 90 degrees, given a 4x4 matrix as my tracing example.
public static void rotate(int[][] matrix, int n){
for(int layer=0; layer < n/2; ++layer) {
int first=layer; //It moves from the outside in.
int last=n-1-layer; //<--This I do not understand
for(int i=first; i<last;++i){
int offset=i-first; //<--A bit confusing for me
//save the top left of the matrix
int top = matrix[first][i];
//shift left to top;
/*I understand that it needs
last-offset so that it will go up the column in the matrix,
and first signifies it's in the first column*/
//shift bottom to left
/*I understand that it needs
last-offset so that the number decreases and it may go up the column (first
last-offset) and left (latter). */
//shift right to bottom
/*I understand that it i so that in the next iteration, it moves down
the column*/
//rightmost top corner
It's easier to understand an algorithm like this if you draw a diagram, so I made a quick pic in Paint to demonstrate for a 5x5 matrix :D
The outer for(int layer=0; layer < n/2; ++layer) loop iterates over the layers from outside to inside. The outer layer (layer 0) is depicted by coloured elements. Each layer is effectively a square of elements requiring rotation. For n = 5, layer will take on values from 0 to 1 as there are 2 layers since we can ignore the centre element/layer which is unaffected by rotation. first and last refer to the first and last rows/columns of elements for a layer; e.g. layer 0 has elements from Row/Column first = 0 to last = 4 and layer 1 from Row/Column 1 to 3.
Then for each layer/square, the inner for(int i=first; i<last;++i) loop rotates it by rotating 4 elements in each iteration. Offset represents how far along the sides of the square we are. For our 5x5 below, we first rotate the red elements (offset = 0), then yellow (offset = 1), then green and blue. Arrows 1-5 demonstrate the 4-element rotation for the red elements, and 6+ for the rest which are performed in the same fashion. Note how the 4-element rotation is essentially a 5-assignment circular swap with the first assignment temporarily putting aside an element. The //save the top left of the matrix comment for this assignment is misleading since matrix[first][i] isn't necessarily the top left of the matrix or even the layer for that matter. Also, note that the row/column indexes of elements being rotated are sometimes proportional to offset and sometimes proportional to its inverse, last - offset.
We move along the sides of the outer layer (delineated by first=0 and last=4) in this manner, then move onto the inner layer (first = 1 and last = 3) and do the same thing there. Eventually, we hit the centre and we're done.
This trigger a WTF. The easiest way to rotate a matrix in place is by
first transposing the matrix (swap M[i,j] with M[j,i])
then swapping M[i,j] with M[i, nColumns - j]
When matrices are column-major, the second operation is swapping columns, and hence has good data locality properties. If the matrix is row major, then first permute rows, and then transpose.
Here is a recursive way of solving this:
// rotating a 2 D array (mXn) by 90 degrees
public void rotateArray(int[][] inputArray) {
System.out.println("Input Array: ");
rotateArray(inputArray, 0, 0, inputArray.length - 1,
inputArray[0].length - 1);
System.out.println("\n\nOutput Array: ");
public void rotateArray(int[][] inputArray, int currentRow,
int currentColumn, int lastRow, int lastColumn) {
// condition to come out of recursion.
// if all rows are covered or all columns are covered (all layers
// covered)
if (currentRow >= lastRow || currentColumn >= lastColumn)
// rotating the corner elements first
int top = inputArray[currentRow][currentColumn];
inputArray[currentRow][currentColumn] = inputArray[lastRow][currentColumn];
inputArray[lastRow][currentColumn] = inputArray[lastRow][lastColumn];
inputArray[lastRow][lastColumn] = inputArray[currentRow][lastColumn];
inputArray[currentRow][lastColumn] = top;
// clockwise rotation of remaining elements in the current layer
for (int i = currentColumn + 1; i < lastColumn; i++) {
int temp = inputArray[currentRow][i];
inputArray[currentRow][i] = inputArray[lastRow - i][currentColumn];
inputArray[lastRow - i][currentColumn] = inputArray[lastRow][lastColumn
- i];
inputArray[lastRow][lastColumn - i] = inputArray[currentRow + i][lastColumn];
inputArray[currentRow + i][lastColumn] = temp;
// call recursion on remaining layers
rotateArray(inputArray, ++currentRow, ++currentColumn, --lastRow,

3D Connected Points Labeling based on Euclidean distances

Currently, I am working on a project that is trying to group 3d points from a dataset by specifying connectivity as a minimum euclidean distance. My algorithm right now is simply a 3d adaptation of the naive flood fill.
