How to find the program i made - windows

I can't find the program i made as in find i mean find without the IDE Visual Studio Express 2010

In visual studio, click on your project in the solution explorer.
You should see the path to your project file (csproj or vbproj).
Open this folder in Windows Explorer, then open bin/debug or bin/release, depending on your build configuration (debug by default).

Look in the bin\debug folder under your project directory.


Building a Folder in Visual Studio

I'm working in Visual Studio 2017. I wanted to open a folder of files, so I clicked File -----> Open ------> Folder and selected the folder containing all my files.
When I view the Solution Explorer, I can see all of my programming files. However, I am unable to build my project and run it. Is there any way to build and run a folder in Visual Studio? I've tried selecting the .cpp file that I wanted to build specifically, but there's still no build/debug option.
In fact, under the Debug menu, the F5 Start option is grayed out. Any solutions?
I think you have to create a Visual Studio project first, and then add those files to the project. What you are doing right now is just using VS as an editor and viewer.

DLL will not build for only one project in Visual Studio 2013 Professional

I am trying to build a project in Visual Studio 2013. There are no errors with the project but it will not build. There are several other projects in the solution and they are all building and push the DLL to the bin/Debug location just fine. This particular project suddenly does not. Any ideas? I have set Copy Local to true and verified the path for which it is supposed to push the DLL and it is bin\Debug.
Double check the following:
Open the Configuration Manager for the solution, verify that "Build" is checked off for the configuration currently being used.
BuildAction property is set to "Compile" for the source code file(s) in the project (look in the properties window when you have the source file selected in the Solution Explorer)

Getting directory of current project, and not visual studio plugin

I am currently trying to write a plugin for visual studio that accesses the bin folder of the currently open project in Visual studio. However, all the solutions I have come across simply return the bin folder and directory of the plugin that is I am writing. For example, I have used the method detailed in the article below, which claims to return the current project's directory.
How to Access Bin Folder of Active Project using visual studio 2010 add in
path = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory).Parent.FullName;
Is there anything I am missing on how to make this work?
A Visual Studio project can have several project configurations, each one with a different output build folder that is set in the project properties window, Compile/Build section, Build output path. Furthermore, the output build folder can be absolute or relative to the project folder.
The code of this article gets the absolute output build folder for the active configuration of each project of a solution:
HOWTO: Get the output build folder from a Visual Studio add-in or macro

Visual Studio EnvDTE - Open project folder in file explorer

When you right click a project in visual studio, there is an option "Open folder in File Explorer". How can the same be done from the automation model (EnvDTE) of visual studio? I thought I could use Project.FullName but that didn't work for our auto generated project files that have the .vcxproj file in a different folder than the actual .cpp files.
You can use
to get the correct path.

Visual studio 2010 cannot find executable (after upgrade from 2008)

Today I have upgraded a VS 2008 project to VS 2010 simply by opening the solution file (right click -> open with -> Visual Studio 2010).
I have successfully built the project (debug and release configurations). When I run the project within Visual Studio I get the following weird error:
Notice that \.\? The actual path on my computer is C:\xxxxxx\Application\Debug
What is the cause of path being messed up? And how to fix it? Anyone knows?
BTW. The executable is in \Debug folder and runs fine if I click on it
Language: C++ (MFC)
The Output Directory was hardcoded in VS2008 configuration properties to:
Output directory: .\Debug\.
Intermediate directory: .\Debug\tmp\.
If I change that to $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\ and $(Configuration)\ respectively the output folders are messed up completely: the \Debug folder is full with .sbr files and all the object files are located in \Debug\tmp after I build the solution. Even though when I build (after changing the output configurations) it says successfully built, but it can't find the .exe file
There are several third party libs but I don't see how that would affect it in any way.
VS 2010 apparently handles the project configurations differently than VS 2008. Having the output path hardcoded in the 2008 configurations caused confusions for 2010. I have replaced the hardcoded paths with VS defaults (using variables instead) and the problem was solved
