How do I calculate a line from a series of points? - algorithm

Probably an easy question, but I could not find an easy solution so far. I'm working on a simple image recognition software for a very specific use case.
Given is a bunch of points that are supposedly on a straight line. However, some of the points are mistakenly placed and away from the line. Especially near the ends of the line, points may happen to be more or less inaccurate.
X // this guy is off
X // this one even more
X // looks fine
X // a mistake in the middle
X // another mistake, not as bad as the previous
X // we're off the line again
The general direction of the line is known, in this case, it's vertical. The actual line in the example is in fact vertical with slight diagonal slope.
I'm only interested in the infinite line (that is, it's slope and offset), the position of the endpoints is not important.
As additional information (not sure if it is important), it is impossible for 2 points to lie next to each other horizontally. Example:
X X // cannot happen
Performance is not important. I'm working in C#, but I'm fine with any language or just a generic idea, too.

I think you're looking for Least squares fit via Linear Regression

Linear regression (as mentioned by others) is good if you know you do not have outliers.
If you do have outliers, then one of my favorite methods is the median median line method:
Basically you sort the points by the X values and then split the points up into three equal sized groups (smallest values, medium values, and largest values). The final slope is the slope of the line going through the median of the small group and through the median of the large group. The median of the middle group is used with the other medians to calculate the final offset/intercept.
This is a simple algorithm that can be found on several graphing calculators.
By taking the three medians, you are completely ignoring any outliers (either on the far left, far right, far up, or far down).
The image below shows the linear regression and median-median lines for a set of data with a couple of large outliers.

Mike is spot on! Use the following:
double[] xVals = {...};
double[] yVals = {...};
double xMean = 0;
double yMean = 0;
double Sxy = 0;
double Sxx = 0;
double beta0, beta1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < xVals.Length; i++)
xMean += xVals[i]/xVals.Length;
yMean += yVals[i]/yVals.Length;
for (i = 0; i < xVals.Length; i++)
Sxy += (xVals[i]-xMean)*(yVals[i]-yMean);
Sxx += (xVals[i]-xMean)*(xVals[i]-xMean);
beta1 = Sxy/Sxx;
beta0 = yMean-beta1*xMean;
Use beta1 as the slope and beta0 as the y-intercept!


What is the best way to check all pixels within certain radius?

I'm currently developing an application that will alert users of incoming rain. To do this I want to check certain area around user location for rainfall (different pixel colours for intensity on rainfall radar image). I would like the checked area to be a circle but I don't know how to do this efficiently.
Let's say I want to check radius of 50km. My current idea is to take subset of image with size 100kmx100km (user+50km west, user+50km east, user+50km north, user+50km south) and then check for each pixel in this subset if it's closer to user than 50km.
My question here is, is there a better solution that is used for this type of problems?
If the occurrence of the event you are searching for (rain or anything) is relatively rare, then there's nothing wrong with scanning a square or pixels and then, only after detecting rain in that square, checking whether that rain is within the desired 50km circle. Note that the key point here is that you don't need to check each pixel of the square for being inside the circle (that would be very inefficient), you have to search for your event (rain) first and only when you found it, check whether it falls into the 50km circle. To implement this efficiently you also have to develop some smart strategy for handling multi-pixel "stains" of rain on your image.
However, since you are scanning a raster image, you can easily implement the well-known Bresenham circle algorithm to find the starting and the ending point of the circle for each scan line. That way you can easily limit your scan to the desired 50km radius.
On the second thought, you don't even need the Bresenham algorithm for that. For each row of pixels in your square, calculate the points of intersection of that row with the 50km circle (using the usual schoolbook formula with square root), and then check all pixels that fall between these intersection points. Process all rows in the same fashion and you are done.
P.S. Unfortunately, the Wikipedia page I linked does not present Bresenham algorithm at all. It has code for Michener circle algorithm instead. Michener algorithm will also work for circle rasterization purposes, but it is less precise than Bresenham algorithm. If you care for precision, find a true Bresenham on somewhere. It is actually surprisingly diffcult to find on the net: most search hits erroneously present Michener as Bresenham.
There is, you can modify the midpoint circle algorithm to give you an array of for each y, the x coordinate where the circle starts (and ends, that's the same thing because of symmetry). This array is easy to compute, pseudocode below.
Then you can just iterate over exactly the right part, without checking anything.
Pseudo code:
data = new int[radius];
int f = 1 - radius, ddF_x = 1;
int ddF_y = -2 * radius;
int x = 0, y = radius;
while (x < y)
if (f >= 0)
ddF_y += 2; f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2; f += ddF_x;
data[radius - y] = x; data[radius - x] = y;
Maybe you can try something that will speed up your algorithm.
In brute force algorithm you will probably use equation:
(x-p)^2 + (y-q)^2 < r^2
(p,q) - center of the circle, user position
r - radius (50km)
If you want to find all pixels (x,y) that satisfy above condition and check them, your algorithm goes to O(n^2)
Instead of scanning all pixels in this circle I will check only only pixels that are on border of the circle.
In that case, you can use some more clever way to define circle.
x = p+r*cos(a)
y = q*r*sin(a)
a - angle measured in radians [0-2pi]
Now you can sample some angles, for example twenty of them, iterate and find all pairs (x,y) that are border for radius 50km. Now check are they on the rain zone and alert user.
For more safety I recommend you to use multiple radians (smaller than 50km), because your whole rain cloud can be inside circle, and your app will not recognize him. For example use 3 incircles (r = 5km, 15km, 30km) and do same thing. Efficiency of this algorithm only depends on number of angles and number of incircles.
Pseudocode will be:
p,q <- position
radius[] <- array of radii
for c = 1 to length(radius)
x = p + radius[c]*cos(a)
y = q + radius[c]*sin(a)
if rainZone(x,y)
return true
return false //no danger
for x in range(-r, +r):
for y in range(-max_y, +max_y):
# x,y is in range - check for rain

