Run IIS SMTP without HTTP as a Service [duplicate] - windows

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How to Programatically Start IIS 6.0 SMTP Virtual Server?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
got a little problem im not entirely sure how to solve. (am not that experienced with Windows servers)
We currently use good old Apache (+ PHP) for HTTP hosting but we also needed an SMTP server and the obvious choice was the IIS SMTP server, now id like to have the SMTP server running as a service to have it start on system startup.
Problem is that as far as i can tell both IIS SMTP and IIS HTTP run under the same service (WWW-Publishing).
But of course i dont actually want to use IIS HTTP and rather use Apache, so i disabled the service for now and started the SMTP server manually...
How would i set up a service to only start the SMTP server?
Maybe some more experienced Windows Devs / Admins can help me out?
Thanks ^^

Alright I found a solution!
Randomly got an Idea right after i posted the question, but oh well thats rubber ducking for you.
The IIS SMTP Server can be easely controlled by using Powershell.


How to find proxy server and password from .pac file

I am using dynatrace ajax edition and it requires an proxy server and password to connect to dynatrace server.
The problem is I ONLY have the .pac file URL that we use at work.
Is it possible to know which proxy server and port my requests resolve to so that I can provide the proxy server name and password directly?
I have checked few links in the stackoverflow community but they do not seem to answer this question.
Like: How to discover de proxy used in a pac
I am using an windows 7 64 bit system with IE8.
After trolling through some more google search results,
This nifty tool helped me perfectly
Please note that I was on a 64 bit windows 7 machine, still it worked fine.
Hit the URL in the address bar of the browser. It should download the file. Open the file with any text editor. Looking at the content of the file, you can easily find out the proxy IP/port being used. This worked for me. Hope it helps others too.
To find your Web Proxy, simply go to:
This web page will display information about your proxy server.

SMTP local server in windows 7? (running IIS7)

I'm trying to send a mail via python code via local SMTP server (localhost, port 25) in Windows 7 Enterprise edition. I'm obviously getting the irritating
[Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
message, because I don't have any SMTP server installed. Because of Microsofts' ambigious documentation I thought that I can use the Server manager tool to install the local SMTP service, only to discover that it doesn't work on Windows 7.
I've read here in other threads that Windows 7 does not include the SMTP service anymore, so it doesn't have a local SMTP server. All threads directed the questioners to other, 3rd party SMTP services. The question is: is there any other way of configuring a local SMTP server yet? Or is it still an open issue, and I have no choice but to use a 3rd party software?
This response is a little late, but might help the next person...
No, Windows 7 does not come with an SMTP server. Supposedly Remote Server Administration tools includes an SMTP server, but according to this link, it does not work.
Some options for sending email from a Windows 7 machine are:
For development purposes, I like smtp4dev It is open source and emulates a SMTP server. However instead of actually sending the email, it keeps in in an app on the system tray. Great for making sure you don't accidentally SPAM your users.
If you are planning to send emails out for real, I would advise using a SMTP server with a static IP address as most spam filters dislike dynamic addresses and will block the email.
I have not used it, but if you must send email from your local Windows machine and am not worried about SPAM filters, Free SMTP Server from seems pretty popular.
[Edited link to new code repository]

Teamcity ERROR MESSAGE for Server Url?

I am setup teamcity on my windows 7 laptop. I can connect to it on the server with the windows tray notifier. When I try to connect to it from another machine, i get the "Server URL IS INVALID ERROR? Please Help!
Your Windows 7 laptop probably doesn't allow incoming traffic to TeamCity from other machines. You can use the Windows Firewall configuration to allow it.
Also, isn't this the same question as this one:
Also, this may get better reception on SuperUser!

