Have Magento respond to several domains with the same store - magento

I would like to have my magento install respond to two different domains, e.g.
a.mydomain.com and
I need magento to respond with the same store, showing the same customers, the same catalog, same prices, etc.
The difference, of course, is that when the store is accessed through a.mydomain.com all the links and urls should use this domain as baseurl, and when it is accessed through b.anotherdomain.com all links and urls should use b.anotherdomain.com as baseurl.
Is there any way to do so? All the documentation I've found so far deal with having different stores on the same magento instance, while what I need here is to have the same store respond to two different URLs.
Thank you!

Everything I know of Magento says it was designed to prevent exactly this from happening so as not to be penalised by search engines for duplicate content.
You can, however, have multiple stores that share customers and catalog and products and prices and so on, but represent a separate domain each. In System > Manage Stores add several Stores for a single website and use the same root category for them all. Then in System > Configuration > Web assign the various domains.

easy enough, just set them both to use the same store code (or just default)
have a look in index.php
you can set the $mageRunCode to be whatever you want, you don't have to use the server environment variables method they have there, look at earlier versions of Magento to see the index.php file there.
see this old article of ours


Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento

This might be a basic question, I'm still relatively new to Magento. I have 2 store views in a magento project. 1 for English (default) and 1 for Japanese. While working with both store views, I noticed how if for example I switch to the Japanese store view, if I redirected to a different page or content on the store, the language goes back to English. How do I prevent the website from going back to the default language every time I change categories/catalogs?
That is all about Magento Admin setting. While creating Content Pages/Categories/products, there is a option that ask to choose Store View.
You can add content for Cateogries/Product/CMS Pages for each locale. If it is done then you'll be able to see your site content on the basis of current locale. Hence you need to go through Magento Admin first.
Hope it will work for you. Please let me know if any issue.
Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento is easy.
Edit/Create Product/Category/Page/Static blocks according to need storeview and put content according to languages in that.
Now access pages by store code, if we are using that.
In some case we don't find the heading names according to languages so just enable inline translater from admin and do translation specific to store/website.
To run Magento store using urls we have both options index.php modifiction and using .htaccess using website and store codes.
On running Magento multisite , multistore. We generally face the common urls for media, js and other resources we should use symlink to increase SEO ranking and score.
Please feel free to contact.
Install your language package.
Create products, categories, pages, and static blocks on the basis of your selected language.
Sometimes translation does not work for few words. In those cases, Inline translation from admin will help you.
Managing content according to store view is very easy.
follow up below steps for managing content according to Store view.
Edit your product or category or your page and static block etc.
after that you can see store select left side in product and category and on page you can see feild below url in static block also. select your store view.
whater ever you want to change or edit please do according to you.
After that save it will apear only on your selected store.
Note: if you not edit any fild by store then it will show default store contents.

One website multiple stores in magento

Please help me on this.
How can i create mutiple stores in with a single installation of magento. It's not like what you are thinking.
Suppose my website is www.pstall.com, In the tech store it will be
tech.pstall.com or the flower shop it will be flower.pstall.com with
the help of sub domain. The shops order will be in their store's
admin. they will not share any data but they will share customer's
login. So that a customer can log in every store with same id and
pass. I will use a static page for the mother store. So that customer ca n easily visit the stores. The sub stores
will be children. The stores won;t share any data even admin. Just
customer information and login.
Please help me how can i do that. Thanks in advance
Try this..
Creating multiple store in a single website
You can do it in several ways:
create many websites
create many stores on one website (then you will have store switcher)
create many store views (then you will have Language switcher)
you don't have any restrictions here, but just need to set Base Url for each website/store/store view.
I would like to recommend you a #1 way and create websites. as later you maybe would like to show some of sites in 2 languages
here I did the same:
and also some store can have dedicated domain
but will be placed on same admin
the only issue is that Magento CE not support admin separation per store. which mean - each admin will see data from all stores. But I know how to resolve it ;)
In Magento Multistore are created with
--one website and many stores or
--Multiple websites with each having one or more then one store.
Setup will depend on what all you want to share and what you do not want to share.
Domains can be subdomains(store1.site.com) or same domain(site.com/store1) or totally different individual domains.
To share customer across stores you need to create one website but mulitple stores within that website.