Need to make an efficient vector handling algorithm for gravity simulation

So I'm currently working on a Java Processing program where I want to simulate high numbers of particles interacting with collision and gravity. This obviously causes some performance issue when particle count gets high, so I try my best to optimize and avoid expensive operations such as square-root, otherwise used in finding distance between two points.
However, now I'm wondering how I could do the algoritm that figures out the direction a particle should move, given it only knows the distance squared and the difference between particles' x and y (dx, dy).
Here's a snip of the code (yes, I know I should use vectors instead of seperate x/y-couples. Yes, I know I should eventually handle particles by grids and clusters for further optimization) Anyways:
void applyParticleGravity(){
int limit = 2*particleRadius+1; //Gravity no longer applied if particles are within collision reach of eachother.
float ax, ay, bx, by, dx, dy;
float distanceSquared, f;
float gpp = GPP; //Constant is used, since simulation currently assumes all particles have equal mass: GPP = Gravity constant * Particle Mass * Particle Mass
Vector direction = new Vector();
Particle a, b;
int nParticles = particles.size()-1; //"particles" is an arraylist with particles objects, each storing an x/y coordinate and velocity.
for (int i=0; i<nParticles; i++){
a = particles.get(i);
ax = a.x;
ay = a.y;
for (int j=i+1; j<nParticles; j++){
b = particles.get(j);
bx = b.x;
by = b.y;
dx = ax-bx;
dy = ay-by;
if (Math.abs(dx) > limit && Math.abs(dy) > limit){ //Not too close to eachother
distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy; //Avoiding square roots
f = gpp/distanceSquared; //Gravity formula: Force = G*(m1*m2)/d^2
//Perform some trigonometric magic to decide direction.x and direction.y as a numbet between -1 and 1.
a.fx += f*direction.x; //Adds force to particle. At end of main iteration, x-position is increased by fx/mass and so forth.
a.fy += f*direction.y;
b.fx -= f*direction.x; //Apply inverse force to other particle (Newton's 3rd law)
b.fy -= f*direction.y;
Is there a more accurate way of deciding the x and y pull strength with some trigonometric magic without killing performance when particles are several hundreds? Something I thought about was doing some sort of (int)dx/dy with % operator or so and get an index of a pre-calculated array of values.
Anyone have a clue? Thanks!
hehe, I think we're working on the same kind of thing, except I'm using HTML5 canvas. I came across this trying to figure out the same thing. I didn't find anything but I figured out what I was going for, and I think it will work for you too.
You want an identity vector that points from one particle to the another. The length will be 1, and x and y will be between -1 and 1. Then you take this identity vector and multiply it by your force scalar, which you're already calculating
To "point at" one particle from another, without using square root, first get the heading (in radians) from particle1 to particle2:
heading = Math.atan2(dy, dx)
Note that y is first, I think this is how it works in Java. I used x first in Javascript and that worked for me.
Get the x and y components of this heading using sin/cos:
direction.x = Math.sin(heading)
direction.y = Math.cos(heading)
You can see an example here:
It's Clojurescript, but it may help.

