WP7: Creating a movie from bitmap images - windows-phone-7

I'm developing a WP7 app. I have a collection of BitmapImages that I load from the isolated storage.
Now I want to make a movie or animated GIF from those BitmapImages, is this possible? And if yes how?
An animated GIF is probably not possible because Silverlight does not work with gifs.

Yes Windows Phone 7 doesn't support animated GIFs. Here's a link to something similar that might be able to help you though:
Display GIFs in a Windows Phone 7 application

If you have a collection of images in isolated storage I'm guessing that you don't want to turn them into an animated gif on the phone anyway.
Just use a Timer to cycle through the images.
If you want greater control over the "playback" you could create an actual movie file but whether this is practical will depend on the images and how you get them into IS in the first place.

Using story board would be a good idea to create an animation. But the problem is how to export the animation. I have been thinking a solution for a long time.


Handleling image size on multiple device display on cordova-ionic-angular app

I'm building a new app with this great tool and i have a question to solve.
What is the best way to handle imnage size for multiple scren and multiple devices.
Apple = retina and non-retina
Android = ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and tablets (all this with multiple screen resolution)
BlackBerry10 = one resolution (but not equal to the others)
WindowsPhone8 = one resolution (but not equal to the others)
For this case, what is the best way ?
Use SVG images (Optimizacion, perfomance, size of app) ??
Dedicate CSS tags for device pixel ratio (CSS Image Replacement) (the designer can kill me :smile: lol ) see the list http://bjango.com/articles/min-device-pixel-ratio/
CSS Sprite sheet
Another way
Before the decision, think in what is the best to apply in all devices.
Thanks in advance
There really isn't a single way to do this since each implementation of an image will require a different approach depending on its purpose. SVGs are great but not everything works as an SVG.
Media queries will be your ally.
See this: supporting multiple resolution and density of images in phonegap
and this for an alternate approach: Angular.js data-bind background images using media queries
There are also some nice polyfills for the html5 picture element which you might find useful.
See: https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill
...and its angularjs directive implementation https://github.com/tinacious/angular-picturefill

How to capture screen activities in windows phone 8?

i'm new to windows phone 8 and need your help to capture screen activities in a video. I've to make a video of the activities performing on screen?
one solution to this that strike in me is to capture the screen in image form by dispatching a timer at a instance of time but this is not a right way to do as i've to make a video of screen activities? suggest your opinion how to handle this problem.
There's no built in way of doing what you want.
You will need two things:
Do a dispatch timer as you describe
Find code that will encode these frames into a movie. That's not an API that the phone supports - you will need to find existing code and use it. I am not aware of such code existing, but I have only looked for it once or twice and not very hard. You could, potentially, create an MJPG which is a fairly simple video format, but even that's not trivial and the ending file size can be prohibitive.

Stitching multiple images into one SL / WP7

I am trying to download a number of images, of differnet sizes, then after some cropping stitch them into one single image.
I am intending to do this in code on a WP7 device
My current approach uses n Image controls and waits for their ImageOpened events to fire. Once they have all been successfully opened I create a new Image for each and stick them into a StackPanel.
In then use WriteableBitmap to create a single image from the stacked images.
This code works 40/50% of the time. The rest of the time the layout engine decides to not bother laying them out in a horizontal stack. All the images get rendered on top of each other.
Is there a way of forcing the StackPanel to do a full layout pass? I have tried combinations of Arrange and Measure on both the Images and the StackPanel.
I found the article WP7: Generate Live Tile Images Locally (Without The Visual Tree). I am now using Henry Chong’s approach (which includes UpdateLayout) and my photo stitching is working great.
I cannot help but be amused by the fact that the answer to my question “how the hell do I force the layout to be updated” was answered with a method called “UpdateLayout” [dev exits stage left kicking himself]

Drawing large images for ipad

I am developing an application for viewing images.
I used the example of PhotoScroller Apple to implement this application.
In my application I want to be able to draw on the image.
I had the idea to put a UIView on top with transparent background and draw the lines via touch events. This solution has become very slow because the generated images are very large, around 3700x2000 pixels.
I also tried a solution with the example of Apple GLPaint that uses OpenGL, but it has a size limitation of 2048x2048 pixels.
Anyone have any idea or example of how I implement this?
I think you should try and tile your image.
One option is using CATiledLayer. Have a look at this short tutorial.
Or you could try and use CGContextDrawTiledImage to get your stuff done. Possibly this post from S.O. could help you getting started.

fast album art thumbnail handling like iTunes?

Im working with a few guys on trying to develop an app that requires some thumbnail scrubbing to handle album and tv show / movie art work in a grid view..
Much like iTunes does! But were having some trouble with getting the grid view to match the speed and agility of iTunes.
Anyone have suggestions on what to use in Cocoa UI world to make this better or more like iTunes?
See video for comparison...first our app then iTunes...
IF you were to build an iTunes clone... how would you go about it?
Too many instances of view... switched to draw rect and reduced those instances till the redraw for scaling and scrolling was much improved.