size_t PointSegmenter::growRegion(size_t & seed, size_t segNumber) {
size_t numPointsLabeled = 0;
//alias for points to avoid retyping
vector<Point3d> & points = _img.points;
deque<size_t> ptQueue;
while (!ptQueue.empty()) {
size_t currentIdx = ptQueue.front();
vector<int> newPoints = _img.queryRadius(currentIdx, SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, MATCH_ACCURACY);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)newPoints.size(); i++) {
int newIdx = newPoints[i];
Point3d &newPoint = points[newIdx];
if(!newPoint.labeled()) {
//NOTE to whoever wrote the other code, the compiler optimizes i++
//to ++i in cases like these, so please don't change them just for speed :)
for (size_t i = seed; i < points.size(); i++) {
if(!points[i].labeled()) {
//search for an unlabeled point to serve as the next seed.
seed = i;
return numPointsLabeled;
return numPointsLabeled;
Where this code snippet is ran again for the new seed, and _img.queryRadius() is a fixed radius search with the ANN library:
vector<int> Image::queryRadius(size_t index, double range, double epsilon) {
int k = kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, 0);
ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, k, nnIdx);
vector<int> outPoints;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
delete[] nnIdx;
return outPoints;
My problem with this code is that it runs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow for large datasets. If I'm not mistaken, this code will do a search for every single point, and the searches are O(NlogN), giving this a time complexity of (N^2*log(N)).
In addition to that, deletions are relatively expensive if I remember right from KD trees, but also not deleting points creates problems in that each point can be searched hundreds of times, by every neighbor close to it.
So my question is, is there a better way to do this? Especially in a way that will grow linearly with the dataset?
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide
I have tried using a simple sorted list like dash-tom-bang said, but the result was even slower than what I was using before. I'm not sure if it was the implementation, or it was just simply too slow to iterate through every point and check euclidean distance (even when just using squared distance.
Is there any other ideas people may have? I'm honestly stumped right now.
I propose the following algorithm:
Compute 3D Delaunay triangulation of your data points.
Remove all the edges that are longer than your threshold distance, O(N) when combined with step 3.
Find connected components in the resulting graph which is O(N) in size, this is done in O(N α(N)).
The bottleneck is step 1 which can be done in O(N2) or even O(N log N) according to this page However it's definitely not a 100 lines algorithm.
When I did something along these lines, I chose an "origin" outside of the dataset somewhere and sorted all of the points by their distance to that origin. Then I had a much smaller set of points to choose from at each step, and I only had to go through the "onion skin" region around the point being considered. You would check neighboring points until the distance to the closest point is less than the width of the range you're checking.
While that worked well for me, a similar version of that can be achieved by sorting all of your points along one axis (which would represent the "origin" being infinitely far away) and then just checking points again until your "search width" exceeds the distance to the closest point so far found.
Points should be better organized. To search more efficiently instead of a vector<Point3d> you need some sort of a hash map where hash collision implies that two points are close to each other (so you use hash collisions to your advantage). You can for instance divide the space into cubes of size equal to SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, and use a hash function that returns a triplet of ints instead of just an int, where each part of a triplet is calculated as point.<corresponding_dimension> / SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE.
Now for each point in this new set you search only for points in the same cube, and in adjacent cubes of space. This greatly reduces the search space.

Calculating length of objects in binary image - algorithm

I need to calculate length of the object in a binary image (maximum distance between the pixels inside the object). As it is a binary image, so we might consider it a 2D array with values 0 (white) and 1 (black). The thing I need is a clever (and preferably simple) algorithm to perform this operation. Keep in mind there are many objects in the image.