Intersection of axis-aligned rectangular cuboids (MBR) in one dimension

Currently I'm doing benchmarks on time series indexing algorithms. Since most of the time no reference implementations are available, I have to write my own implementations (all in Java). At the moment I am stuck a little at section 6.2 of a paper called Indexing multi-dimensional time-series with support for multiple distance measures available here in PDF :
A MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) is basically a rectanglular cubiod with some coordinates and directions. As an example P and Q are two MBRs with P.coord={0,0,0} and P.dir={1,1,3} and Q.coords={0.5,0.5,1} and Q.dir={1,1,1} where the first entries represent the time dimension.
Now I would like to calculate the MINDIST(Q,P) between Q and P :
However I am not sure how to implement the "intersection of two MBRs in the time dimension" (Dim 1) since I am not sure what the intersection in the time dimension actually means. It is also not clear what h_Q, l_Q, l_P, h_P mean, since this notation is not explained (my guess is they mean something like highest or lowest value of a dimension in the intersection).
I would highly appreciate it, if someone could explain to me how to calculate the intersection of two MBRs in the first dimension and maybe enlighten me with an interpretation of the notation. Thanks!
Well, Figure 14 in your paper explains the time intersection. And the rectangles are axis-aligned, thus it makes sense to use high and low on each coordinate.
The multiplication sign you see is not a cross product, just a normal multiplication, because on both sides of it you have a scalar, and not vectors.
However I must agree that the discussions on page 14 are rather fuzzy, but they seem to tell us that both types of intersections (complete and partial), when they are have a t subscript, mean the norm of the intersection along the t coordinate.
Thus it seems you could factorize the time intersection to get a formula that would be :
It is worth noting that, maybe counter-intuitively, when your objects don't intersect on the time plane, their MINDIST is defined to be 0.
Hence the following pseudo-code ;
mindist(P, Q)
if( Q.coord[0] + Q.dir[0] < P.coord[0] ||
Q.coord[0] > P.coord[0] + P.dir[0] )
return 0;
time = min(Q.coord[0] + Q.dir[0], P.coord[0] + P.dir[0]) - max(Q.coord[0], P.coord[0]);
sum = 0;
for(d=1; d<D; ++d)
if( Q.coord[d] + Q.dir[d] < P.coord[d] )
x = Q.coord[d] + Q.dir[d] - P.coord[d];
else if( P.coord[d] + P.dir[d] < Q.coord[d] )
x = P.coord[d] + P.dir[d] - Q.coord[d];
x = 0;
sum += x*x;
return sqrt(time * sum);
Note the absolute values in the paper are unnecessary since we just checked which values where bigger, and we thus know we only add positive numbers.

