Does using built in magento url rewrite hurt seo? - magento

I'm building a dual language store front- French/English. Originally I was going to create a sub directory
However now I'm considering using Magento's URL Rewrite Management. Since I only have English and French it would be easy to use this to rewrite my cms pages, and url rewrite on product/category pages is built in.
Does anyone see in disadvantage to doing this rather than creating a subdirectory? or any advantage for that matter?

Magento supports this ability already through the concept of Store Views. It should be very simple to implement this and not require any URL rewrites. Basically you just need to create two Store Views, one called 'en' and one called 'fr' and then in your index.php detect which one to send the customer to, using HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE as Magento recommends, or custom logic like GeoIP, etc.
In order to create language-specific CMS pages and static blocks, you must create alternate versions that are tied to the appropriate Store Views. This means you will have two CMS pages with the same URL key, but each is tied to a different Store View. URL Rewrite Management would be a good way to create alternate URL keys that can load the CMS page based on a localized key.


How to use individual url keys for linked (store switcher enabled) Magento CMS pages?

did some research but didn't come across any solutions or helpless clues regarding this:
In a Magento store CMS pages can be set up for different store views but they are identified by there common url key. That way Magento looks up the correct page when switching stores / languages.
What are best practices or are there recommended extensions to use individual url keys but still keep the pages linked together and recognized by Magento as translations of the same content?
Thanks in advance,

Magento categories as subdomain

Is it possible to create urls for category as subdomain, for example now it is:
I would like it to be
I know there is multistore option, so I could create more websites and set root directory for every category, but there would be problem with cart sharing, next thing is site is has 2 languages - so I'm using multi store for site translation
There's no way to achieve this out of the box, but this can be done using a custom router. Create a custom router and insert it before the standard router. In your custom router, check the subdomain of the request. If it matches a category URL key (or whatever other criteria you'd like to use), rewrite the request to that of a standard category page (i.e. /catalog/category/view/id/123/). Keep in mind that your users will probably leave the subdomain when they click on a link because your base URL will not include the category-specific subdomain. Take a look at Mage_Cms_Controller_Router as an example of a custom router.

Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento

This might be a basic question, I'm still relatively new to Magento. I have 2 store views in a magento project. 1 for English (default) and 1 for Japanese. While working with both store views, I noticed how if for example I switch to the Japanese store view, if I redirected to a different page or content on the store, the language goes back to English. How do I prevent the website from going back to the default language every time I change categories/catalogs?
That is all about Magento Admin setting. While creating Content Pages/Categories/products, there is a option that ask to choose Store View.
You can add content for Cateogries/Product/CMS Pages for each locale. If it is done then you'll be able to see your site content on the basis of current locale. Hence you need to go through Magento Admin first.
Hope it will work for you. Please let me know if any issue.
Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento is easy.
Edit/Create Product/Category/Page/Static blocks according to need storeview and put content according to languages in that.
Now access pages by store code, if we are using that.
In some case we don't find the heading names according to languages so just enable inline translater from admin and do translation specific to store/website.
To run Magento store using urls we have both options index.php modifiction and using .htaccess using website and store codes.
On running Magento multisite , multistore. We generally face the common urls for media, js and other resources we should use symlink to increase SEO ranking and score.
Please feel free to contact.
Install your language package.
Create products, categories, pages, and static blocks on the basis of your selected language.
Sometimes translation does not work for few words. In those cases, Inline translation from admin will help you.
Managing content according to store view is very easy.
follow up below steps for managing content according to Store view.
Edit your product or category or your page and static block etc.
after that you can see store select left side in product and category and on page you can see feild below url in static block also. select your store view.
whater ever you want to change or edit please do according to you.
After that save it will apear only on your selected store.
Note: if you not edit any fild by store then it will show default store contents.

SEO: category and product path (URL) - Magento

I have one or two categries in magento but these are not always showing up in URL.
When I navigate to a product page the path looks like this:
However, when I click a product directly from the frontpage (newest, featured), then the URL structure looks like this:
My first thought was to deactivate, that the category is showing up within the URL (backend seo tab).
Well, I'm trying to seo the shop and not very happy with this solution. I'd like to have always a clear structured URL.
Any ideas?
If your website has a complicated structure, you will have multiply URL for a single product, just like you mentioned. This situation may damage your website's profile to the customer, but it won't be any problems to Search Engine. The latest version of Magento provides canonical URL support for product and category. You may access the configuration under
System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimizations -> Use Canonical Like Meta Tag for Products
If you are going to eliminate this situation throughly, you can create URL writes to the URL you want through a 403 status code, which also will tell search engine that the content has been permanently migrate to the target URL and user can only access the URL you want to present to them.
The problem you have is that a product can belong to multiple categories so what category should be used in this case?
Depending on how you are outputting the newest, featured etc.. you could use a static block instead and simply put in the products manually which you can then link to the product in the category you want. This is a manual process but one that would work for what you want to do without requiring custom work.

Have Magento respond to several domains with the same store

I would like to have my magento install respond to two different domains, e.g. and
I need magento to respond with the same store, showing the same customers, the same catalog, same prices, etc.
The difference, of course, is that when the store is accessed through all the links and urls should use this domain as baseurl, and when it is accessed through all links and urls should use as baseurl.
Is there any way to do so? All the documentation I've found so far deal with having different stores on the same magento instance, while what I need here is to have the same store respond to two different URLs.
Thank you!
Everything I know of Magento says it was designed to prevent exactly this from happening so as not to be penalised by search engines for duplicate content.
You can, however, have multiple stores that share customers and catalog and products and prices and so on, but represent a separate domain each. In System > Manage Stores add several Stores for a single website and use the same root category for them all. Then in System > Configuration > Web assign the various domains.
easy enough, just set them both to use the same store code (or just default)
have a look in index.php
you can set the $mageRunCode to be whatever you want, you don't have to use the server environment variables method they have there, look at earlier versions of Magento to see the index.php file there.
see this old article of ours
