SMTP localhost unable to send emails to local domain but send to external domains works? - windows

We have set up an SMTP server using IIS Manager 6. The website is managed through IIS7. It will send emails to any external email address, but emails to our own domain never leave the queue! We verified that we are able to perform an NSLookup of our own domain from that box, and we can.
Has anyone ever seen this problem before? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Just for anyone's knowledge: It ended up being a messed-up MX record someone set up a long time ago.


Run IIS SMTP without HTTP as a Service [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to Programatically Start IIS 6.0 SMTP Virtual Server?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
got a little problem im not entirely sure how to solve. (am not that experienced with Windows servers)
We currently use good old Apache (+ PHP) for HTTP hosting but we also needed an SMTP server and the obvious choice was the IIS SMTP server, now id like to have the SMTP server running as a service to have it start on system startup.
Problem is that as far as i can tell both IIS SMTP and IIS HTTP run under the same service (WWW-Publishing).
But of course i dont actually want to use IIS HTTP and rather use Apache, so i disabled the service for now and started the SMTP server manually...
How would i set up a service to only start the SMTP server?
Maybe some more experienced Windows Devs / Admins can help me out?
Thanks ^^
Alright I found a solution!
Randomly got an Idea right after i posted the question, but oh well thats rubber ducking for you.
The IIS SMTP Server can be easely controlled by using Powershell.

Exchange mail working on iPhone but not Mac

I have my work email set up on an iPhone using the instructions given to me by my IT department. It works a treat.
I'd really like to be able to use in on my Mac. I have webmail (owa) access but it's a terrible webmail client. I use Airmail as my email client.
I've been reading online and I understand there are different issues with accessing Exchange email from a Mac, but I'm hoping they are surmountable.
The info from my IT people for iOS set up includes
My username
My password
A server -
A domain -
I don't seem to be able to make any combination of these work for mac email setup.
Is there a solution?
Try to enter username with the domain:
If nothing works, maybe you can ask your IT dept for help?
Also, your server administrator should check that EWS protocol is enabled for your mailbox (most MacOS clients works through this protocol)

Magento order emails not sending

When people place an order on my online store I am not receiving a notification email. The customer isn't receiving order emails either.
I am able to send emails to customers (their order details, password updates, etc.) manually, but we're not receiving any order notifications automatically.
Under Sales Emails, I have my email address (same domain as store url), and copy method separate email. I've done this for all sales emails. All other sending options are default (disable email communications: no, host: localhost, port: 25, set return path: no).
If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them :)
Thanks in advance,
Mail Sending Settings:
host: localhost
host may vary from one server to other server sometimes, check whether your host is localhost or any other. My server is not using localhost.
Compilation may be enabled in your server. So your settings will not be affected untill you run the compilation after made any changes in your server. You may check the mail issues after disable compilation.
If all fine and mail still not working, then you can try this free extension CheetahSender.
First you need to check with php mail at your server i am sure that your server mail is disabled or somehow its not working.. so check it by simple mail function of php at root directory and then after check with magento..
You probably did not install the sendmail in your server. Type:
sudo apt-get install sendmail
If all other emails are working then check with cron job. in magento 1.9 its based on cron job. so you can trace through..

Finding contents of failed email sent from VBSCRIPT on Windows Server 2008

I made a dumb mistake and am hoping someone is smart enough to help me out of it :)
Using CDOSYS to send email from VBSCRIPT on an old web site. Switched servers; new host requires using a specific IP address for outgoing mail server. My previous host required simply "localhost" I failed to change that for a particular page. Analytics show me the form was submitted and, you guessed it, I would really like to have the contents of that failed email.
It never registered within SmarterMail, so it isn't in the logs there... Could at least part of the info be stored away in a log file somewhere? I was able to access the site logs and determine the IP address of the user that completed the form if that helps.
Thanks for taking the time and for any ideas!
It is possible it's in the local SMTP server's "badmail" folder. If it's not there, you're out of luck.

Windows server 2008 SMTP service using for website

I am working on .net applicaton that need to send emails to clients. I am trying to figure out what would be that best solution to send emails. Here is what i have considered. Could you please suggest what would be the best way to go for?
1>Windows server 2008 in built smtp
2>Exchange server hosted in our
3>Use google apps for sending
emails(Basically same as gmail like
for custom domain).
I have explored all options and below are findings.
1>I think would be way to go. Also
supports drop in directory to send
emails so can achieve disconnected
email activity.
2>Application would be tied up with
availability of exchange server and
we dont have any exchange server
support personal. Only developers
poke around in exchange server and
got it working. So if option 1 is as
good as 2 then would like to go with 1.
Is there any drop in directory feature in exchange server like 1?
3>Tried gmail smtp stuff didnt
work. I was receiving timeout error.
Also there is no guarantee that
gmail will send our mail
reliability. They can decide anytime
to stop sending our mails as we are
using free standard version of
google apps.
Other questions:
I installed smtp service in windows server 2008. Now to use this do i need to change any MX record and anything? What i need to do so it can send email using my domain name. Or it can send email for any domain?
I would use a hybrid of 1 and 2. Use local SMTP, but have it relay to your exchange server. Emails will queue if it can't relay to exchange and you have one server(s) that handle all of your outgoing/incoming mail. This support doc explains this setup:
You only need an MX record if you'll be receiving mail from that domain too.
I would also put in a reverse DNS entry for your domain, which will help with spam detection.