Multiliteration implementation with inaccurate distance data

I am trying to create an android smartphone application which uses Apples iBeacon technology to determine the current indoor location of itself. I already managed to get all available beacons and calculate the distance to them via the rssi signal.
Currently I face the problem, that I am not able to find any library or implementation of an algorithm, which calculates the estimated location in 2D by using 3 (or more) distances of fixed points with the condition, that these distances are not accurate (which means, that the three "trilateration-circles" do not intersect in one point).
I would be deeply grateful if anybody can post me a link or an implementation of that in any common programming language (Java, C++, Python, PHP, Javascript or whatever). I already read a lot on stackoverflow about that topic, but could not find any answer I were able to convert in code (only some mathematical approaches with matrices and inverting them, calculating with vectors or stuff like that).
I thought about an own approach, which works quite well for me, but is not that efficient and scientific. I iterate over every meter (or like in my example 0.1 meter) of the location grid and calculate the possibility of that location to be the actual position of the handset by comparing the distance of that location to all beacons and the distance I calculate with the received rssi signal.
Code example:
public Location trilaterate(ArrayList<Beacon> beacons, double maxX, double maxY)
for (double x = 0; x <= maxX; x += .1)
for (double y = 0; y <= maxY; y += .1)
double currentLocationProbability = 0;
for (Beacon beacon : beacons)
// distance difference between calculated distance to beacon transmitter
// (rssi-calculated distance) and current location:
// |sqrt(dX^2 + dY^2) - distanceToTransmitter|
double distanceDifference = Math
.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(beacon.getLocation().x - x, 2)
+ Math.pow(beacon.getLocation().y - y, 2))
- beacon.getCurrentDistanceToTransmitter());
// weight the distance difference with the beacon calculated rssi-distance. The
// smaller the calculated rssi-distance is, the more the distance difference
// will be weighted (it is assumed, that nearer beacons measure the distance
// more accurate)
distanceDifference /= Math.pow(beacon.getCurrentDistanceToTransmitter(), 0.9);
// sum up all weighted distance differences for every beacon in
// "currentLocationProbability"
currentLocationProbability += distanceDifference;
addToLocationMap(currentLocationProbability, x, y);
// the previous line is my approach, I create a Set of Locations with the 5 most probable locations in it to estimate the accuracy of the measurement afterwards. If that is not necessary, a simple variable assignment for the most probable location would do the job also
Location bestLocation = getLocationSet().first().location;
bestLocation.accuracy = calculateLocationAccuracy();
Log.w("TRILATERATION", "Location " + bestLocation + " best with accuracy "
+ bestLocation.accuracy);
return bestLocation;
Of course, the downside of that is, that I have on a 300m² floor 30.000 locations I had to iterate over and measure the distance to every single beacon I got a signal from (if that would be 5, I do 150.000 calculations only for determine a single location). That's a lot - so I will let the question open and hope for some further solutions or a good improvement of this existing solution in order to make it more efficient.
Of course it has not to be a Trilateration approach, like the original title of this question was, it is also good to have an algorithm which includes more than three beacons for the location determination (Multilateration).
If the current approach is fine except for being too slow, then you could speed it up by recursively subdividing the plane. This works sort of like finding nearest neighbors in a kd-tree. Suppose that we are given an axis-aligned box and wish to find the approximate best solution in the box. If the box is small enough, then return the center.
Otherwise, divide the box in half, either by x or by y depending on which side is longer. For both halves, compute a bound on the solution quality as follows. Since the objective function is additive, sum lower bounds for each beacon. The lower bound for a beacon is the distance of the circle to the box, times the scaling factor. Recursively find the best solution in the child with the lower lower bound. Examine the other child only if the best solution in the first child is worse than the other child's lower bound.
Most of the implementation work here is the box-to-circle distance computation. Since the box is axis-aligned, we can use interval arithmetic to determine the precise range of distances from box points to the circle center.
