Can't run app downloaded from github - xcode

I have downloaded the example from github, but i can't run because of run option disable how to run it?..
please see screenshot of my app

The scheme is set to a library build. 2 Buttons to the right of the play button is this box with AOModelStatus. If this is an app, you can select a different scheme.
As far as I can see, this is no app, but a framework. So no option to run it.

This example that you download it's not an app, it's a framework.
Frameworks don't run on devices or simulators.


How to upload to Apple's My Apps from a Xamarin project

I specifically need help getting the app build into my apps. I am so new to the MAC ecosystem. I need to get my app build from my windows 10 box (parallels) running VS2017/Xamarin Forms project uploaded to My Apps. What i have found is helpful if you are using xcode on the mac.
I have read tons of pages and help files and with all of that what I have includes:
created an app in VS2017/Xamarin that runs happily on the emulator from the MAC (MacBook Pro)
purchased the app dev subcription from apple
created a Production certificate (I don't need this yet but I was in there so...)
created a Development certificate
created a key pair from the Dev cert (that show up in the keychain)
created an App Group
created my app's placeholder under My Apps on App Store Connect
added my iPhone to devices via connecting to the Mac getting the UDID from iTunes
created a development provisioning profile for my iPhone (Not sure how this helps my testflight plight)
You must submit for review the same way for both TestFlight and Prod release to the actual store.
You don't need to open the app in xcode outside Xamarin
There is a tool or concept I am missing out on.
For development outside of Xcode, you will want to use Apple's Application Loader App to upload your app to App Store Connect.
As I said in comment to Matt below his correct answer to my actual question above, I needed to get the project right to get to that point.
Here are the more intimate details for the lurkers. I hope this helps some of you.
I was getting, or trying, to get all of this in place manually instead of letting VS do it's work getting this stuff together while I got to coding. FastLane FTW
Open the account management window, go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple Accounts
Add your AppleID
Click on your appleID
Click the add button
Select your id in the lower text area
then add your distro cert. As is proper you deploy to TestFlight as a prod release.
Then get over to to your iOS project properties:
Make sure that your project is outputting an IPA. (Not Beer ;) )
These are my settings that worked. There could be other configurations that work as well.
I never get the automatic provisioning to work. And while this bundle signing settings look like it will not work, it does. I have received my apple approval for beta and users are in testflight.
Also, make sure you update the version of the app in the plist for subsequent releases. This change is not carried through from the AssemblyInfo.cs as one might expect. viola.
If you see this during debug make sure your debug version has Developer (Automatic) set for your debug settings.
FWIW - My VS2017:
While this does not perfectly match the info # it worked for me. That page was key to the solution and deserves citing. Your mileage may vary.
If I missed something please reach out and I will update this.

Wireless Distribution of AD-HOC Builds in XCODE

Currently i use TestFariy for beta app distribution, which works some of the time.
Reading its apparently possible to build own .ipa file place it on a web server and using safari to download it onto devices.
I have been having a play but don't seem to be able to get it working.
We have a standard developer license.
I archived app and included the manifest file.
I placed both files onto the webserver along with a html file that basically provides an event to download the file
Install App
Now in safari on devices when i hit the button on the link i get the popup asking if i like to install, i select yes and i then just get a new icon with 'Waiting' and it hangs here, no error messages just stays on 'Waiting'.
Anyone any ideas?

Today Widget on OS X not working

I can't seem to get my Today widget (or any extension for that matter) running in the Widget Simulator. The simulator launches and says "Couldn't Open Widget" along with
Failed to find Widget /Users/SomeUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug/
I looked in Console app and I see this as well:
pkd[299]: ignoring mis-configured plug-in at /Users/SomeUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug/ plug-ins must be sandboxed
But it is sandboxed in xcode! It's codesigned, sandboxed and the lot. Even if I try and deploy it on a new machine (registered as a developer machine with my developer provisioning profile), the widgets don't even show up in System Preferences.
Any idea what I need to do?
Okay finally found the problem. I was codesigning my app by hand (which had never been a problem before) since I had an intricate set of frameworks the app relied upon, and needed to hand copy them using a Copy / Runscript post-build script. Any way, it seems starting Xcode 7 at least, this no longer works as expected. The app works and codesign says the app has been signed correctly, but clearly something is happening behind the scenes that's breaking the codesignature. I ended up removing all my manual codesigning stuff and simply using Xcode's 'Copy Framework' post build step and checked 'Sign on Copy'. It's now finally working as expected.
I couldn't stop building & codesigning by hand, so I looked into Xcode build logs and found the difference :) in my case, I just added -fapplication-extension to compiler & linker flags, now it works!
Based on strangetimes's answer here a little more detailed answer:
First select your project and then your App Target (not the extension)
Then click on Build Phases, then on the top navigation on Editor,
here select first Add Build Phase and lastly click on Add Copy Files Build Phase.
That's it. Build again using the Widget Simulator and it should work now.

