VAST/VPAID tags player - vast

I'm looking for players with VAST/VPAID tags support. I know about JW Player and Kaltura player. Kaltura really expensive, JW is better option for me, 300USD per 2mill, but Im wondering if there is any other solution?
If I would have to be honest, I want the player mainly for Video Ads, content played after the ad will be 10secs random video, so I don't care about controlls support etc. All I need is player with support of VAST/VPAID tags and autoplay. Auto mute also would be nice feature, but it's not required (flash mainly).
Anyone? Thanks guys!

For HTML5 you can use Video.js with any of these two plugins:


VTT file containing image url and caption

Is there a way I could store image url inside VTT file? For example:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
Chapter tile goes here
00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:20.000
Another chapter title
I know I could write custom parser, but I am wondering is there some kind of a standard for this?
You would need to have a separate WebVTT metadata track, a player that supports them, and likely some scripting and CSS to act on the cue payload. You can see an AblePlayer demo of a few things a metadata track can do (at the 39 second mark). If you examine the wwa_meta.vtt file, you can see that it references ID selectors that happen to be in the player's page html code.
The example you give is quite similar to what is being done currently across the internet for image thumbnails. It's most commonly used for animated video previews on... adult... websites. If you Google search for ".jpg" filetype:vtt you'll find some interesting examples that take the same approach as yours.
As Murray cited already, it's not really the proper way to do it. The metadata track option he cites is much more inline with correct use of the VTT spec. However it's also not broadly supported. You could follow VTT guidelines and end up with a file that can't be read by many players.
One other option is CSS. VTT is designed to work nicely with CSS. So you could include you image as a CSS background-image. That way it's separate from the text content and (at least in theory) some players might even be able to display it properly.

How is this background video implemented without showing up in the HTML source or the console resources/network tabs? [LINK]

If you go here (link: and scroll down this news article, you will see there is a rather long background video that plays as you scroll showcasing some nodes and boxes. However the initial page load is very fast and I don't see it loading a video from anywhere at all.
As I try to understand how this website is put together, I'm not able to see where the video comes from, nor do I know if it's an .mp4 or some other format. When I try to hunt it down in my network tab and monitor if it loads, I just cannot see it and there is no resource that seems to be more than a couple of hundred kilobytes.
How is this possible from a web-design standpoint? Is it some sort of a proprietary solution that stealthily streams the video as it is loaded? If I would like to build a background video that plays on scroll like this in such a performant manner, how could I do it?
Such videos that play on scroll can often be seen for example on the website, but at least there I can easily also see the original source videos and materials of how the page is put together. Here this is not the case.
I would greatly appreciate if you could answer this super basic question I have. Thank you!

How does YouTube filter Pornography videos?

Does they have good algorithm to detect porn via detecting skin Colors frame by frame or they have human intervention ?
There exists a Porn Video Classifier/Editor with Caffe which uses Deep Learning, is Open Source and seems well documented.

Fix music player through the navigation

I'm creating the website of a music band. The band would like to have a music player that remains fixed while you browse the pages, a common problem.
Before you realize I wanted to know which technique is best is:
- Use ajax calls to update the content but keep the player fixed
- Use the system with the frames, so hated?
you would use that technique for a good SEO ranking?
To use Iframe is always a bad SEO practice. To just keep the player fixed you can use CSS (in particular use the position: absolute or position: fixed). Anyway, as a final suggest, I advice to not start the music when the visitor arrives on your website. It is not a bad SEO practice but it is really annoying.

WP7: Creating a movie from bitmap images

I'm developing a WP7 app. I have a collection of BitmapImages that I load from the isolated storage.
Now I want to make a movie or animated GIF from those BitmapImages, is this possible? And if yes how?
An animated GIF is probably not possible because Silverlight does not work with gifs.
Yes Windows Phone 7 doesn't support animated GIFs. Here's a link to something similar that might be able to help you though:
Display GIFs in a Windows Phone 7 application
If you have a collection of images in isolated storage I'm guessing that you don't want to turn them into an animated gif on the phone anyway.
Just use a Timer to cycle through the images.
If you want greater control over the "playback" you could create an actual movie file but whether this is practical will depend on the images and how you get them into IS in the first place.
Using story board would be a good idea to create an animation. But the problem is how to export the animation. I have been thinking a solution for a long time.