P.S.: Math.hypot is a nice function for computing 2D Euclidean distances.
Instead of taking confidence levels of individual beacons into account, I would instead try to assign an overall confidence level for your result after you make the best guess you can with the available data. I don't think the only available metric (perceived power) is a good indication of accuracy. With poor geometry or a misbehaving beacon, you could be trusting poor data highly. It might make better sense to come up with an overall confidence level based on how well the perceived distance to the beacons line up with the calculated point assuming you trust all beacons equally.
I wrote some Python below that comes up with a best guess based on the provided data in the 3-beacon case by calculating the two points of intersection of circles for the first two beacons and then choosing the point that best matches the third. It's meant to get started on the problem and is not a final solution. If beacons don't intersect, it slightly increases the radius of each up until they do meet or a threshold is met. Likewise, it makes sure the third beacon agrees within a settable threshold. For n-beacons, I would pick 3 or 4 of the strongest signals and use those. There are tons of optimizations that could be done and I think this is a trial-by-fire problem due to the unwieldy nature of beaconing.
import math
beacons = [[0.0,0.0,7.0],[0.0,10.0,7.0],[10.0,5.0,16.0]] # x, y, radius
def point_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
x = x2-x1
y = y2-y1
return math.sqrt((x*x)+(y*y))
# determines two points of intersection for two circles [x,y,radius]
# returns None if the circles do not intersect
def circle_intersection(beacon1,beacon2):
r1 = beacon1[2]
r2 = beacon2[2]
dist = point_dist(beacon1[0],beacon1[1],beacon2[0],beacon2[1])
heron_root = (dist+r1+r2)*(-dist+r1+r2)*(dist-r1+r2)*(dist+r1-r2)
if ( heron_root > 0 ):
heron = 0.25*math.sqrt(heron_root)
xbase = (0.5)*(beacon1[0]+beacon2[0]) + (0.5)*(beacon2[0]-beacon1[0])*(r1*r1-r2*r2)/(dist*dist)
xdiff = 2*(beacon2[1]-beacon1[1])*heron/(dist*dist)
ybase = (0.5)*(beacon1[1]+beacon2[1]) + (0.5)*(beacon2[1]-beacon1[1])*(r1*r1-r2*r2)/(dist*dist)
ydiff = 2*(beacon2[0]-beacon1[0])*heron/(dist*dist)
return (xbase+xdiff,ybase-ydiff),(xbase-xdiff,ybase+ydiff)
# no intersection, need to pseudo-increase beacon power and try again
return None
# find the two points of intersection between beacon0 and beacon1
# will use beacon2 to determine the better of the two points
failing = True
power_increases = 0
while failing and power_increases < 10:
res = circle_intersection(beacons[0],beacons[1])
if ( res ):
intersection = res
beacons[0][2] *= 1.001
beacons[1][2] *= 1.001
power_increases += 1
failing = False
# make sure the best fit is within x% (10% of the total distance from the 3rd beacon in this case)
# otherwise the results are too far off
if failing:
print 'Bad Beacon Data (Beacon0 & Beacon1 don\'t intersection after many "power increases")'
# finding best point between beacon1 and beacon2
dist1 = point_dist(beacons[2][0],beacons[2][1],intersection[0][0],intersection[0][1])
dist2 = point_dist(beacons[2][0],beacons[2][1],intersection[1][0],intersection[1][1])
if ( math.fabs(dist1-beacons[2][2]) < math.fabs(dist2-beacons[2][2]) ):
best_point = intersection[0]
best_dist = dist1
best_point = intersection[1]
best_dist = dist2
best_dist_diff = math.fabs(best_dist-beacons[2][2])
if best_dist_diff < THRESHOLD*best_dist:
print best_point
print 'Bad Beacon Data (Beacon2 distance to best point not within threshold)'
If you want to trust closer beacons more, you may want to calculate the intersection points between the two closest beacons and then use the farther beacon to tie-break. Keep in mind that almost anything you do with "confidence levels" for the individual measurements will be a hack at best. Since you will always be working with very bad data, you will defintiely need to loosen up the power_increases limit and threshold percentage.
You have 3 points : A(xA,yA,zA), B(xB,yB,zB) and C(xC,yC,zC), which respectively are approximately at dA, dB and dC from you goal point G(xG,yG,zG).
Let's say cA, cB and cC are the confidence rate ( 0 < cX <= 1 ) of each point.
Basically, you might take something really close to 1, like {0.95,0.97,0.99}.
If you don't know, try different coefficient depending of distance avg. If distance is really big, you're likely to be not very confident about it.
Here is the way i'll do it :
var sum = (cA*dA) + (cB*dB) + (cC*dC);
dA = cA*dA/sum;
dB = cB*dB/sum;
dC = cC*dC/sum;
xG = (xA*dA) + (xB*dB) + (xC*dC);
yG = (yA*dA) + (yB*dB) + (yC*dC);
xG = (zA*dA) + (zB*dB) + (zC*dC);
Basic, and not really smart but will do the job for some simple tasks.
You can take any confidence coef you want in [0,inf[, but IMHO, restraining at [0,1] is a good idea to keep a realistic result.

