How to link Bluemix Liberty for Java to jazzhub git repo? - websphere-liberty

In the Bluemix dashboard I created a Liberty for Java app and added a git repository to it.
A helpful team member removed this original app.
Our code is still available under the jazzhub repository and it looks like I can still deploy to other Liberty for Java runtimes using the dev ops in jazzhub but there is no link from my Bluemix dashboard to jazzhub (just the option to add/create another git repo). (imgur link as not enough rep).
Is there a way to link this within another Liberty for Java app?

Simple enough:
Open your Liberty App in DevOps
Click on "BUILD & DEPLOY" button in menu
Click play button (triangular button with circle) on the "Build Stage" tile
App will build and deploy the app to Bluemix, with a link between the app and the repo in DevOps

If you deploy the app again from DevOps Services it will re-add the link to the Bluemix dashboard.


No option to open the app when deploying using a Heroku button

When I use the Hasura GraphQL Engine Heroku Button, I don't see a green tick for the Deploy to Heroku stage of the deployment and the buttons to manage/view the app are also missing. Reference screenshot:
This is how the deployment screen used to look before I ran into this error:
But this app actually gets deployed as you can see from this screenshot of the dashboard:
The deployment clearly went through without any errors and I can access the `Manage app' button in the app's settings page:
All the reference screenshots were taken after about 5-10 mins of the deployment process, which is more than enough time for it be completed. The issue was also reproduced consistently multiple times.
How to reproduce
1) Go to
2) Click on the Deploy to Heroku on the top right

React Native. OneSignal. No profiles for 'com.myapp.ios.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' were found

I have followed OneSignal's setup instructions for React Native, but
When I try to upload app to TestFlight I get the following error 'No profiles for 'com.myapp.ios.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' were found'
My XCode is 10.0.
Anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
Below instructions assume that your app is building and you have successfully deployed TestFlight builds in the past (since that is where I started from). I had to use the below as "Automatically manage signing" resulted in a build fail in Xcode 10:
Go to
Click "+' to create a new provisioning profile
Choose the type of provisioning profile you want (I went with App Store since I use TestFlight builds to test)
for App ID choose "XC YOUR_DOMAIN_APP_ID OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension" and make sure enable the App Groups capability
after you have downloaded the provisioning profile, go into Xcode, turn off automatically signing on the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension target in General tab and import the provisioning profile you just downloaded.
Use Product > Archive as usual to create your ipa file for App Store upload as usual
I'm getting the same error on appcenter. You can temporarily workaround this problem if you create a new provision file for the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension identifier and sign your OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension with this provision.
(Your app provision should be different. your app ->

Can't run app downloaded from github

I have downloaded the example from github, but i can't run because of run option disable how to run it?..
please see screenshot of my app
The scheme is set to a library build. 2 Buttons to the right of the play button is this box with AOModelStatus. If this is an app, you can select a different scheme.
As far as I can see, this is no app, but a framework. So no option to run it.
This example that you download it's not an app, it's a framework.
Frameworks don't run on devices or simulators.

Hockeyapp - Please make sure that the versionCode is 1 or higher

Trying to upload a Xamarin build to Hockeyapp I get this error.
When uploading to Hockeyapp, don't select an existing app name from a prior upload you did for another platform, choose to "create new application".
Now, it's worth mentioning you can use the same app name as a previous app, here's how I did it. I had already created an Android version of my app called MyApp within HockeyApp, when I tried to upload the UWP project I tried to select the previous app name from the dropdown titled "MyApp". You can't do this. Instead, I went into my project properties for my UWP app, then clicked on "Package Manifest" then click on Packaging and changed the "Package Display Name" to the same, in my case that was "MyApp".

Web interface Xcode 9 Bots

Before when I was using xcode server to integrate project I have some web interface to display if bots was sucesfull or not.
It's a figure 7-1 from here
Now I see this option is not fully dead but it's definetly doesn't work well. So I can see the option in context menu here to point out to a browser.
but when I do that it's only shows:
And in new server there is no Xcode tab even.
Anyone know it's still possible to have web interface for bots in Xcode?
What fixed it for me was to uncheck "Using Server app on a remote Mac" within the macOS Server app and rebooting the server. The checkbox is located in the main section of the Server app in the "Settings" tab.