Xcode 6 crashes while submit

I just loaded Xcode 6 GM seed. Now I want to submit an update of my app.
Archiving works so far. But when I click "Submit", as soon as the upload loading bar appears Xcode crashes.
Do I need Yosemite?
I had to download the Application Loader from Apple because Xcode could not find it.
Do I need Yosemite?
No. Mine crashed the same way, so i uploaded my app using Xcode 5.1. It worked fine.
The Application Loader seems the only thing that works right now. Had the same problem, while uploading or even just validating.
Just export via Organizer and Upload via Application Loader helped.
I was faced same problem. Now it works fine.
Solution : Just accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account and resubmit it.
Please Make sure you've accepted all of the new agreements & condition in the Member Center.
To check if you need to, you can go to the preferences -> accounts in XCode, and chose to view details of an account and attempt to refresh button. Here, XCode will warn you that you need to accept new agreements in the Member Center before you can refresh.
or just login to developer account and go to here
I was able to make Xcode work, but I had to go to iTunes connect and start the process there first by going "My Apps" and clicking on the plus sign. Fill in the info and hit save. Then try submitting with Xcode and it should work.
OK. Here's my $0.02.
1) Xcode 6GM crashes every single time for me. I am running 10.9.4. I have no idea how widespread the issue is, but it is 100% repeatable for me. I cannot use Xcode 6 to submit apps for review.
The crash happens during the upload. I have submitted a RADAR report and given crash logs.
2) I was able to submit using the App Loader. Here's how you do that:
2.1) In the Organizer, after you have done the Archive, select the latest archive for submit.
2.2) Instead of "Submit," select "Export."
2.3) Select the first choice (App Store).
2.4) Open the Application Loader.
2.5) Select "Choose."
2.6) Select the .ipa that you just saved in the export.
2.7) That will work. You may get a message teling you that the API file is too big for analysis. I got that for all 9 of the apps I just submitted. In my case, I ignored it.
I think they rewrote the whole application load from scratch, and that Xcode is still buggy as hell.
They had a deadline, and rushed it. It shows.
I expect both the server (Web) component and Xcode to apply patches soon.
In my case, I'm quite annoyed, as I had to rush out a fix for the arbitrary decision they made to change the way that the CLLocationManager works, which broke all my location lookups. The fix is simple, but there will be a period of time when I receive hate mail from the users that upgrade to iOS 8, and the app stops working.
I just installed the official version from the App Store and now everything works fine.
I had the same problem. When XCode crashes during export or submit it means that you have non-valid certificate or provision profile in build settings.
Here is the solution:
Accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account. (Just like Sandeep said)
Go to here to generate new provision profiles, for App Store & AdHoc (Tutorial)
Double click new provision profiles you downloaded to install them, and then XCode will never crash.
The problem is caused by XCode 6.0 does not handle provision profile migration properly. Developers should regenerate provision profiles for XCode 6+, but Xcode 6.0 fails to display this error message properly and crashes. (If you use XCode 6.1 Beta, it will display error messages for you, no crash. Then you will know that the problem is caused by "invalid"=="legacy" provision profile.)
After that, you can submit app and export Ad Hoc distribution for Testflight.

How to install applications on blackberry z10 Simulator for testing

How to install applications to blackberry z10 Simulator,usually in older versions of simulator we used browse from file section -->load java program and load the desired file on simulator, But for BlackBerry Z10 The Simulator can be entirely run on virtualmachines(like vmwareworkstation),
The only way i figured it out is
create an bb sandbox account-->download the desired application from it, any alternative to install bar files/bb z10 files straightaway into simulator of blackberry z10?
I need to install without using eclipse,any ideas?
You'll need to use command line tools to do this without Eclipse. Some of them are listed here, and a complete deployment example is shown here.
You'll need a debug token for your simulator (blackberry-debugtokenrequest), package your app (I think you're already doing it as you're exporting to the sandbox) with blackberry-nativepackager, then deploy with blackberry-deploy.