Ideas for algorithm to generate random flower

Can anyone suggest any links, ideas or algorithms to generate flowers randomly like the one as my profile pic? The profile pic flower has only a 10 x 10 grid and the algorithm is not truly random. I would also prefer that the new algorithm use a grid of about 500 x 500 or even better, allow the user to pick the size of the grid.
[Plant[][] is declared as int plant[10][10];]
public void generateSimpleSky(){
for(int w2=0;w2<10;w2++)
for(int w3=0;w3<10;w3++)
public void generateSimpleSoil(){
for(int q=0;q<10;q++)
public void generateSimpleStem(){
int ry=rand.nextInt(4);
for(int u=7;u>1;u--){
int yu=rand.nextInt(3);
public void generateSimpleFlower(){
for(int q2=1;q2<4;q2++)
for(int q3=xr-1;q3<=xr+1;q3++)
It sounds like a reasonably simple problem where you just generate 1 parameter at a time, possibly based on the output of the previous variables.
My model of a flower will be: It has just a reasonably upright stem, a perfectly round center, some amount of leaves on the stem on alternating sides, petals perfectly distributed around the center.
random() is just a random number within some chosen bounds, the bounds may be unique for each variable. random(x1, x2, ..., xn) generates a random number within some bounds dependent on the variables x1, x2, ..., xn (as in stemWidth < stemHeight/2, a reasonable assumption).
The Stem
stemXPosition = width / 2
stemHeight = random()
stemWidth = random(stemHeight)
stemColour = randomColour()
stemWidthVariationMax = random(stemWidth, stemHeight)
stemWidthVariationPerPixel = random(stemWidth, stemHeight)
stemWidthVariationMax/-PerPixel are for generating a stem that isn't perfectly straight (if you want to do something that complicated, a low PerPixel is for smoothness). Generate the stem using these as follows:
pixelRelative[y-position][0] := left x-position at that y-position relative to the stem
pixelRelative[y-position][1] := right x-position at that y-position relative to the stem
pixelRelative[0][0] = randomInRange(-stemWidthVariationMax, stemWidthVariationMax)
for each y > 0:
pixelRelative[y-1][0] = max(min(randomInRange(pixel[y] - stemWidthVariationPerPixel,
pixel[y] + stemWidthVariationPerPixel),
//pixelRelative[0][1] and pixelRelative[y-1][1] generated same as pixelRelative[y-1][i]
for each y:
pixelAbsolute[y][0] = width / 2 - stemWidth / 2 + pixelRelative[y][0]
pixelAbsolute[y][1] = width / 2 + stemWidth / 2 + pixelRelative[y][1]
You can also use arcs to simplify things and go more than 1 pixel at a time.
The Top
centerRadius = random(stemHeight)
petalCount = random() // probably >= 3
petalSize = random(centerRadius, petalCount)
It's not too easy to generate the petals, you need to step from 0 to 2*PI with step-size of 2*PI/petalCount and generate arcs around the circle. It requires either a good graphics API or some decent maths.
Here's some nicely generated tops of flowers, though seemingly not open-source. Note that they don't have a center at all. (or centerRadius = 0)
The Leaves
You could probably write an entire paper on this, (like this one) but a simple idea would just be to generate a 1/2 circle and extend lines outward from there to meet at 2*the radius of the circle and to draw parallel lines on the flower.
Once you have a leaf generation algorithm:
leafSize = random(stemHeight) // either all leaves are the same size or generate the size for each randomly
leafStemLength = random(leafSize) // either all leaves have the same stem length or generate for each randomly
leafStemWidth = random(leafStemLength)
leaf[0].YPosition = random(stemHeight)
leaf[0].XSide = randomly either left or right
leaf[0].rotation = random between say 0 and 80 degrees
for each leaf i:
leaf[i].YPosition = random(stemHeight, leaf[i-1]) // only generate new leaves above previous leaves
leaf[i].XSide = opposite of leaf[i].XSide
Last words
The way to determine the bounds of each random would be either to argue it out, or give it some fixed value, generate everything else randomly a few times, keep increasing / decreasing it until it starts to look weird.
10 x 10 versus 500 x 500 would probably require greatly different algorithms, I wouldn't recommend the above for below 100 x 100, maybe generate a bigger image and simply shrink it using averaging or something.
I started writing some Java code, when I realised it may take a bit longer than I would like to spend on this, so I'll show you what I have so far.
// some other code, including these functions to generate random numbers:
float nextFloat(float rangeStart, float rangeEnd);
int nextInt(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd);
// generates a color somewhere between green and brown
Color stemColor = Color.getHSBColor(nextFloat(0.1, 0.2), nextFloat(0.5, 1), nextFloat(0.2, 0.8));
int stemHeight = nextInt(height/2, 3*height/4);
int stemWidth = nextInt(height/20, height/20 + height/5);
Color flowerColor = ??? // I just couldn't use the same method as above to generate bright colors, but I'm sure it's not too difficult
int flowerRadius = nextInt(Math.min(stemHeight, height - stemHeight)/4, 3*Math.min(stemHeight, height - stemHeight)/4);
