How to enable Unit test in Visual Studio - visual-studio

In VS2008, when I right click a source file, there is a menu item "Create Unit test", but on another PC w/ VS2005, when I right click, there is no such menu item. How to make the Unit Test in context menu in VS2005? I guess probably some option is not enabled. thanks
VS2005 pro does not have Unit test integrated. see VS 2005 Test Project Not Opening. I guess I need install some test framework like NUnit in VS2005

VS2005 pro does not have Unit test integrated. see VS 2005 Test Project Not Opening. so need install some test framework like NUnit


An add-for visual studio 2013 that can trigger the run/debug of some google tests

I have a huge visual studio 2013 solution in c++, containing three types of projects : one console project that handles google tests, dll projects, and a static library project for the google test static libraries.
Often when I code and run the all the google tests, some tests happen to fail, and I have to debug them. To do this, I have to run the google test executable with a special option telling just to run the special test I want to debug etc...
After some time, it starts to be boring. That's why I have the following idea : I would like to have, when right-clicking in the middle of a test case, one more line at the end of the window appearing in visual studio 2013 (when I right-click) called for instance "debug this test" that would trigger the debug of this test.
I really didn't know the technology adequate to do this, but digging a bit brought me in the "visual studio 2013 add-ins" field, which is the right technology to achieve want I'd like to do. (To have when right-clicking in the middle of a test case in the c++ code, one more line at the end of the window appearing in visual studio 2013 (when I right-click) called for instance "debug this test" that would trigger the debug of this test.)
Is there any "examples" somewhere that I could inspire myself of ? Or could anyone guide me on the subject ?
Sorry I can't help VS2013 unfortunately. My professional career skipped that one.
However Visual Studio 2015 does give this functionality out of the box.
I'm sure there are some tools that can do this in VS2013, but I don't think its default?
EDIT. Apparently it is there is VS2013 and VS2012?

Visual Studio Cannot Scan/Find MSTest Methods

I converted a project with nunit tests, so that it had mstests instead. It compiles, and when I right click on the project, I can select "run unit tests." It works, and the tests execute successfully.
However, I cannot see my tests in either the "Test List Editor" or the "Test View." I've tried:
selecting the "refresh" button in both those lists
rebuilding the solution
re-starting visual studio
Activated background discovery (I do have VS 2010 SP1, and resharper)
None of these, alone or in combination, has worked. What else can be tried, to force Visual Studio fully to recognize these tests?
The answer, I found, is that I must convert a class library to an MsTest project.
Also make sure that your test class is public, I spent almost one day trying to figure out why the MS test frame can't discover my test until I modified the access modifier from the default to public

Has anyone integrated NUnit with Visual Studio 2010?

Has anyone integrated NUnit with Visual Studio? I'm trying to set up a build pipeline like this one. But, I'm pretty new to .NET and I'm still understanding how things work. There are many resources in the internet on NUnit + VS, and I'm confused.
I'd recommend you to use Resharper.
As some say, "It just works".
Disadvantages/side effects of this choice in your case could be:
1. Resharper is not free;
2. Running unit-tests is minor part of Resharper - it also includes tons of other features, which you maybe do not need for now(but you can disable most of them in setttings).
Free solution is - Visual Nunit 2010 Visual studio extension. Free and does exactly what you want.
How to add NUnit to your project.
I've found this tutorial. Follow it step-by-step, I've found it helpful and complete for .NET novices.
The only difference is that in Running Unit-Tests section for running tests author uses test runner tool that is distributed within NUnit itself, but you can use ReSharper runner as described in JetBrains' docs
I'm using this:
Which works quite well for me. You can access it within VS2010 from View->Other Windows->Visual NUnit
I used TestDriven until it was no longer free, I used Resharper but felt it slowed down my machine too much, I tried the VisualNUnit extension but it appeared to spawn multiple processes of itself that would keep a hold on some of my DLLs, I added NUnit itself as a command under Visual Studio Tools (and also with a toolbar button and some macros in Visual Studio to start the current test and attach) but that cost some effort to set up and didn't feel smooth enough after being spoiled with tools like TestDriven. Eventually I tried NCrunch... I am hooked ever since, and I have even started to favor it over TestDriven! the next tool on my "NUnit bucket list" will be the NUnit extension for Visual Studio 11.
PS: NCrunch should work on your Visual Studio 2010 and the homepage has a very decent demo video.
First download and install the NUnit
Step 1: Open Visual studio
Step 2: Open your project
Step 3: Select Properties from Solution Explorer
Step 4: Select Debug option in the properties window
step 5: select 'Start external program' under the section 'Start Action'
Step 6: Select the path of the NUnit file
Step 7: Save it.
After that when you debug your project NUnit will open.
Setting up Visual C#2010 Express with NUnit
The original and still quite ok test runner.
Test Driven .net
Used to be free, but now costs a small fee unless you're a student or open source developer.
Visual Studio 2011(BETA) is compatible with 2010 and provides test runners out of the box. Refer to Visual Studio 11 Beta Unit Testing – What’s New and Visual Studio 11 Beta - Unit Testing Plugins List. For continuous integration (CI) server U can use TeamCity and also run those test on the server.

Why did my option of creating Coded UI tests disappear?

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. Somehow, in some way, the option of creating new Coded UI tests (right click on test project, select Add New Item, select Coded UI Test) disappeared from VS 2010.
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? If so, how did you fix it?
Everything in Visual Studio related to Coded UI Tests is context specific. For example, you can only find the Coded UI Test Builder link when your cursor is in a class marked [CodedUITest]. Create a new "Test Project" in your solution and see if the Coded UI Test comes back. If so, something happened to your other project file.

How to debug mbunit/Gallio unit tests in visual studio

I am trying to figure out how I can hit breakpoints in my unit tests that are written with MbUnit/Gallio. I tried running Gallio.Icarus, attaching vs debugger to it, the breakpoints weren't hit.
Next I tried to start Gallio.Echo from project properties, but I was getting an error message, after supplying the dll, saying only .exe's can be tested.
The unit test runs fine from Gallio.Icarus, however, I am unable to debug them.
Grab Gallio v3.0.6 Update 1. Load up your tests and click on the shiny new "Debug" button in the Icarus GUI itself.
I would use TestDriven.Net for this. It supports MbUnit tests, and you can debug by simply right clicking from within Visual Studio
A much better answer is found here:
gallio test runner plugin to visual studio 2010
The answer is to add the following section to your *.csproj file the after the <ProjectGuid> section section:
; {FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
See Also:
How Does Visual Studio Identiy test projects?
A list of supported VS2010 project types
Second list of GuIDs for supported project types
