Exchange mail working on iPhone but not Mac - exchange-server

I have my work email set up on an iPhone using the instructions given to me by my IT department. It works a treat.
I'd really like to be able to use in on my Mac. I have webmail (owa) access but it's a terrible webmail client. I use Airmail as my email client.
I've been reading online and I understand there are different issues with accessing Exchange email from a Mac, but I'm hoping they are surmountable.
The info from my IT people for iOS set up includes
My username
My password
A server -
A domain -
I don't seem to be able to make any combination of these work for mac email setup.
Is there a solution?

Try to enter username with the domain:
If nothing works, maybe you can ask your IT dept for help?
Also, your server administrator should check that EWS protocol is enabled for your mailbox (most MacOS clients works through this protocol)


xampp emailing function (google smtp no longer works)

while looking at past questions, it seems like if I wanted to mail from localhost I would be able to use a gmail account through google's smtp service. However as of may 2022 it is no longer possible for external apps to use my google account: 1
Seemed like all information online was focused on using google's smtp on xampp, so I was wondering if anyone had a updated method they used for emailing from localhost?
Thanks in advance!

Kerberos: ok-as-delegate missing from ticket on OS X

I work as a React Developer for a company that chose to use IIS and SQL as their backend. The API calls don't use JWT but rather use Kerberos tickets.
This already presents an issue that I have to run chrome with --auth-server-whitelist="*" in order to get a ticket from kerberos at all. However, I am still unable to make API calls.
The best we can tell is my kerberos ticket (which can be viewed by issuing klist to terminal. The only difference between one that works on a PC and mine is that theirs has the ok-as-delegate flag and mine does not.
Surely there is a configuration issue on the backend or with IIS preventing my ticket from attaining this flag? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sent Email process not working

I have a question about my application built in Oracle APEX 4.2. This application has a process to send emails (when a user changes his password or requests a password reset).
When I run this application online on my "" account, it runs fine. But when I run it on my home computer (running Windows 7), the email process doesn't work. Probably it is because my home server is not an email server.
Can someone please help me so that my home computer is able to send emails via my above mentioned application?
Thanks in advance.
you have several options:
Configure a local SMTP server so it can be use by APEX and send emails.
Connect to a remote server - like Google - and sends emails that way (you have to open a new account and connect with that and also there's some certificate problems,
Use htmldb_mail package (I haven't tried this one)
In the first options you need to construct a procedure that does all the work for you.
You can use one of this:
Important: keep in my that you're going to encounter permission issues with the UTL packages (grant execute on UTL_XXX to USER) and algo, if you're are working on 11g you need to create an ACL

Xcode Bots not sending email on success/failure

I setup Xcode Bots, which is working successfully. However, despite setting email addresses to get notified when a build is successful or it fails, I do not receive any emails. Is there any additional SMTP setup I need to do hidden somewhere?
You probably need to configure the Mac OSX Server for sending e-mail.
The local server is located in the Server application under "Mail" in the left sidebar.
I recently changed to using Amazon SES and had to edit the Postfix SASL configuration manually. Edit SASL password file, run postmap, enable SASL/TLS in configuration file and finally restart Postfix.
This detailed description by Rojas helped me:
I recently was tasked with doing the same thing, setting up OSX Server for sending e-mail. What worked for me was setting up the postfix configuration manually as well but the link in the previous answer wasn't effective for me. what was effective was following this tutorial
and there's also a follow up that shows details to what needs to change to get it to work on Mavericks and newer

Windows server 2008 SMTP service using for website

I am working on .net applicaton that need to send emails to clients. I am trying to figure out what would be that best solution to send emails. Here is what i have considered. Could you please suggest what would be the best way to go for?
1>Windows server 2008 in built smtp
2>Exchange server hosted in our
3>Use google apps for sending
emails(Basically same as gmail like
for custom domain).
I have explored all options and below are findings.
1>I think would be way to go. Also
supports drop in directory to send
emails so can achieve disconnected
email activity.
2>Application would be tied up with
availability of exchange server and
we dont have any exchange server
support personal. Only developers
poke around in exchange server and
got it working. So if option 1 is as
good as 2 then would like to go with 1.
Is there any drop in directory feature in exchange server like 1?
3>Tried gmail smtp stuff didnt
work. I was receiving timeout error.
Also there is no guarantee that
gmail will send our mail
reliability. They can decide anytime
to stop sending our mails as we are
using free standard version of
google apps.
Other questions:
I installed smtp service in windows server 2008. Now to use this do i need to change any MX record and anything? What i need to do so it can send email using my domain name. Or it can send email for any domain?
I would use a hybrid of 1 and 2. Use local SMTP, but have it relay to your exchange server. Emails will queue if it can't relay to exchange and you have one server(s) that handle all of your outgoing/incoming mail. This support doc explains this setup:
You only need an MX record if you'll be receiving mail from that domain too.
I would also put in a reverse DNS entry for your domain, which will help with spam detection.