Good SMTP server on Windows for a production server [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm going to have my website hosted soon on a VPS or dedicated server (with Windows 2008), so I'm trying to plan ahead. I wonder whether the built-in SMTP server that comes with IIS7 is reliable enough for a production server or should I look for an alternative? I heard good things about hmailserver and best of all it's free, do you have any experience with using the bulit-in SMTP on a high traffic website.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions
I hit this thread via Google but I was looking for an outbound only SMTP server for transactional emails (customer registration confirmation etc. but not marketing), then some things I discovered are:
SMTP does still exist in Windows Server 2008.
Server Manager > Features (not Roles) > Right-click, Add > SMTP Server - then Configure IIS 7 SMTP to point to the local server.
Then use the Framework to do the business:
Jango have a paid for but cheap enough service for exactly this kind of thing. The Free account only allows 200/month but might be useful for some folk.
Good luck!
I blogged about setting up the original MS SMTP Server on Windows Server 2008.
hMailServer. Free and open source.
At work, we used to use the SMTP server in IIS 6.0 for years and it was perfectly fine.
Eventually, we just simply didn't want all the issues that come with running your SMTP server so we mapped our MX records to a third-party service and moved on with our lives.
It's not actually that bad an idea to map your MX records to a third-party provider, like Google. It's one service less to configure and one service less to patch.
This is an old post but I thought I'd make a recommendation since this does seem to come up frequently.
In my opinion you should try to avoid running mail on your VPS/Dedicated Server if you can. It's one more thing to manage and one more headache. My recommendation would be that use a 3rd party service like that will allow you to relay mail through them. This way you won't have to worry about your new server getting blacklisted or being seen as having a low reputation score and your messages not making it out of the user's spam box. The other issue is that when you setup your mail server, you need to secure it and you need to make sure it's got a reverse DNS entries, many providers won't provide that and/or they'll recycle IP addresses so that the IP address of your server actually has a poor reputation.
What about xmailserver (as suggested in this SO question) ?
It is free, and for Windows or linux (should you migrate on a linux server platform)
Being on windows, your best choice will probably be IIS.
If it was Linux, I'd suggest postfix.
you haven't mentioned if you are needing to receive mail, or just to send it.
One of the best all around solutions for a windows mail server is IpSwitch's iMail (, but it costs.
If you mainly need to send mail, then your best bet is to use an upstream smtp server.
IIS smtp services are, in general, not useful. If you use Exchange, it gets a bit better, but still not very efficient, and not the most secure by any means.
Maybe sending it via gmail is a good one :P
Ok serious. IIS7 seems I heard to have some decent improvement. If that's not doing it, I guess you could try free stuff like mailenable.
(No I can't find the evidence on the improvement on IIS SMTP, people who know about this please comment)
Long term you might end up split it to a linux based smtp though, that gives you some flexibility on server farming if it goes too insane.
And if its for any kind of mass mailing that might trigger spam server blocking, don't ever try to host it together with your other important stuff- you want to keep yourself have a back step if your server gets blocked.

Is an SSH tunnel through Citrix Client possible?

I know it is not strictly a programmer question, on the other hand, I would really like to be able to do a simple svn up on the production servers, which would save us a lot of hassle.
Or production servers are within a corporate network, and access is only allowed through a gateway server. From that we can access the actual servers via Remote Desktop. Because of this maintenance unfriendly setup we use a sftp server to get our files to the production server (where the ftp server alwys resets last modified date), so it is complicated to determine which files have changed.
So if it would be possible to setup a ssh tunnel from the actual server through the citrix connection, it would ease the whole update process.
(On further option which I consider is to use bazaar to push our updates to the sftp server and then pull the updates from there, but unfortunately there is no working svn plugin for bazaar available [on windows])
Okay, not wanting this to remain unsolved, I posted the following on the usenet in alt.os.citrix:
G'day everyone
Someone asked me this question. I haven't a clue. Any ideas?
"the connection I have is PC -> Citrix Access Gateway -> actual Server. My question is, if it is possible to establish a ssh connection from my PC to the actual Server."
The response I got from a Catherine Jefferson was:
Should be. I do this all the time using an Access Gateway VPN, then ssh to servers inside the company LAN.
What version of the Access Gateway is this user running? I work for Citrix, might be able to get a more specific answer for him or her.
So may I suggest you hook into alt.os.citrix (probably via Google Groups if you don't have an NNTP tool) and buy into the conversation.
I do this a lot. The tunnel is like:
ssh -nvCXAN -L 1494: &
Then, you need an ICA file that points to localhost.
Connection To Citrix Server=
[Connection To Citrix Server]
WinStationDriver=ICA 3.0
Password=xxxxxxxxx ; has to be encrypted. I pulled from another ICA file generated internally
This all worked very fine on OSX until Citrix gave out a new version of the Citrix client which is now called the Citrix Online Plugin. Haven't been able to get it to work since then. Meanwhile, our VPN has been working fine, so haven't worried too much about it.
Citrix over SSH, How to Create a Key Pair for SSH Authentication Using PuTTYgen, Terminals. It seems that the answers are "out there" but not readily found. That was just five minutes in Google. HTH.