The image to clarify:
Sample input image:
I think the problem is simple if the boundary of an object is convex and no three vertices are on a line (i.e. no vertex can be removed without changing the polygon): Then you can just pick two points at random and use a simple gradient-descent type search to find the longest line:
Start with random vertices A, B
See if the line A' - B is longer than A - B where A' is the point left of A; if so, replace A with A'
See if the line A' - B is longer than A - B where A' is the point right of A; if so, replace A with A'
Do the same for B
repeat until convergence
So I'd suggest finding the convex hull for each seed blob, removing all "superfluos" vertices (to ensure convergence) and running the algorithm above.
Constructing a convex hull is an O(n log n) operation IIRC, where n is the number of boundary pixels. Should be pretty efficient for small objects like these. EDIT: I just remembered that the O(n log n) for the convex hull algorithm was needed to sort the points. If the boundary points are the result of a connected component analysis, they are already sorted. So the whole algorithm should run in O(n) time, where n is the number of boundary points. (It's a lot of work, though, because you might have to write your own convex-hull algorithm or modify one to skip the sort.)
Add: Response to comment
If you don't need 100% accuracy, you could simply fit an ellipse to each blob and calculate the length of the major axis: This can be computed from central moments (IIRC it's simply the square root if the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix), so it's an O(n) operation and can efficiently be calculated in a single sweep over the image. It has the additional advantage that it takes all pixels of a blob into account, not just two extremal points, i.e. it is far less affected by noise.
Find the major-axis length of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the region. In MATLAB you can use regionprops.
A very crude, brute-force approach would be to first identify all the edge pixels (any black pixel in the object adjacent to a non-black pixel) and calculate the distances between all possible pairs of edge pixels. The longest of these distances will give you the length of the object.
If the objects are always shaped like the ones in your sample, you could speed this up by only evaluating the pixels with the highest and lowest x and y values within the object.
I would suggest trying an "reverse" distance transform. In the magical world of mathematical morphology (sorry couldn't resist the alliteration) the distance transform gives you the closest distance of each pixel to its nearest boundary pixel. In your case, you are interested in the farthest distance to a boundary pixel, hence I have cleverly applied a "reverse" prefix.
You can find information on the distance transform here and here. I believe that matlab implements the distance transform as per here. That would lead me to believe that you can find an open source implementation of the distance transform in octave. Furthermore, it would not surprise me in the least if opencv implemented it.
I haven't given it much thought but its intuitive to me that you should be able to reverse the distance transform and calculate it in roughly the same amount of time as the original distance transform.
I think you could consider using a breadth first search algorithm.
The basic idea is that you loop over each row and column in the image, and if you haven't visited the node (a node is a row and column with a colored pixel) yet, then you would run the breadth first search. You would visit each node you possibly could, and keep track of the max and min points for the object.
Here's some C++ sample code (untested):
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// used to transition from given row, col to each of the
// 8 different directions
int dr[] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1 };
int dc[] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 };
// WHITE or COLORED cells
const int WHITE = 0;
const int COLORED = 1;
// number of rows and columns
int nrows = 2000;
int ncols = 2000;
// assume G is the image
int G[2000][2000];
// the "visited array"
bool vis[2000][2000];
// get distance between 2 points
inline double getdist(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
double d1 = x1 - x2;
double d2 = y1 - y2;
return sqrt(d1*d1+d2*d2);
// this function performs the breadth first search
double bfs(int startRow, int startCol) {
queue< int > q;
vector< pair< int, int > > points;
while(!q.empty()) {
int r = q.front();
int c = q.front();
// already visited?
if (vis[r][c])
vis[r][c] = true;
// try all eight directions
for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int nr = r + dr[i];
int nc = c + dc[i];
if (nr < 0 || nr >= nrows || nc < 0 || nc >= ncols)
continue; // out of bounds
// push next node on queue
// the distance is maximum difference between any 2 points encountered in the BFS
double diff = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); ++i) {
for(int j = i+1; j < (int)points.size(); ++j) {
diff = max(diff,getdist(points[i].first,points[i].second,points[j].first,points[j].second));
return diff;
int main() {
vector< double > lengths;
memset(vis,false,sizeof vis);
for(int r = 0; r < nrows; ++r) {
for(int c = 0; c < ncols; ++c) {
if (G[r][c] == WHITE)
continue; // we don't care about cells without objects
if (vis[r][c])
continue; // we've already processed this object
// find the length of this object
double len = bfs(r,c);
return 0;
