How to download build files from Visual Studio Online? - visual-studio

I am a newbie in Visual Studio and have my projects deployed on Visual Studio Online. How can I download the successful build files from Visual Studio Online to my machine. Because as far as I know, after successful completion of the build, we can only download logs as zip file.

I know it is a bit late to answer this question, but in case someone still looking for solution, I used this one:
When creating build definition, in "Build Defaults" pane selected "Copy build output to the following Source Control folder".
In textbox I typed "$/[Your project root]/Drops" where [Your project root] is the root name of your project base.
After that I can build with this definition and in "Drops" folder start appearing folders with build results.

I know this old but I just had this problem. Assuming you have a task of "Publish Artifacts". You can click on the result of a build and there will be an Artifacts tab that let you download the folder created in the publish artifacts task mentioned.


How does "Publish" in Visual Studio Work?

I am wondering how does Publish in Visual Studio work, the question is:
Does the Publish in VS gets the code in the control-version to be built and published or does it get the code in local-machine to be built and published?
How does Publish in Visual Studio Work?
In simple terms, Publishing creates the set of files that are needed to run your application, and you can deploy the files by copying them to a target machine.
See How Web Publishing In Visual Studio Works for some more details.
Now, we need to figure out the question "Does the Publish in VS gets the code in the control-version to be built and published or does it get the code in local-machine to be built and published?".
To figure out the question, we need to change the "MSBuild project build output verbosity" to "Detailed". Do this by Tools -> Options...->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run. Set the MSBuild project build output verbosity level to Detailed. Then publish our project and check the log on the Output window, you will find Visual Studio copy the files from obj folder instead of the source code in the project file when you publishing project:
So, Publish code should come from local-machine to be built and published.

Creation of Release Build Failed in UWP

I am trying to build a UWP project in Release. But i am not able to create the build and I am getting an error could not copy the file "C:\Users\kumara krishnan\.nuget\packages\System.Private.Uri\4.0.0\runtimes\win8-aot\lib\netcore50\System.Private.Uri.dll" because it was not found. Also I am able to build and deploy when i keep it in debug mode. How to fix this issue?
It seems there is something wrong with your .nuget environment. You can try following steps to fix it.
Firstly delete the whole System.Private.Uri folder under C:\Users\kumara krishnan\.nuget\packages\.
Then in Visual Studio, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the "NuGet Package Manager" node and make sure you have checked "Allow NuGet to download missing packages" and "Automatically check for missing package during build in Visual Studio".
After this, you can just rebuild your project and Visual Studio will automatically restore the NuGet packages your project used and download whole "System.Private.Uri" files.
You can also create a blank app and create a new instance of Uri without adding other references manually to check your environment.

DLL will not build for only one project in Visual Studio 2013 Professional

I am trying to build a project in Visual Studio 2013. There are no errors with the project but it will not build. There are several other projects in the solution and they are all building and push the DLL to the bin/Debug location just fine. This particular project suddenly does not. Any ideas? I have set Copy Local to true and verified the path for which it is supposed to push the DLL and it is bin\Debug.
Double check the following:
Open the Configuration Manager for the solution, verify that "Build" is checked off for the configuration currently being used.
BuildAction property is set to "Compile" for the source code file(s) in the project (look in the properties window when you have the source file selected in the Solution Explorer)

Visual Studio 2012 Business Intelligence SSIS packages missing

I have Visual Studio 2012 solution with multiple BI projects. One of the SSIS projects do not show all the ssis packages in the Solution Explorer (checked in by another teammember). But the missing files are in the TFS (Source Control Explorer) and are visible in the physical folder.
I tried "Show all files" did not work.
I tried adding the file again but the project does not allow that saying "file with same name exists".
Any idea what is going on here
The authoritative source of what's in a project is going to be the ProjectName.dtproj file.
Inside of that will be entries for the packages that comprise the project. For a non-package deployment model, it's trivial to edit the file by hand and make your stuff show up.
It's way too much effort to do that by hand for a 2012+ project deployment model. Open the Project in Visual Studio (ssdt/bids) and right click on the project. Click Add Existing Item (not add package) and then click the "missing" package. Check your .dtproj file in and all is right with the world.
I had the same issue in 2020, I managed to solve it by building the solution.
On the menu select Build-> Build Solution OR Ctrl+Shift+B

Outlook Add-ins manifest and Installer folder VSTO

I'm developing an outlook addins vsto using visual studio 2010,
When I publish my project I found a new install folder inside "Application Files\MyAddin_version\Installer\MyAddin.exe.deply"
This is a new file with the deploy, before I was able to deploy without this file.
My question, what setting in my build generate this file?
The problem every time I build my project now I found in the manifest file the new entry:
I'm pretty sure the entry was not found in the old builds, I didn't change the code, but I was trying to change the build and publish, switching between local publish and UNC and http.
(Need to remove this new entry, don't need it every time i build, it causes problem.)
Many Thanks
Sorry it was a bug in my solution, some files were marked as content in the build actions.
