How to debug single Nunit test visual studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

How can I debug a specific Nunit test from visual studio? I have multiple TestFixtures in different files. Whenever I run a test it always hits other TestFixture's debug point/exception.

Install nunit test adapter and you can right click inside a unit test method and click debug tests. You can also use the Test Explorer window.


Visual Studio Cannot Scan/Find MSTest Methods

I converted a project with nunit tests, so that it had mstests instead. It compiles, and when I right click on the project, I can select "run unit tests." It works, and the tests execute successfully.
However, I cannot see my tests in either the "Test List Editor" or the "Test View." I've tried:
selecting the "refresh" button in both those lists
rebuilding the solution
re-starting visual studio
Activated background discovery (I do have VS 2010 SP1, and resharper)
None of these, alone or in combination, has worked. What else can be tried, to force Visual Studio fully to recognize these tests?
The answer, I found, is that I must convert a class library to an MsTest project.
Also make sure that your test class is public, I spent almost one day trying to figure out why the MS test frame can't discover my test until I modified the access modifier from the default to public

How to enable Unit test in Visual Studio

In VS2008, when I right click a source file, there is a menu item "Create Unit test", but on another PC w/ VS2005, when I right click, there is no such menu item. How to make the Unit Test in context menu in VS2005? I guess probably some option is not enabled. thanks
VS2005 pro does not have Unit test integrated. see VS 2005 Test Project Not Opening. I guess I need install some test framework like NUnit in VS2005
VS2005 pro does not have Unit test integrated. see VS 2005 Test Project Not Opening. so need install some test framework like NUnit

MSTest -> Why Can't I Debug Using BreakPoints?

I setup breakpoints, then run "Run Tests" in Visual Studio. Why don't MSTest run to my breakpoints?
Choose Debug -> Tests In Current Context (or otherwise)
For Visual Studio 2012 Express, I chose:
TEST -> Debug -> All Tests
When using MSTest via Start external program "mstest" specify the /noisolation option.
I had this problem after upgrading to MSTest V2. I referenced the new nuget packages, removed the existing MSTest reference, but no debugging. I read that I should no longer be using a test settings file, so I removed that; no joy. I finally discovered that clearing out my temp dir did the trick.
In my case it was that I had selected Release build. When I switched to Debug then my breakpoint was hit.
Visual Studio 2022
with msTest, options:
When you are in test method press Ctrl + r, Ctrl + t to debug the current test method.
Go to menu test > debug last run
Go to menu Test > debug all test
Go to menu Test > Test Explorer, when the window test explorer open, right clic over the test method you want > Debug
the problem is that you "run" the test, but you must "debug" the test so you can make use of break points.
Reference about Testing in visual studio

Debugging code that's being tested in Visual Studio 2010

I am having some problems with a given test, that I'd like to debug the code that is being tested, while the test runs.
Is this possible?
If yes, how can I just debug this one test? I can only see options for running or the whole solution, or the whole set of tests in the current context or all impacted tests. I'd like to just run this one test, if possible!
I'm running Visual Studio 2010.
Put a breakpoint in the test and run the test with debug - use the test explorer to select just that test and "run selected".
See this MSDN page (How to: Run Automated Tests from Microsoft Visual Studio).

How to debug mbunit/Gallio unit tests in visual studio

I am trying to figure out how I can hit breakpoints in my unit tests that are written with MbUnit/Gallio. I tried running Gallio.Icarus, attaching vs debugger to it, the breakpoints weren't hit.
Next I tried to start Gallio.Echo from project properties, but I was getting an error message, after supplying the dll, saying only .exe's can be tested.
The unit test runs fine from Gallio.Icarus, however, I am unable to debug them.
Grab Gallio v3.0.6 Update 1. Load up your tests and click on the shiny new "Debug" button in the Icarus GUI itself.
I would use TestDriven.Net for this. It supports MbUnit tests, and you can debug by simply right clicking from within Visual Studio
A much better answer is found here:
gallio test runner plugin to visual studio 2010
The answer is to add the following section to your *.csproj file the after the <ProjectGuid> section section:
; {FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
See Also:
How Does Visual Studio Identiy test projects?
A list of supported VS2010 project types
Second list of GuIDs for supported project types