One Magento, One Catalog, Multple Domains, Multi Language, Shared Shopping Cart, SSL on Checkout

This is what I’m trying to achieve on our dedicated server (Direct Admin):
1 Magento (
1 catalog
3 domains
domain.nl (is main and has the magento files)
domain.de (is domain alias, not Virtual Host, has no files at all)
domain.se (is domain alias, not Virtual Host, has no files at all)
3 languages
Shared Shopping Cart
SSL on Chekout
Let’s say a Dutch visitor is typing “product X” in Google and finds his product on our German site (domain.de). He adds it to the cart and likes to continue in Dutch. So he clicks the Dutch flag and should be able to checkout on domain.nl.
I tried a couple of things with the language. One way I had 3 websites, 1 for each domain and all with 3 stores, one for each language. So 9 stores and views in total. This was the only way I could get the flags showing. But most of the time the flag image was not showing because the code of the view had to be the 2 letter country code, which can only used once. And when I changed language (thus domain), the cart was not shared.
The other way I had 1 Website with 3 stores, one store and view for each language/domain. But in this case the language selector (flags) where not showing at all.
I’ve been reading allot about this. But all the (mostly old) topics or article I found are about a single subject and so different from each other that I cannot combine them into one.
Thanks for any help!!
I have played with this concept a bit and I believe this is how you would do it. Under Magento Admin->System->Manage Stores you would set up the following.
One Website (most likely Main Website)
One Store
Three Store Views (One for each language)
Then you will swing into System->Configuration. Select each specific language in the "Current Configuration Scope" then change General->Web->Unsecure->Base URL and General->Web->Secure->Base URL to the URL you want to use for each store. i.e. Your German configuration should not use the Website Setting and should be set to domain.de instead.
For each of your virtual hosts, configure them to all point to your single Magento install. When they come in with the specific URL Magento should route them to the proper language version and, if they select a flag, it should change to the other URL for that language.
Give this a try and let me know what your results are. I have only lightly played with this and have referenced these topics. I agree with you that this is an area that sometimes has too many ways it can be configured and not enough recommended ways.

Troubles after installing Two stores with same php docroot

I am trying to setup multiple stores within same hosting account and I studied many interesting guides out there on the matter.
Seems to me I figured out simplest solution for me - map both my dot com sites onto the same directory on host, and modify .htaccess to launch different website depending on URL, like so:
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_CODE="anatscraftonia";
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE="website";
My first store works fine, but when I go to anatscraftonia.com , all I get always is a Magento 404 page.
I checked all settings, multiple stores are defined and code above is copy/paste from Admin console under Website I added. I have Home page enabled for All Stores and Base URL redefined for both Secure/Unsecure. I also tried changing website to store, with no improvements.
What else am I missing? How do I even know what page is it trying to go to, or whether it even gets “no-route” or just totally whacked…
I threw together some quick and dirty code a few years ago to log the controller dispatch process in Magento Community 1.3x.
I don't think you'll be able to drop those files into a current installation, but it should give you an idea where to stick some logging functions to see why Magento is routing to a 404.
I am not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve but why not use a single instance of magento to handle both stores and magentos own multi store capability..
full details here http://dx3webs.com/front/2010/08/magento-multistore-setup-under-plesk/ post contains links to cpanel instructions as well.
the instructions are for multiple domains but will work with sub folders

My client can't see any of products - Magento

I am having a weird situation. I worked on a magneto ecommerce website. My friends and I can see the products on the website, but only my client can't see any of them.
I suspected magento cache, so I refreshed and disabled all the caches. My client still can't see all the products. I made him to clear browser cache. It didn't work as well. I also let him use FF or Safari. He still can't see the products.
What is the problem??? I can't try any other things now...
In addition to checking multiple websites, are you logged in or do you have a specific customer group? Magento allows you to show products only to certain customers. Check to make sure that as a logged-out, anonymous user, you can see the products.
Hope that helps,
Have you configured multiple stores, websites or store views in your Magento instance? Whether or not Magento displays a product depends on a lot of settings, but if one user can, and another user cannot see them, it's most likely related to which store view they are accessing.
The store view Magento is showing isn't always determined by the URL alone, there is also a setting which is stored in the cookie and can be changed via a dropdown (in the default templates anyway).
Stores are configured via System > Manage Stores. If you have multiple rows in there you have multiple store views (or websites or stores).
