DLL will not build for only one project in Visual Studio 2013 Professional - visual-studio

I am trying to build a project in Visual Studio 2013. There are no errors with the project but it will not build. There are several other projects in the solution and they are all building and push the DLL to the bin/Debug location just fine. This particular project suddenly does not. Any ideas? I have set Copy Local to true and verified the path for which it is supposed to push the DLL and it is bin\Debug.

Double check the following:
Open the Configuration Manager for the solution, verify that "Build" is checked off for the configuration currently being used.
BuildAction property is set to "Compile" for the source code file(s) in the project (look in the properties window when you have the source file selected in the Solution Explorer)


Visual Studio 2015. Files not added to TFS

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 update 3 with TFS hosted at visualstudio.com.
When I add a C# class file to one of my projects in Visual Studio, it's not automatically added to source control. For other projects in the same solution, C# class files are added automatically, as expected.
When I then add the file, manually, in the project with this problem, I get the following question;
I have to confirm to add the file to source control.
There is a similar question (Visual Studio 2015 new files not being added to source control automatically), associated with a "release" branch, which is not the case here (at least I think so - our TFS-project has never been branched)
We've never configured any .tfignore manually.
This started to happen recently and occurs on all development machines, so it's probably not a client machine issue.
I'm clueless, so any help is highly appreciated.
I've discovered that the problem occurs in projects with names ending with ".Lib"
Core (ok)
Core.Lib (files not added automatically)
Communication (Ok)
Communication.Lib (files not added automatically)
I tried to add a test project Test.Lib to my solution. This project was not added to TFS either, but project Test was.
The "lib" extension is the problem. Try renaming the project folder to something else, eg. "CoreLib".
To reproduce this behavior / bug, try the following:
Create a Test directory in a directory controlled by TFS
Create a Test.Lib subdirectory in this directory.
Add a file, test.cs, to Test.Lib. (Test\Test.Lib\test.cs)
In Visual Studio's Source Control Explorer, try adding the new Test directory to source control. You'll see test.cs on the "Excluded items" tab.
The "lib" extension is used by binary files, and these are ignored by Team Explorer by default. I haven't found an official list of filetypes anywhere, but other affected file types are dll, exe, obj and possibly others. You can include these files manually by right-clicking them and selecting "Include".

How to download build files from Visual Studio Online?

I am a newbie in Visual Studio and have my projects deployed on Visual Studio Online. How can I download the successful build files from Visual Studio Online to my machine. Because as far as I know, after successful completion of the build, we can only download logs as zip file.
I know it is a bit late to answer this question, but in case someone still looking for solution, I used this one:
When creating build definition, in "Build Defaults" pane selected "Copy build output to the following Source Control folder".
In textbox I typed "$/[Your project root]/Drops" where [Your project root] is the root name of your project base.
After that I can build with this definition and in "Drops" folder start appearing folders with build results.
I know this old but I just had this problem. Assuming you have a task of "Publish Artifacts". You can click on the result of a build and there will be an Artifacts tab that let you download the folder created in the publish artifacts task mentioned.

Getting directory of current project, and not visual studio plugin

I am currently trying to write a plugin for visual studio that accesses the bin folder of the currently open project in Visual studio. However, all the solutions I have come across simply return the bin folder and directory of the plugin that is I am writing. For example, I have used the method detailed in the article below, which claims to return the current project's directory.
How to Access Bin Folder of Active Project using visual studio 2010 add in
path = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory).Parent.FullName;
Is there anything I am missing on how to make this work?
A Visual Studio project can have several project configurations, each one with a different output build folder that is set in the project properties window, Compile/Build section, Build output path. Furthermore, the output build folder can be absolute or relative to the project folder.
The code of this article gets the absolute output build folder for the active configuration of each project of a solution:
HOWTO: Get the output build folder from a Visual Studio add-in or macro

Team explorer in vs.net 2012 Build failed

I have a vs.net 2012 asp.net c# solution which builds fine. However when I try to Build this trough an automatic build in TFS 2012 it ends with this error:
The message is sort of clear , dlls are not visible for the buildcontroller. The question is what is the path/location the put these dlls in?
The path/location of the dll's doesn't matter as long as
they're added to source control
the folder they're in is mapped in the build definition workspace
the relative path between the project and the dll is not different on the build server
The easiest method is to include them in a subfolder of your solution folder.
A better method is to use NuGet packages with restore on build enabled.

How to find the program i made

I can't find the program i made as in find i mean find without the IDE Visual Studio Express 2010
In visual studio, click on your project in the solution explorer.
You should see the path to your project file (csproj or vbproj).
Open this folder in Windows Explorer, then open bin/debug or bin/release, depending on your build configuration (debug by default).
Look in the bin\debug folder under your project directory.
