How does YouTube filter Pornography videos? - filter

Does they have good algorithm to detect porn via detecting skin Colors frame by frame or they have human intervention ?

There exists a Porn Video Classifier/Editor with Caffe which uses Deep Learning, is Open Source and seems well documented.


Use big spritesheet with 300 images Phaser.js

Framework: Phaser.js version 3
Symfony 5
Langage: Javascript,
Hello, I'm learning Phaser.js 3; I would like to create smooth animations (25fps) with lots of frames in my spritesheet. Is it possible to use large spritesheets to create animations without writing the name of each frame each time? If I have 230 frames, I cannot write the name of each frame... Thank you in advance for your answer
Yes it should be possible, you can generate the names with generateFrameNames or generateFrameNumbers, here is the link to the documentation, and here an example.
Or you can use a configuration file (json) to define the animations, like shown in this example.
for this there are texture packer tools, for example this one, that can help.
btw.: If you want smooth animations, and havn't created the spritesheets already, may be (spine-)bones animations might be a easy and space saving option, here is two example from the official website and
Here a short video highlights the benefits of bones for phaser games , it is very basic and not very technical

Does cobalt support YouTube 360 Video(Spherical Video)

Dose cobalt support youtube 360 video(Spherical Video)? If yes, how it's been implemented, is there any document for it? Does it need the platform to do extra things to support it?
Almost. There is still some small remaining work that prevents this from being a simple yes, but the vast bulk of the work is done and has been shown to function.
A document will soon be appearing in the source tree explaining all this, but here is a preview...
In order to support spherical video, a platform will have to support decode-to-texture, introduced in Starboard API version 4. Cobalt will choose between punch-out and decode-to-texture when creating an SbPlayer, based on whether a mesh transform has been applied to the video tag. In decode-to-texture mode, every frame, the video texture will then be queried from the player, and rendered into the UI graphics plane with the current transform applied.

MASM32 - Implementing video

I want to add a video to my game in MASM32. I looked it up on the web, and got zero results. How do I add a video in MASM32 and display it out on screen?
Short answer... It can be done... but it's not going to be easy. You'll probably want to use ffdshow (very good compatibility with all popular video formats), then learn about COM (common-object-model) programming (in MASM32) first. Then read this post to try Yves's approach.

Video Mixing Renderer 9 quality issue

I have a fairly simple question. Or at least I thought I would be simple to solve but couldn't find any answers online.
I used this example form MSDN to play a file using DirectShow:
How To Play a File.
It's really simple with only a few lines of code and it works.
Then after some research I managed to create a VMR9 filter and add it to the graph. This also worked.
There's just one thing
When I play a video file using the VMR9 filter the quality looks worse in VMR9.
I tried changing it with IVMRMixerControl9::SetMixingPrefs but nothings seems to change. IVMRMixerControl9::SetMixingPrefs does actually return S_OK.
dwPrefs &= ~MixerPref9_FilteringMask;
dwPrefs |= MixerPref9_BiLinearFiltering;
Or am I using the wrong filter?
edit: problem solved
I just did a comparison with Media Player Classic by putting it on VMR9 (windowed) mode. It gave me the same quality. So if I want better quality am gonna have to use EVR (enhanced video rendering) instead of VMR9 (Video Mixing Renderer 9).
VMR-7/VMR-9 quality issues are a long standing problem:
Poor Picture Quality with VMR9 as renderer
VMR9 scaling issues on Vista
EVR is suggested to be used instead, to get proper/nicer scaling and visual picture quality.
In Windows Vista and later, applications should use the EVR if the hardware supports it. Otherwise, fall back to the VMR-9 or VMR-7. The EVR offers better performance and better video quality than previous renderers. Also, it is designed to work with the Desktop Window Manager (DWM).
Better performance is questionable, and EVR is sadly having its own issues though, but when output quality is in question EVR is the answer.

Auto-cropping image with detection of crop-lines

I am working on a project, which is Android app that uses camera to capture a photo of some ticket and does OCR recognition for only a part of it. I have no previous experience in image processing, but I know it must be some kind of tricky way, because Android applications have small RAM limits.
I have not enough reputation points to post images so I give URLs to it.
Below, I attach image before any processing:
My aim is to automatically detect these lines of (---) and crop it so that final image look like this one:
What's more - it's important to stay open-source and do it without sending photo to some external image processing service.
You can try using Hough Transform to find the lines. OpenCV has a implementation that is open source and works on Android.
HoughLineP is a very efficient Version of the HoughTransform to find Line Segments.
Olena is definitely the way to go!. It's a generic image processing library, but the interesting part is an module that's called Scribo.
Scribo will do document analysis on the picture to extract text and/or image regions, and optionally send text regions to tesseract for recognition.
Being feasible for Android or not is something that I couldn't tell. I've tried it on OSX and Linux systems and it shows great potential.
